Chapter 32: Meeting

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"We're almost there," Yoongi says.


"Woah!" a startled Jimin trips and holds onto me to avoid falling, making me lose my balance and falling with him.

Taehyung, who's running right behind us doesn't react on time and trips over us. He does everything he can to land on his back so the dog in his arms doesn't get hurt.

I groan in pain as I sit up and glare at Jimin, "Park fucking Jimin...believe me when I say if we weren't in a hurry I would've unevenly cut your hair."

Jimin gasps and whispers, "You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, I would."

I get up, followed by Jimin. Taehyung is the last person to get up as he pets the dog to comfort him. He looks at Jimin with an annoyed look. We both expect him to say something, but he just turns around and walks away. After taking a few steps, he turns around, "Which way did they go?"

I look at Jimin who shrugs, meaning he's as clueless as I am.

"Great," I mumble.

Taehyung sighs and takes his phone out, "I think everyone's busy to reply right now, but I'll still try-"


The same loud sound as before doesn't allow us to hear the rest of Taehyung's sentence.

"I'm...pretty sure they're in that direction," Jimin says, pointing in the direction of the sound.

I nod and hurry towards the others. They both catch up to me and we soon see about...fifty figures.

Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok are fighting...or rather testing their new "fighting skills" on some random enemies.

Namjoon's hands literally became pistols as he's concentrating all the power of his rhim in both of his forefingers and shooting small amounts of water at every enemy he sees. The closer an enemy is, the lower he makes the pressure of the water, or it could pierce their body and eventually kill them. Since Namjoon doesn't want that, he concentrates on making the pressure low, but strong enough to hurt them and make them fall on the ground, groaning in pain. In addition to that, he's also surrounded himself with a water barrier to prevent all potential surprise attacks.

From time to time, he sprinkles some water over trees or flowers that start catching fire, because Hoseok completely forgot plants are easily set on fire. Since he wants to test his close-combat skills, wrapped himself up in flames and fights against groups of at least nine or ten people. Not only is he a good fighter, but the people around him quickly get tired due to the heat emanating from his flames. If he wanted to, he could literally incinerate them by making his flames more than four hundred or more times hotter than they are now. "That'd be too easy and no fun at all," is what he told me when I asked him why he never dealt with enemies that way.

And then there's Jin. Well...he's kind of torturing his surrounding enemies by literally inserting a certain gas (most likely one that stinks A LOT) in their nostrils, making it impossible for them to not smell it. Even if they hold their breaths, the gas tickles their nostrils, making them sneeze and eventually breathing in. I look at the people who've already inhaled a smell I don't even want to try smelling. They're literally all on the ground, some are holding their stomach, while others are throwing up some pink substance...? What the fuck?

Somehow I always feel sorry for those who have to fight Jin.

While the three of them are fighting or intoxicating the enemy, Yoongi and Marion are talking to two people several metres away.

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