Chapter 27: Hotel? Trivago

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Pls ignore the title (it was supposed to only be hotel) it was beyond my mental strength to not write that :')


"So...What exactly are we doing here...?" Soobin asks after two minutes of standing by the Academy's entrance.

"We're waiting for my two best friends, who were supposed to be here five minutes ago." I answer.

Kai looks around before setting his gaze on me, "Well...They're not here," He states.

"You think I can't see that?" I ask in an obvious tone and he shrugs with a smile. I sigh, "Lisa was most likely sleeping, that's why they're taking so much time. I know how slow she can be if she doesn't get at least six hours of sleep...By the way," I add, "I honestly hope you hope you don't break down in the middle of the mission because of your lack of sleep. Actually, I hope I don't either because I'm starting to get tired."

Kai chuckles. "No worries. We're actually going to stay in one of the hotels in the big city."

I look at the two boys in confusion. "What was the point of leaving the Academy then?"

"Well..." Soobin scratches the back of his head, "If we had stayed any longer, the chances of the Academy taking the mission from us would be higher. I mean I'm sure once the guy who gave it to me realises what he's done, he'll come get it."

He's already searching for you.

I look at them both and lower my head once I start feeling a pain in my neck from looking up too much.

"Great." I mumble, "Ellie is going to kill me when she knows I made her come out of bed for nothing. They could have joined us tomorrow- I mean later today." I sigh.

"If you had told us you were bringing people earlier, we would have told you it's useless." Kai states.

"Yeah, I know." I groan and lean against the building's wall.

I suddenly feel a pain in my lower abdomen, but it goes away after a few seconds, so I decide to ignore it.

Not long after, a door opens and two figures holding bags come out of the building. I immediately shove the box full of phones into Kai's arms and run towards my two best friends.

"Y/N!" Ellie exclaims as I jump into her arms. "I honestly didn't think we'd see each other again so early." She laughs.

"Same," I smile as I break the hug and look at Lisa, who could be mistaken for a Zombie if we suddenly had a zombie invasion right now.

"Hey...Lisa," I slowly approach her and briefly hug her, "You good?"

"Y/N...What's happening?" She asks, half-awake.

I turn to Kai and Soobin. "You guys explain, I'm too lazy." I say as I take the box back from Kai.

Kai rolls his eyes while Soobin starts explaining and I feel that same pain I felt earlier again. It takes me all of my willpower to stay standing straight instead of curling up on myself.

Soobin purposely leaves out the part where we'll sleep in a hotel and I silently thank him for that.

My life is safe...for now.

At the end of the explanation, Lisa has no reaction at all (I'm pretty sure she didn't even hear what Soobin said), and Ellie just stares at the boys blankly, but her expression soon changes into a confused one.

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