Chapter 8: Invitation

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"Hey y/n!" Marion shouts.

Y/n stops walking and turns towards us. "What?"

"Yo, chill out, I didn't say anything yet! See how she's treating me, guys?" Marion turns to us with a sad expression.

No one answers because, no one knows what to say. Why? Cause Y/n just said a normal "what". She didn't say it in any particular way or anything.

What's her problem?

"Oh wow, so now you're dumbass thinks a simple "what" means I wanna fight you?" Y/n asks in a flat tone.

"Wha- I-" But before Marion could make something up, Y/n rolls her eyes and continues her way into the building.

Your mission to make us pity you has failed once again Marion.

"Hey!" Marion shouts to get Y/n's attention but fails miserably. I hold in a laugh while the others force themselves to comfort a crying Marion. I suddenly realize Yoongi isn't here anymore.

He must have sneaked away.

A few seconds later, the Building's door opens and reveals his tired, lazy ass holding a drink he must have taken inside.

"You guys coming or what" He says impatiently.

Impatient to sleep on the couch I see.

"How are we getting up there?" Marion asks as we enter the building.

"There are teleportation pods in here too." Namjoon replies.

We get to the last floor and Marion jumps around the whole flat excitedly once we enter.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Y/n walking out of the kitchen, towards what I presume is her bedroom, without even glancing at us.

Everyone takes a seat on the huge couch in the living room and I can't stop thinking about Y/n.

Fuck Kook, just go to her already!

I get up when someone says in my head. "Don't." My eyes dart to Yoongi who's eyes are closed. "Don't go to her."

"Yoongi I told you to never read my mind again!"

"And I said I won't, unless you look like you're going to do something stupid." He says telepathically. "But seriously. Don't go. You'll have the chance to talk to her the day after tomorrow. Trust me."

"Fine...I'll trust that your plan works." I heave a sigh and sit down.

Yoongi smiles and falls asleep.

I envy your lazy ass Yoongi.

I relax on the couch a bit more.

"Yeah, I know."

I sit back up and look at him.

"Hey, I thought you were sleeping! And I thought I told you to stop reading my mind...?"

"Yeah, I know, I just forgot to disconnect our minds. And I was sleeping. You just woke me up with your nice comment."

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