Chapter 25: The mission

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"She's going back to the living room now...She knows something's wrong with Marion. She'll talk to her later. She's sitting next to Taeyong...They're talking about about her first day here." Yoongi narrates in a low voice.

He's been telling us every thought that's passed Y/n's mind from the moment she stopped texting us. We're all in his living room, listening to him carefully.

For a moment, Yoongi doesn't say anything else and we patiently wait for him to continue. The silence stretches and I raise my head, wondering why he suddenly stopped talking.

I see Yoongi standing next to the window, eyes closed, but with a concentrated expression. Understanding what he's doing, I'm about to call out to him, but Hoseok talks before I do.

"Yoongi stop." He slowly says. "Concentrate on Y/n's thoughts."

No reaction.

I can see beads of sweat forming on the side of his head, because of how energy-draining what he's doing is. I quickly walk up to him and tap his shoulder. "Yoongi!"

No reaction.

I lightly shake him, but he still doesn't react.

Slightly annoyed at how he's ignoring me, I decide to do something I'll most likely regret later.

I pinch both of his cheeks and stretch them, making him instantly open his eyes.

He immediately tries punching me in the chest, but luckily enough as I touched his cheeks I activated my rhim, so I already knew what he would do. I step-aside quickly enough to not get hit and he glares at me, knowing it's useless to try and hit me again.

"Yoongi, you do know if Kook hadn't evaded your punch, he'd have had trouble breathing for the next hours, right?" Jin sighs.

As expected, Yoongi ignores him and continues glaring at me. "What do you want?" He asks in a tired voice.

I shake my head. "What are you doing? You know it's dangerous!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and opens the window to get some air. "I was just to see if his mind is still as secured." He grumbles.

"But that's really risky. If he had felt your presence-"

"Yeah, I know!" Yoongi cuts Taehyung off. "It might be the risky, but it's the quickest way to find out more about Y/n's father." He sighs and I can see how much it tired him out to try reading Taeyong's mind.

Since Taeyong is a mind rhimer, just like Yoongi, he can feel whenever a telepath reads his thoughts. Yoongi keeps trying to find a way into his thoughts without being noticed and it requires a large amount of energy to do so.

"If Taeyong knows...He'll erase our memories and...We'll completely forget about Y/n's father, who is most likely suffering somewhere." Hoseok says.

I sigh and cross my arms, annoyed that we can't do anything because we've got too little information.

"It's best if you only concentrate on what Y/n is thinking." Namjoon says. "What is she thinking now?"

Yoongi sighs before concentrating on Y/n's thoughts again. "He's about to say some exciting news." He says with a frown.

"Why am I scared...?" Taehyung asks.

"You're not the only one." I sigh.

We all wait for Yoongi to speak again. After a few seconds, he raises his head slowly and blinks. Before I can ask what's wrong, he starts laughing. "Yep, you said it Y/n: Fuck."

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