Chapter 20: The spilled tae

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This chapter is- very long. Good luck😂


"First you should know that there are several reasons why we cut ties with you." Jin says and Y/n nods.

Namjoon clears his throat. "I guess I'll start explaining, since I'm the one who sent that message..." He says, with an expression full of regret. Y/n opens her mouth to tell a joke, but decides against it because the moment has passed.

"It all started about six or seven months after Hoseok introduced Marion to us." He starts. "She started being manipulative, but we ignored it because at twelve or thirteen, all we cared about was her flashy rhim." He fiddles with his fingers. "Then one day, she created a groupchat excluding you and asked us to come to her place. We agreed, even though we were confused she didn't include you. Once we got there, she asked us to spend less time with you. We obviously refused, which made her mad, so she started threatening us with her lightning."

Y/n nods. "That's something that inconsequential bitch would do."

Yoongi chuckles and nods at her statement, still amused at how much Y/n has changed.

"We didn't take her threat seriously, and still continued hanging out with you." Namjoon continues. "Thinking back now, I guess a part of us unconsciously took it seriously, because we didn't with you as much as before."

Y/n takes her third cupcake and bites into it.

"And then about five months before your thirteenth birthday, she threatened to use her rhim on YOU if we keep staying with you." He looks at Y/n in the eyes, who doesn't seem impressed by the information and continues eating her cupcake.

Namjoon sighs. "This time, we listened to her, because we were scared she'd actually do it, especially since there was already some kind of tension between you two."

"Oh, so you were aware that weren't on good terms." Y/n says before licking her fingers and drinking water.

"Y/n...All this time you thought we never realized...?" Taehyung asks with sad eyes.

"Last time I checked I don't have Yoongi's rhim, so I don't know how you expect me to suddenly know something when you've never told me. There were some times where I almost told you that things weren't going well between Marion and I, but from what you've said, I don't think you would've stopped hanging out with her." Y/n answers.

"We're sorry Y/n, but like Namjoon said...If we did-"

"She'd electrocute you or me, yeah I got that part." Y/n sighs, cutting Jin off and activating her right glove to make a cupcake float into her hands.

"Yeah..." Namjoon continues. "Anyway, we tried hanging out with you in secret and then, your thirteenth birthday came. Obviously Marion knew we never cut ties with you when she saw how close we still were on that day."

"I still can't believe my mum actually invited her when I clearly told her not to." Y/n shakes her head as she remembers how disappointed she felt when she saw Marion's arrogant self walking through the door.

"So, as you can imagine, Marion-"

"Got really mad, told you to definitely cut ties with me or she'll electrocute me. The same old story right?" Y/n says and sighs.

Namjoon nods. "That's why we acted cold towards you for about a month. Then, we told ourselves no matter how crazy she might be, she would never actually hurt you, or if she did, it wouldn't be that bad. That's why we came to visit you one of the days you were supposedly sick." He chuckles.

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