Chapter 14: The past²

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2 dayz laterz:

We're at the park next to Taehyung's house, waiting for Hoseok to arrive with his new friend. I'm against a tree, enjoying the breeze and stroking Yoongi's hair who is sleeping with his head on my lap.

I think about how Hoseok described his "new friend". He's been talking about her for the past week non-stop.

From what he's said, she's nice, funny and pretty. I would've believed him if he he wasn't the type to say that about every person he's ever met.

Hoseok finds literally everyone nice and funny and he always says a girl is pretty to be polite and not make them sad. So yeah, we're going to have to see if she really is nice, funny and pretty.

Another thing he said is that Jungkook will thank him for introducing her to us.

Whatever happens and whoever she is, I know I won't want her to be a part of the team. As a friend of the team, sure, but not part of the team. I know It's not very nice to think that but we've been a team since...forever and it'll feel weird if someone we suddenly turn into a team of 9 members.

"Namjoon what the fuck?!" I hear Jimin yell.

"Language!" Jin tells him off.

"I'm sorry Jimin...I still can't control it..." Namjoon says with a small voice.

I raise my head up and see Namjoon guiltily looking up at Jimin who is-

"Oh my god, Chim what happened?!" I carefully put Yoongi's head on the floor and rush towards Jimin.

Jimin crosses his arms. "I was simply sitting on this tree, minding my own business when suddenly, Mr. Kim Destroyer right here "accidentally" used his rhim. As you can see, he destroyed half of the tree with his fucking water and I'm now hanging from a branch thanks to my shirt that saved me from death." Jimin says and glares at Namjoon.

I try imagining the scene in my head and think about the amount of pressure Namjoon's water had to be to literally rip the tree apart.

I'm sure Namjoon would be dead right now if Jimin wasn't hanging.

"Yeah, without a doubt."

Get out of my head Yoongi!


I roll my eyes and move towards Taehyung and Jin to help them get Jimin down. Namjoon approaches us in to help too.

"I wouldn't come closer if I were you." Jimin hisses. "I swear once I'm off I'll transfer my fabulous jamless energy to you."

"What kind of threat is that...?" Taehyung asks and I shrug.

"Jimin this is the second time you've sworn! " Jin angrily says. "Next time you swear I'll hit your jamless head with a spatula the same way I hit a fly with a fly swatter." He warns making Jimin gulp. We all know Jin broke a glass table while killing the fly that was on it once.

2 minutz laterz:

Jimin is on the ground and ready to obliterate Namjoon.

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