Chapter 7: Building 57

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It's the seven boys I hoped to never see again.

Marion immediately jumps up from her seat and runs to them while I just stare at my hands.

"Guyyyyys~" Marion squeals.

"Hey M!" A voice says and I immediately identify it as Hoseok's. "Long time no see."

"We missed yooouuuu!" I hear another voice say. It's Jin's.

I stay on my seat internally praying none of them recognize me and call out to me. For once, someone heard my prayers because I can hear their voices getting further and further.

But why can I still feel someone staring at me...?

"Kook, you coming?" A deep voice says from the hallway. Taehyung.

"Y-yeah..." I'm startled at how close Jungkook's voice is. He must be the one staring at me.

Yeah no shit Y/n.

I internally facepalm. A few seconds pass before I hear him sigh and walk away to join the others.

I finally breath properly after what felt like hours.

I hear someone sigh and raise my head to see it was Mr. Fakie. "These boys...I should have known they'd figure out we have humans here before tomorrow's ceremony." He sighs again then looks at me and asks, "Are you alright y/n?"

I nod.

"Are you not going with them? Aren't they your friends?"

"No, they aren't. Well, it's more like they aren't anymore." I say with a sad smile.

"You know y/n, if you ever need to talk about it, you can talk to me or Miss Rose." He gestures towards the woman who's standing a little behind him. "You can trust us." Fakie says with a smile.

"Thanks but it all happened so many years ago so, I'm fine." I shrug.

"Did you know them before you entered Krhim School...?"

"Yeah...Anyway, I'm going to my apartment." I say trying to escape from his curiosity. "Thanks for everything." I get up from my seat.

"Anytime y/n, see you soon." M. Tin- I mean Dinter replies, smiling.

I smile and get out of the office, not remembering the path towards the exit.


Marion and 5 of the boys catch up on what's been going on in their lives for the past year and walk out of the building. Jungkook and Yoongi seem to be having a telepathic conversation.

"What building are you in Marion?" Jimin stretches himself.

"57, last floor. Can you help me get there?" She cutely says.

"57?!" Jin's eyes open wide. "We're in building 56. Your building's right next to ours!"

"OMG YES!!!" She jumps excitedly. "So, how do we get there?"

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