27. The Outcast

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The room fell into a terrifying silence. The look on the three people's faces was forbidding, with their eyebrows stretched together and lips thinning at the thought of something unknown. Vlad looked at them one by one, and the calmest one was the king. Only he had his eyebrows drawn together. As for the other two, they weren't faring as well, especially Lucretia.

The leader of the fox clan had cold sweat upon his forehead, his face a bit pale. Being the leader, he still can restrain some of his fears and reveal a calm demeanour externally. However, Lucretia on the other hand, was struggling to even stand on her own.

Vlad frowned upon seeing her trembling body and the terror that glazed her eyes. He wondered, just who are these wanderers? Filled with many questions, Vlad asked, "Who are the wanderers of the south?"

For these past months, Vlad has studied some histories as well as knowledge regarding the current world, but has never heard of these specific beings. He may not have the best knowledge, but he certainly knew all the things he should know. This either means that these names should not be spoken lightly, or that he was deliberately kept unknown from them-- perhaps even both.

The king stayed silent for a moment. Opening and closing his mouth without speaking before finally surrendering. "They are the outcast." He said shortly, hoping to satisfy Vlad's curiosity.

Unfortunately for him, Vlad wasn't satisfied. He knew there were more to the story. Lifting his head towards the king, Vlad pleaded with his puppy eyes. "Please tell me?"

The king looked at Vlad's glittering red eyes and couldn't help but sigh. This boy was too sly, using this sort of trick. But... it works.

"As you know by now, there are seven races as well as seven kingdoms. However, that's not all. Outside of the seven kingdoms is a place known as Haemon. It is a place filled with the outcasts and the dark beings. Since the beginning of time, Haemon has always been a place of darkness. No one goes there, and no one leaves out of it alive. Things began to change when the seven chosen ones began to disappear. The dark beings of Haemon came to have intelligence and a mind of their own. They began devouring and attacking the seven kingdoms, as if they were controlled by someone. Each time they devour and feed on the beings, they get stronger to the point where only the legendary beings were able to fight them. A war soon broke out, it was called 'Agrona', the same war that took out many, if not all, legendary beings........"

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