Chapter 33: Bird-bitch

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This chapter is...2640 words so I'M SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR THIS LONG CHAPTER but if I split it in two it wouldn't make any sense😂


With my gloves activated, I carefully move Lisa and Soobin's bodies away me, so that there's no risk of them getting hurt more than they already are.

"What you're doing is totally useless since they'll die anyway," the bitchy human bird snickers.

 I internally roll my eyes and look at her as I try guessing what her rhim could be. Before I can think of anything, she charges at high-speed, her fist in the air ready to punch. I duck just before she shoots her punch in my face.

I stay low and put my left hand on the ground to have more momentum as I launch my right leg upwards, kicking her in the stomach which makes her stumble back with a groan, while holding her belly in pain.

"Tch," she glares at me and I smirk, readying myself for her next attack.

I need to figure out what her rhim is quickly so I have an idea of how to beat her.

She smirks and points a finger at me, making me tense up a bit. Suddenly, my feet leave the ground and I look down, confused, because my shoes aren't activated.  I look at bird-bitch as she confidently walks towards me and understand it's her doing.

"Don't get too cocky just because you managed to land a hit on me, sweetie," she snickers and I activate my shoes to be able to move in the air, still not knowing which rhim she's using.

A lot of rhims can lift something or someone in the air without touching their target.

I try moving in the air, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to make my shoes move an inch.

"I just wanted to see what that man's famous rhimless daughter could do. At least you know how to kick," she shrugs and stops right in front of me, who stopped trying to find a way to move after she said "rhimless daughter".

I look at her with many questions in my head, but before I can think of which question to ask first, she cracks her fingers and balls her right hand into a fist, "Here's payback, sweetie," she snarls and punches my stomach so hard, it sends me flying a few metres away.

I stay on the ground, my breath short and a faint pain in my stomach.

Thank god I have that belt that lightens attacks or I would've been spiting blood right now. She must have enhanced her hand with her rhim to be able to hit me that hard.

I get up and as I try getting my breathing back to normal, I continue trying to figure out what bird-bitch's rhim could be and look at her to anticipate her next attack.

"Hmm?" She furrows her brows, "You weren't supposed to get back up."

Still short on breath, I smirk and say, "Surpriiise fatherfucker!"

I guess that ticked her off, because the next thing I know, the air around her suddenly gets violent and several sharp accumulations of wind make their way towards me. If it weren't for a very huge rock nearby, that I managed to put in front of me with my gloves, I most likely would have been cut in two.

Out of all the possible rhims, it had to be wind, huh?

While the rock in front of me is still getting hit by the attack, I look up at the blue sky where a few fairies are peacefully flying and let out a nervous laugh.

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