Chapter 3: Graduation day

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"Hey Marion."

"Aren't you excited we're going to be put in an Academy today?!" She says excitedly.

"Sure." I reply not so excited anymore.

"Hey you never told me wh-"

"Marion please stop trying to act like we've always been friends when clearly, we never have." I walk away. But of course, she had to talk while I was still close enough to hear her.

"I was just trying to be nice you know. I mean it's most likely the last day we'll see each other. Well, except of course, if we end up in the same Academy." I swear I heard her smirk.

Why? Why Marion? Why did you have to make what I thought was going to be a good day, horrible.

As I'm walking, I see my best friends and walk up to them. We've known each other for a long time now. I still remember the first time I met them was at the hospital. Not the best place to meet, but I'm glad we did.

"Hey y/n, ready to get into an Academy?" Lisa says.

"Yep" I fake a smile.

"Oh no...don't tell me Marion already managed to work her evilness..." Ellie looks at me with a worried look on her face.

" wasn't so evil this time but...yeah." I shrug.

"Oh nooo I'm so sorryyyy" Lisa whines.

I laugh. "It's not that bad."

"Come on, cheer up, you're most likely never going to see her again after today." She pats my shoulder.

"Yeah but there's still a small chance I will." I sigh.

"Okay, that's enough. I've reached my limit of Marion talk for the day." Ellie dramatically says which makes Lisa and I laugh. Marion may be able to worsen my mood but they always brighten it.

"Oh, I just remembered I wanted to ask you if you're going to get to keep the gadgets they made for you?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah, I am and I'm actually pretty relieved about that." I laugh

"I bet you are. I mean without these you'll literally be powerless in the other world. No offense." Ellie says as she ties her hair.

"None taken." I smile.

Let me explain. About a week after my first year started, the principal gave me 3 gadgets that belong to the levitation category. That's why I had to choose a basic rhim.

We chat for a few minutes when I hear someone talk in my head.

"Can everyone hear me?" The voice says. I search for where the voice's owner and see that a stage has been formed in the middle of the hall thanks to Creation rhimers.

"Could you please gather in front of the stage." Continues the voice.

A telepath. It must be Mr. Terin. He was my P.E teacher. His classes were the definition of hell but I always took them seriously because if I can't have a rhim to protect myself, at least I'll have my strength, endurance, agility and speed.

"We would like to congratulate you on passing your big exams." All the students cheer and applaud for their success. "Now, the principal, Mr. Fasel will give a speech and tell you in which Academy you will be going." Another round of applause is done and Mr. Fasel comes to the front of the stage while Mr. Terin goes to the back with the other teachers.

"As Mr. Terin said, congratulations on passing your 3rd year and becoming pro-rhimers. Your group counted about 300 students during your first year. But since students quit during the first or second year, your group got reduced to 180. Adding those who did not pass the big exam this year, you are now 48 students." He says in a serious tone.

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