Chapter 34: Rescue

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After nearly twenty minutes of running non-stop, we finally see a change of scenery ahead. One with no trees.

"Ugh, finally! I was starting to suffocate because of these stupid trees all over the place," I say in a relieved tone as Taehyung and I both slow down, eventually coming to a full stop in order to catch our breaths.

"Okay, but Kook...we didn't need to run the whole way," Taehyung whines, out of breath.

"Oh come on, it's not like we're not used to it," I say, remembering all the times we had to run for our lives, because every time we go on a mission we take turns with the rest of the group to potentially act as bait. Let's just say that, along with Jimin, Taehyung and I always acted as bait when it was our turn.

"Whether I'm used to it or not isn't the point. Why should we waste our energy when they're not in danger?"

"Did you maybe forget that two of Y/n's friends are very badly hurt?"

"They are, but be honest Kook. You wouldn't even have gone after them if Y/n wasn't there," Taehyung sighs.

"What? That's not-"

"There's no point on denying it. I figured it out awhile ago and to be hundred percent sure I was right, I hacked into Yoongi's rhim and read your thoughts while we were talking about Y/n a few days back."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I mentally slap myself for stuttering and walk away.

"Do I really have to say it out loud myself?" I hear him ask from behind me, but I don't answer, "Fine. You-" He's interrupted by Yeontan barking.

We both look at him and Taehyung gives looks at me with an amused expression while I give him a questioning look.

"It's so obvious even a dog can sense it," he smirks.

"How can you even understand what it's saying?" I ask again, "And that's...not a normal dog in case you hadn't noticed," I point at the creature.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "You love Y/n."


"Don't lie."

"I'm not."

"She told me she loves Kai."

"I'll kill him."

Taehyung bursts out laughing and I mentally roll my eyes. Just as he opens his mouth to say something else, Yeontan jumps out of his arms and runs towards the exit of the forest.

"Tannie wait!" Taehyung runs after him and I reflexively run too.

A few seconds later, we've reached the end of the endless trees and I'm blinded by the huge amount of sunlight that attacks my eyes. It takes them a few seconds to adjust, but once they do I nearly choke at the sight before me.

What the fuck happened here?

About thirty meters in front of me, the floor is split into five lines with a pile of rocks on the left end of them. I slowly walk further into the vast land as I look around for Y/n. I start panicking when I only see Taehyung next to a big rock.

"Kook, come here!" Taehyung gestures me to join him near the rock. Once I've reached him I can see splattered blood coming from under the rock. My heart stops for at least five seconds and I gulp before looking at Taehyung while pointing at the red substance.

He looks down and sighs, "I really hope I'm wrong, but that must be Y/n's friends' cause I don't see them anywhere else."

I sigh in relief, knowing that's not the nicest thing to do, but I don't care as I just want her to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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