Chapter 2: Rhim School

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My school is what we call a Rhim school, in other words, a magic school.

Don't ask me why they chose the word rhim because I honestly don't know. Rhim schools are schools for people called rhimers, obviously.

Rhimers are people with a special ability, powers, magic, call it whatever you want but we call it rhim.

There are 3 rhim schools in the world. You must be thinking that's not a lot, but in reality, it is. I don't know the exact number of rhimers in the world but it's not much.

And so, here I am, a person with no rhim, a rhimless, graduating from a rhim school. I know you're all asking yourselves one question: how?

Answer: I don't know.

All I know is that my mum wanted me to be the first rhimless person to enter a rhim school. She made me apply there and I don't know if she sent them a death threat or something but they accepted. Unfortunately.


I enter the school, nervous as hell and follow signs indicating where the principal's office is.

That's weird...I haven't seen anyone yet. What if they're still on vacation. Did mum check if they have the same calendar as normal schools?

I open the door to the principal's office and an aged man looks up.

"Hello..." I say awkwardly.

"Hello, you must be miss y/l/n y/n!" He stands up, walks to me and energetically shakes my hand. "Welcome to Krhim, one of the 3 rhim schools in the world."

"Thanks." I reply. It takes all the energy I have to not shout at him for squeezing my hand too hard.

I hope my bones will be okay... If I can't write anymore, I'll sue him.

"Sit down, please" He indicates a chair in front of his desk. I sit down and so does he.

"Okay, let's start with you telling me which rhim you'd choose to have between the five basic rhims. Let me remind you that your choices are fire, water, air, levitation and invisibility." He explains.

"Mmh...Levitation." I say after thinking for a few seconds.

He notes something down in a booklet.

"Great, here are some school documents I'd advise you to read before tomorrow." He slides a bunch of papers across the table and I take them. "Since you're rhimless, you won't be called a rhimer, but an agent. You're classes will start at 9 am tomorrow."

"What? I'm not starting today?" I ask, confused.

I swear if they made me come a day before classes start I'll be so pissed off.

"As you most likely know, there are 3 years." He continues, completely ignoring my question. "You take an exam at the end of the 3rd year and if you fail it, there will be no second chances. In other words, you'll have to stay on earth forever."

"Okay, I understand, but why am I not starting today? Wasn't it written in the letter that they start today?"

"Ah yes, the first years do start today. The problem is, there's nothing for you to do until tomorrow." He simply says.

"What does that even mean-"

"You can go home, now" He cuts me off and returns to what he was doing.

You're so damn lucky I'm not someone who shows their anger much or you'd be half dead already.

I get up, turn around and go out of the office after muttering a goodbye and slamming the door closed in irritation.

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