Chapter 22: The Rhimia

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"I still can't believe you've got the second rarest rhim ever." I say in amazement to Soobin who sat on one of the couches. He just looks down without saying anything.

"Second...?" Kai frowns, still laying on the couch.

I nod. "Yeah. After Hacking."

"No it's not." Kai frowns. "It's the third rarest rhim." He says.

I look at him with a "the fuck are you talking about" look.

"It is." He nods. "Hackers are second and hypnotisers are third."

"Then who's first?" I ask, trying to remember if I ever learned about a rhim rarer than hacking.

Soobin's head jolts up. "Could it be that- you believe in the Rhimia, Kai?" He asks and Kai nods.

I snort. "Really? Dude, even if Rhimias existed, the last Rhimia died hundreds of years ago. So you can't put it in first place on the list of "rarest rhims" if it doesn't exist anymore."

"What's does the Rhimia do exactly?" Soobin asks before Kai can answer me. "We didn't talked about that much in rhistory, so I the only thing I know is that there is only one Rhimia that can exist at a time." He says.

I look at Kai with a triumphant look. "We didn't talk about it much either. See, it's so irrelevant right now even teachers don't really talk about it in rhistory class!" I exclaim.

Kai rolls his eyes. "How are we so sure there's been no Rhimia since then?"

"So is no one going to answer my question?" Soobin asks.

"I'll let Kai answer, 'cause he seems to have more information than I do on the subject." I say, making myself comfortable to hear what Kai's explanation is.

Kai sits up and clears his throat. "So basically, many many many many years ago, a boy turned eleven and manifested a rhim no one had seen or heard of. The rhim was-"

"Don't you know approximately the number of years that was?" I ask.

"I'm too tired to remember how to say the number." He replies.

I nod. "Understandable."

"Anyway, the rhim of the child...Or should I say rhims were healing, resurrecting people and enhancing and repel other rhims." Kai continues.

"That's pretty cool." Soobin asks.

Kai shrugs. "I know right? So, many rhimers tried finding another Rhimia or getting close to the current Rhimia, because obviously it would be useful having someone with that rhim on your side in battle."

I nod. "It would, but if I were the Rhimia I'd tell them to fuck off 'cause I'm not using my rhim on people who want me in their team just for my rhim. They should also want me for who I am." I say and Soobin nods in agreement.

"Well I guess it's sad the boy didn't think like you." Kai sadly smiles. "I guess he kind of felt pressured and complied to every request he got. For a few years, all he did was heal, resurrect or enhance others rhims."

"Why a few years? Why did he stop?" Soobin frowns.

Kai's expression darkens. "I don't know at what age exactly, but he died before he could turn 18."

"Well shit." I say as furrow my eyebrows.

"You know why he died, right?" Kai asks.

"It must have been because he continuously used his rhim without taking time to rest. He most likely continuously ignored the exhaustion and in the end his body completely gave in." Soobin looks at Kai who nods.

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