17. The Curse of Malvolia

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Vlad walked along the path towards the tower, beside the path was a sea of blue flowers. But at this moment, it wasn't what Vlad was concentrating on. His mind was focused on the man in front of him, his ear listening to the gentle steps that was made.

When they reached the door, Eanred held out his hands and placed it on the door. Beams of light flowed and the door opened. Eanred turned around and smiled, "Welcome again."

Vlad raised his lips and came in. As he stepped in, he drew in the sight of the magnificent tower. The tower was made of gold be it the ground, wall, or even stones. As long as they were inside the tower, it will be gold.

Together, Vlad and Eanred went to the tallest tower. High above, where only the sky was, they sat down.

"You still want to listen?" Eanred raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm really interested." Vlad answered strongly.

In his previous world, the game didn't specify 'the tower' or 'Eanred'. It was only based on the main protagonist. This curse that Eanred has... he had heard of it through the protagonist.

The curse is called 'The Curse of Malvolia'. In the game, there is a flower called Malvolia. By inhaling the scent of the flower, people can be entranced and enter a dream. The dream shows what your heart truly desire—and almost nobody can break the enchantment. They would die in their most desired dream.

Although it has such deadly enchantment, many people wants to have the flower due to its uses. The flower itself has many uses such as 'The Curse of Malvolia.'

The curse of Malvolia is a curse that makes its host carry the same enchantment the flower has. It can enchant beings, calm others, and lastly, it can control other beings to a certain extent. In other words, you'd be able to seduce beings and attract everyone naturally.

However, the curse was very rare to have. Only one in a million could have this curse due to one thing: their body cannot handle the effects as the curse feeds on their life energy. Slowly, but surely.

In the game, they didn't describe how the curse was forced on the body. Vlad is here to know two things. Number one: how the curse is made, and number two: how to get the flower.

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