Chapter 17: The past⁵

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Since I don't have any health problems, but they still want to keep an eye on me for I don't know what reasons, they've transfered me to a room with other children.

That means no more privacy.

I'm still shaken by the messages and I told my mum I know how many months I was asleep. I tried asking her what really happened for me to end up in the hospital, but she just evaded the question by offering me food to which I gladly accepted.

She doesn't know about the long message Namjoon sent me and I don't plan on telling her anytime soon.

The only people that have visited me for now are my mum and Marion's father, who apologized for not being able to come with Marion because she's in school. He said he'll tell her to visit someday.

I honestly hope he forgets to tell her or she just refuses to come because she's like, the last person I want to see right now.

Even though I know it'll never happen, I still hope that the boys will visit me at least once.

(A/n: *snorts*)

My mum talks a lot today again and I just listen to her without uttering a sound. I just don't feel like it.

At 3 pm, she leaves because she has something to do. I suspect it's a date with Marion's father because I took her phone earlier (I know her code), and looked at the messages they send each other. Not only did they go on several dates already, but it really looks like Marion and I are going to become step-sisters.

I've been on instagram for an hour now, just liking posts and fighting boredom.

"Ugh! Lisa why the fuck did you bring these again?!" The girl next to me gets mad again. I think she has anger issues.

"I'm sorry Ellie, but it will help you, that's what the doctors said." The girl stting next to her, Lisa, says in a soft tone. They look like they're the same age as me, so I wonder why Lisa is here more than she is in school.

I go back to liking posts and let them fight when the door suddenly opens. I don't look up.

And that makes the 23rd visitor for today.

As I'm watching a funny video, someone snatches my phone from my hands, making me look up and internally sigh.


"Ew...What's this feed filled with so many disgusting cats, dog and ugly people? Like...ew." Marion throws my phone back at me and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I mumble.

She acts hurt. "Can't I come here just to see how you're doing?"

I look at her with a bored look. "I'm doing fine. You can go away now."

She chuckles. "You know, I asked the boys if they wanted to come, but they refused...Did something happen between you and them?" She frowns but I can see a devilish smile on forming on her lips.

I don't answer and instead change the subject. "Marion, why don't you like me?"

"I never said I didn't..."

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