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"KOOkkk....I think it's might be time shhhhh..." Taehyungs words slurred. 

"For you to go to sleep, yes. I'm nev-" 

"NOO no no we need to fuck it's only right ya know..it's only right BABIIII"     

"I would love to but you're drunk so it's not going to happen." 

"Shut up and take off you're glasses." 

"I'm not wearing glasses Taehyung." 

"Oh yeahh, well YOUr hair is nice so take that off so I can have it." Tae reached forward and began pulling at Jungkook's hair.

"Ouch, Tae Relax. I have to get you home." 

"We're not going home until I get this fucking wig off. Fuck you do melt it on." Taehyung pulled harder. 

"OUCH, sto-"

Taehyung let go of his hold. "I'll get it off when we get ho- ouuuu Whoo's that." He walked up to a car window and looked into the dark glass. "Hey, sexy can I buy you a Pepsi?" He said to his reflection. 

"Come on... That's your reflection."


"You are never going to a bar without me again." Jungkook said. 

"I won't do anything too bad. DRUNKNESS is my BITch...not your bitch though because last time you fucked Jimin." 

Jungkook stayed quiet as he pulled Taehyung to his parked car. 

"Ohh shit I have an idea...maybe you should get drunk too and then we can fu-"

"Taehyung shhhh" 

"Don't shush me, you shush, you shushhhh." 

"Come on baby get in the car." 

"Ouuu a car ride..." Taehyung said laying across the back seat. "Maybe we can go to the bar. I want to get drunk." 

"You already are dru-"

"Hold that thought " Taehyung said putting up his finger and then throwing up all over the seats. 

"Shit! Tae" Jungkook groaned  "You're going to clean that up in the morning." 

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