The Fight

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Chapter 7
Nicki's pov
We had a show so I was getting ready in the dressing room. I was choosing an outfit. I put on fishnet stockings, a skirt, and a leather black corset. I was putting on my makeup when Chris walked in. "Hey baby," He said.

"Hi babe." I said. I kissed him and I pulled away. I finished doing my makeup and turned towards him. "How do I look?"

"Sexy as hell bae," He said. I smiled and put my heels on. They called me and I went on stage. I sang Fly, Your Love, Save Me, Starships. Then Drake came out and we sang Moment 4 Life. We didn't go near each other. He went backstage and I was still performing. After I stopped I turned to the crowd. "Now I know that are rumors that me, and Drake are together. But we aren't anymore. I also wanted to tell you guys that I'm sorry because the worst thing happened to me. I lost one of the babies Drake got me pregnant with,"

"YOU FUCKING WHORE HOW CAN YOU DO THIS ME!!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO OUR BABIES!!!! I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!!!!" Drake said. The security guard pulled him back stage.

"Um here's Chris Brown." I said walking off the stage. I went backstage. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?"

"What the hell do you mean how am I the bad guy when had you a miscarriage." Drake said.


"Nicki," He said.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!" I yelled. I grabbed a glass bottle at him. He fell hard to the floor. I went to my dressing room and changed.

Drake's pov
I woke up and someone was stitching my head up. "What happened?" I asked.

"Nicki threw a glass bottle at you." Chris said.

"Oh," I said. They were taking the pieces of glass out of my head. Then they stitched me up.

"Look man I know you Nicki and all but you fucking embarrassed on national television do you know how frustrating that is?" He said. "What if she did that to you? If you love her so much why did you do that then? Look I gotta go but you better apologize to her." He walked out of the room.

Nicki's pov
"Is he awake?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said. "Let's go there's no point going in there." I went in his room.

"Nicki I'm so sorry." Drake said.

"No I'm so sorry because I fucking love you to death and I don't know why you would keep hurting me. I fucking forgive you Drake." I said feeling a tear come out of my eye. "We were happy but you fucked it up. But I'm sorry for whatever I did that may have hurt you. I'm fucking so grateful because it made me a better person. You hurt me the most and I'm thankful for it. I fucking love you Drake. So just fucking come home." He sat not saying anything. I was with tears streaming down my face. I felt my heartbeat, and the babies kicking hard. "Just say something."

"I," He said.

"Drake the only person you have to forgive is yourself to move the fuck on. Yes it's your fault but don't let that stop you from doing anything." I said. I kissed him and he kissed back. We kissed like we used. Then I pulled away. I leaves the room and went in the car with Chris. We left the hospital and went to my house. I was asleep. I had a dream.
Drake was on top of me kissing me. He went lower. I grabbed the bed sheets. He came up from under the blanket. He started kissing my neck. Drake went in I kissed him.
*End Of Dream*
I woke up gasping for air. I sat up. I knew I wanted him. I fell back to sleep. I had another dream about Drake.

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