Chapter 4: Rhim world

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^Please tell me I'm not the only one who got attacked the first time I saw that pic💀



"Yoongi, you really need to stop wasting the battery of you're levitation device." Namjoon scowls. "Why can't you walk like everyone else?" He tries pulling Yoongi down but Yoongi evades him by floating up.

"Because I don't feel like wasting my energy right now and I'm not wasting the energy of the device, I'm using it." Yoongi states.

"It's not meant to be used for no reason."

"It is used for a reason." Yoongi yawns."The reason to make me less tired."


"Joon, don't waste your energy on this. It's useless and you know it." Jin shrugs.

Namjoon sighs, knowing Jin is right.

The boys are walking to their apartments building. Well, except Yoongi who is floating thanks to a device that changes the gravity around you.

"Ugh, I think I ate too much." Jungkook whines while rubbing his belly. "I need banana milk."

"You don't need banana milk. You just want some." Jimin sighs.

"No, you don't understand, I'm not like you guys, I need that drink to digest well, sleep well, use my rhim well, laugh well...all sorts of things. I haven't had any in 5 months!" He says in a dramatic tone.

"I still can't believe you held 7 months without finishing the stock you brought from earth." Hoseok laughs. The boys enter the big lobby of the building and sit down on the light brown sofas in the middle.

"Well, when you learn this world doesn't have your favorite thing in the universe, you learn how to preserve it." Jungkook says in a serious tone.

"I think it's more because of the fact that you took 6 suitcases filled with that baby drink." Jimin smirks.

"ANYWAY, the point is that I haven't had even a drop of my energy source in months and my body is reacting badly to that." Jungkook says loudly.

"Hm, sure, anyway Tae should be back soon with the info we need." Jimin turns to the other boys.

"HEY! You don't care about a thing I said do you?" Jungkook whines.

"Jungkook, can you lower your voice a lot? I'm trying to sleep." Yoongi complains, his eyes closed.

Jungkook quietly goes over to Yoongi who was still in the air because there wasn't enough space on the sofas for him to lie down and sleep.

"SURE, NO PROBLEM!!!" Jungkook shouts in Yoongi's ear, startling him which makes him lose his connection with the device.

Yoongi falls on the ground, next to a laughing Jungkook and a satisfied Namjoon.

"Consider yourself as dead, Jeon." Yoongi growls, standing up.

"Uh-oh." Jungkook realizes what he's done and runs for his life.

As Yoongi was running after Jungkook with murderous intentions, someone enters the building.

"Guys!" Taehyung rushes to them, panting. "I-I found...something...interesting." He says between pants.

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