Chapter 9: The Rhimunator

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"Hey Y/n! Oh wait- I've got to connect Ellie too... Add Bianchi Ellie, Drhim Academy." She says.

"Isn't she with you?" I ask. "Do you guys have separate apartments?"

"No, we share an apartment and we're in the same room right now. It's just that she can't hear what you say or talk to you if we don't connect her. Didn't you read the guide?"

"I did. Just not all of it." I reply.

"Y/n can you hear me?" Another voice says, making me smile.

"Yeah I can Ellie. How are you guys?" I ask.

"We're doing fine. The Academy is really welcoming and we plan on going on a mission real soon. I can't wait to use my rhim on something other than fake targets." Ellie answers and I laugh. I can't see her but I know she's smirking (@smirkdom) and cracking her fingers.

"But you've already used your rhim on something- well, someone today remember?" Lisa calmly says.

I frown. "What did you do Ellie?"

"I just taught someone a lesson." Ellie huffs.

Lisa sighs. "She buried a boy into the ground, only leaving his head out."

"Look, he was annoying me with his rhim. The guy kept lifting girls' skirts with his wind while saying "be careful girls, the weather is very unpredictable in this world."" Ellie explains.

I snort. "Serves him right."

"Y/n, the poor boy has been stuck for an hour now." Lisa tries to make me pity the boy.

"I know it must be hard for him to stay in the ground for a long time, but that'll teach him to keep his pervy intentions to himself. Ellie don't you dare let him out." I reply.

"Wasn't planning on doing that anyway. They're looking for another earth rhimer to get him out." Ellie laughs.

Lisa sighs again and I know that she's shaking her head too.

"Anyway, how are you handling Moron?" Ellie asks making me and Lisa laugh at how she called Marion.

"Actually...we were on pretty good terms for about 30 minutes." I reply.

"Why aren't you anymore?" Lisa asks, confused.

"The real question is how were you on good terms?" Ellie asks even more confused.

"She apologized for everything that happened and said she'd make it up to me. I swear she really looked like she regretted being so mean."

I hear a small snort. It's most likely Ellie.

"Anyway, I have this feeling she really was sorry, but only because she was scared to be left alone if by any chance I would have made new friends before her. I mean, she literally went back to her old self the second she knew her friends were here." I get off my bed and go out onto the terrace that's linked to my room.

"Are we supposed to be surprised?" Ellie asks.

"Obviously not." I grin and look downwards once I reach the edge of the terrace.

Oh shit 150 floors is higher than I thought.

"Are these friends her old bitchy squad?" Lisa asks referring to Marion's friends who graduated a year before us.

"Lol of course not. There's no way they could have been accepted here when all they were good at was threatening people's lives." I say earning a laugh from both of my friends.

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