Chapter 29: Apology

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Ellie and Lisa are surprised when they see me back so soon.

"Is everything okay? I thought you'd stay longer," Lisa says.

"Yeah everything's cool. I'm just going to change here and then I'll go back there," I say, knowing they'll see through my lie, and immediately enter the bathroom before they can react.

During my shower, I prepare an apology speech for Kai, because I'm extremely bad at those things. While I was thinking about my speech, my mood may have changed seven times because of my annoying monthly visitor.

I come out of the shower and get dressed before going out of the bathroom.

"Y/n," Ellie calls out to me the moment I step out.

"Hm?" I hum as I put the clothes I slept with in her bag.

"Tell us everything, right now," she says and I know she's not only talking about what happened in the boys' room, but what happened earlier this morning too.

"But...Shouldn't we go?" I ask.

"We're not leaving before you explain to us what happened since last time we saw each other," she crosses her arms and Lisa nods in agreement.

I sigh, knowing they won't move an inch if I don't tell them everything. So I do. I tell them everything, except the part where my mum is marrying Taeyong. They'd freak out if they knew Marion and I are soon going to be related.

"Wow...Y/n..." Lisa starts once I've finished explaining everything.

"I'm not really surprised Taeyong's a psychopath too. I mean have you seen his daughter?" Ellie snorts and I nod in agreement, "and when I see those boys again, I'll force Yoongi to spill what they heard Taeyong say," she smirks.

"Why Yoongi? He's the one who'll never spill the secret," I frown, "It'd be way easier if you asked Taehyung."

"Yeah, but I love challenges," she smiles and shake my head as I laugh.

"Y/n- I-" Lisa stutters.

"Just spit it out Lisa," Ellie says as she starts losing her already thin patience.

" Jungkook?" She asks with sparkling eyes and I choke on air after hearing the word "love".

"Ew, no. I don't "love" him," I make a disgusted expression, "I just like him...A lot," I state.

"That's love," Ellie whispers.

"It's not," I say, annoyed.

"It is Y/n...I'm so happy!" Lisa squeals, "Leave it to me! I'll make sure you start dating asap-"

"Anyway, we should go," I say before Lisa can finish talking about her cupid shit, "If we don't, the boys will find us before we can even get to save that guy...Remind me who he is again?"

"A fucking prophet," Ellie snorts, "I hope prophets here can actually predict the future instead of giving vague, useless answers," she groans as she takes her bag and puts it on her back. She walks towards the door before saying, "I'll tell the boys we're ready to go," and going out of the room.

I start walking towards the door too, but realise Lisa hasn't moved an inch from where she's standing, so I stop and turn to her, "What's wrong?"

"You know...I'm starting to think we should probably let them find us..." she says.

I give her a confused look.

"So that I can make my ship sail sooner," she widely smiles and I roll my eyes before going out of the room to join Soobin and Ellie in the hallway.

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