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Chapter 13
Nicki's pov
I called Mitchell. I went outside. "Hey girl." He said. Mitchell's gay.

"Hey." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can I come over?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. I silently got up and leaved on my Ducati.
(Just a side note she's like 3 or 4 months pregnant: and a Ducati is a motorcycle) I was wearing a tight black motorcycle suit, and a black helmet. When I pulled up to his house I took the key out. I sat up and put the kick stand on it. I got up and knocked on the door. He answered it and screamed,"NICKI!!!!"

"MITCHELL!!" I yelled. We both hugged each other and jumped up and down like teenage girls. I took my jacket and stomach showed. We sat in the living room. When he saw my stomach he said,"You big slut who is he?"

I laughed smiling, "Drake."

"Good for you." He said. I was sort of crying. "What why are you crying?"

"You don't get it Mitch." I said.

"What happened just tell me." He said.

"It's a long story." I said.

"I got time." He said.

"Well me and Drake had a fling and obviously I got pregnant with triplets. But I lost one. Then Drake was my bae." I said.

"What do you mean was?" Mitch asked.

"He cheated on me. I broke with and went to Chris." I said.

"What?!?" He said.

"He's my ex or at least was," I said. "Drake proposed to me on the Wendy Williams show. I rejected him and I told my fans about the miscarriage on stage. Drake flipped the hell out. But I fucked him up back stage."

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I threw a glass bottle at his head." I said. "And then that night I kinda had a sex dream about him."

"Are you freaking serious?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Well was it at least good?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What? I wasn't the one who had a dream about him,"

"Mitch!!" I said punching him in the arm.

"Ow that hurt." He said rubbing his arm. "Anyway continue,"

"So I hung out with Trey that night because Chris was in Italy." I said.

"How is Trey anyway? I like haven't heard from him in a while," Mitch asked.

"Mitch how many times do I have to tell you Trey is extremely straight. He could walk into a club and have a flock of girls attack him in a minute." I said

"Just asking," He said.

"Anyway we went into a club and I wasn't drinking of course. I meet the finest man on the earth." I said.

"What's his name?" He asked.

"Valentine." I said.

"Uh Nicki he's gay." Mitch said.

"No he's not." I said.

"Yes he is. I had sex with him last year. Wait yeah he was my ex boyfriend last year, or was he just my booty call?" He said thinking a lot.

"Well why was he making out, and cuddling with me?" I asked.

"He turns super straight when he's drunk." He said.

"He didn't have not one drop of achol on him." I said.

"Oh excuse me must have turned straight," He said.

"Whatever," I said. "Basically while me, and Trey were at the club Drake got into a car accident."

"Oh my god is he okay?" He asked putting his hand on his chest.

"Yeah that nigga is fine. I fucking hate him," I said. "So he doesn't remember who I am but knows everyone else. I had another concert and was performing Bed Of Lies. I fainted right there on the stage."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah they diagnosed me with low blood pressure which causes dizziness, and fainting." I said. "Someone beat Drake up and he asked who I was when he fell to the floor knocked out. I thought he was gonna die." I had a tear in my eye. I wiped it away. "He woke up and kissed me. I leaved staying outside his room he still didn't know who I was. But whatever I went to Wayne's house and he seduced me basically. Chris bought me this necklace. I don't know what to do?"

"Nicki I think you should get out of town for while and think for a while." Mitch said.

"Okay where are we going?" I asked.

"Costa Rica." He said. I smiled and he did too. I put my hand on his arm. "Nicki go back home and get your stuff. Once your done text me and we'll leave in the morning. Okay?"

"Okay I'll be back." I said. I put my jacket on.

"Your not going alone," He grabbing my shoulder.

"Mitchell I think I can go alone." I said.

"Fine I'll drive you and wait outside how does that sound?" Mitch asked.

"Okay let's go." I said.
At the house
I got my large pink suitcase. Once I had all my stuff I leaved a note in the kitchen.
I love you but there's too much stress right now for me. I'm gonna be away for a while. Please don't freak out but I know you are so this wouldn't matter. I love you so freaking much. I just can't do this right now. I'm sorry please don't be mad. It hurts me to leave you. I'll see you soon.
Love Nicki
I put the note in a pink envelope. I sealed it and kissed it with my red lips. I wrote on it and it said My Baby. I leaved the house. I locked all the doors. I grabbed my suitcase and leaved with Mitchell.

Chris's pov
I woke up and Nicki wasn't there. "Nicki?" I said. "Babe where are you?" I put a shirt on. "Okay stop playing. Where are you?" I went in the kitchen. I saw a pink envelope. It said My Baby on it. I opened it and read it. I felt a tear drip down my face. I was so mad I went to the gym. I punched the punching bag and it fell off its hinges.

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