CHAPTER 1: Sweet dreams

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"Y/n! hurry or we'll be late for the show!" Says my mum from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming I'm just putting my shoes on!" I reply from the bathroom upstairs.

"Liaaaar, you're putting make-up on again aren't you?" A boy's voice shouts.

"Come on Y/n, we already told you, you don't need it! You're only 11." Another boy says.

"I saaaiiid I was putting my shoes oooon! You guys getting angry at me for  nothing." I say as I come out of the bathroom and walk down the steps.

Me and my first ever high-heels make it safely downstairs and I look up to see 7 young boys and my mum looking at me.

"Finally, you're here!" says Taehyung faking an exhasperated look. "Can we go now?" He turns to my mum.

"Yes." She smiles, opening the front door. "Go to the car while I lock the door"

The boys run to the car while I try to keep steady on my feet as I start walking.

I feel two people holding my hands to help me and raise my head and see Jungkook and Jin.

"Thanks." I say with a smile and they smile back.

But Jin's smile disappears not even a second later.

"Is that lip gloss that I'm seeing on your lips?"

"Lip what?" I ask innocently. "No that's lip balm. What's lip glass?"

"Oh my god, you really wore lip gloss, Kook, she really wore lip gloss!" He says as if it's the end of the world.

"So?" Jungkook says, confused.

"Kooook, you're supposed to be helping me help her!" Jin frowns.

"Helping me do what?" I ask curiously.

We arrive next to the car and wait for my mum to open it.

"I'm trying to help you be confident of you natural beauty, just like me..." He pouts.

"Okay, get in the car." My mum says before I could reply to Jin. "And Jin, it's normal Y/n wants to try make-up on, she's discovering new things. It's not because she wears make-up that it means she's feeling insecure okay?"

"But...she's too young..." Jin says on the verge of crying.

"And it's her birthday so why don't we give her a little bit more freedom than usual? I know you're 2 years older than her and she's like a little sister to you so that's why, after today, I'll make sure she doesn't put any make-up on until she's your age okay?" My mum wipes some tears that fell down his cheeks and smiles.

"Okay." He sniffles.

"I'm sorry Jinnie..." I say walking to him and give him a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." He hugs me back.

"Heeey let us join!" Hoseok says as he comes out of the car with the others.

"Group huuuuuug!" Jimin shouts.

"You too Yoongi." Namjoon pulls a lazy Yoongi out of the car, into the circle.

"Best friends forever????" Taehyung shouts.

"YEAAAAH!!!" We all shout back.

Bip Bip Bip
Bip Bip Bip
Bip Bi-

I hit my alarm so hard I think it almost breaks. I seriously hate that sound.

I sit up and stare into space for at least 5 minutes, thinking about that dream I just had.

Why do I keep dreaming about my past these days? It's so annoying...

I look at the time: 12:45 pm

I stare at it for about 10 seconds before realizing how late it was.

Shit, shit, shit, I missed all my morning classes! What the fuck is wrong with this alarm? And why didn't mum wake me up?!

"Y/n?" Mum opens the door and sees me putting a trouser inside-out.

"Mum, why didn't you wake me up?" I lose my balance while trying to put my right leg in the trouser and fall on my bed. I heave a sigh, fed up and look at my mum.

She chuckles, "Because you already did. Your graduation ceremony is in about 45 minutes so I think you should hurry up young lady." She says smiling and leaves.


I laugh at how stupid I am. I must be the only person on earth to forget about this day.

After changing, I go downstairs, have breakfast and say goodbye to my mum.

I check the time: 1:20 pm

Cool, I've still got time.

I live 2 minutes away from my school, which is like, the only cool thing there is about it.

Well, there are other cool things but they're pretty much useless when you're rhimless.

As I enter the school, I think about my dream again and sigh.

I seriously hope I don't end up in the same academy as them...



I'm not even going to say anything except bye😂👋

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