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Top Tear Gays 😜😍:

Tae: Hi my babies 🥺

Yoon: What's wrong ?
Yoon:JEON JUNGKOOK so help me god I will chop off your toes and feed them to Yeontan

Tae: Mcsqueeze me bitch....you will not be feeding my doggie jungkook's toes 🥺🥺

Tae: Either way I'm fine 🥺

Jimin: You only use that emoji when you're sad...sad Tae is bad Tae and we all know you like to be "GoOdBoY"
Jimin: So talk ya shit sis 💅🏻

Tae: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺norrr🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: Why is Min SUgaR texting me talking about chopping off my dick and feeding it to Yeontan

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: ^^^Baby what's wronggg ☹️

Tae:  No one is feeding kookie's body parts to yeontan. Don't make me get him to beat y'all asses.

Tae: daddy?

Jimin: yes

Yoon: WHAT

Jimin: whaaa huhhh??!?

Krunchie Kookie ❤️:  Jimin don't get yourself beat up. Yes baby

Tae: Do you love me? 🥺🥺

Jin: Plz don't be gay in the chat

Joon: I-  aren't we....🙂 ok

Krunchie Kookie ❤️:  of course I do. Jin you're in trouble now.

Jin: oh well shiver me timbers I'm shaking in my boots fuck he gonna do....punish me? 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: oh but we're the ones that's gay ?! :)))

Tae: 🥺🥺

Krunchie Kookie❤️: sorry baby back to u.... I love you...what's wrong??

Yoon: oh shut the fuck up...We all have a little bit of gay with our breakfast now wtf is wrong with Tae ??

Tae: I'm just so.....

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: sad? Hurt? Who hurt you?!?

Tae: ☹️🥺 norrr .... no one hurt me but a part of me is hurting 🥺🥺

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: what is it?

Tae: I'm..........so..........so..........so............
hungry plz bring me food 🥺

Yoon: R u fucking kidding me right now?

Joon:  Jin sweetheart ....Today is not the day for games .

Jin: ☹️

Tae: *my stomach growls*

Krunchie Kookie ❤️: don't worry me like that....I'm Omw ❤️❤️

Tae: He loves me guyyysss 🥰🥰

Jimin: We know now stfu

Tae: Sheesh tough crowd...bye bitches 💅🏻

I need some quarantine buddies 🥺 If I'm gonna be stuck in the house I should still try and be social

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