Chapter 18: 2 AM

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"That's all for today." I say as I look at the time.

Kai, who was refilling his tea cup for the 15th time suddenly freezes. "Wait- what?" He closes the bottle of iced tea and stands up. "No, wait, I need to know what happened during your first day back at school!" He pleads.

I chuckle. "That'll be for another time. I'm really getting sleepy Kai." I yawn.

He checks the time and chokes on a popcorn he had put in his mouth. "How is it past 1 am already?!"

I slightly laugh and playfully say, "I want to sleep. Please get out."

I see his expression changing into a panicked one. "Can I sle-"

"No." I cut him off, knowing what he was about to ask.

"Please! If I sleep here, the chances of me getting killed by my roommate will drastically decrease." He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me with a pleading look.

"Is he that bad?" I say, biting my lip to restrain myself from laughing at how dramatic he is.

He nods energetically and tightens his grip on my shoulders. "Please...It'll be just like when we were kids." He says, referring to the nights his parents worked so late he had to spend the night at my place.

I sigh. "I'm sorry Kai, but I can't...I..." I quickly think of an excuse. "I'm on my period."

He's silent for awhile before dropping his head and muttering, "okay..."

(A/U: For all those with unholy thoughts: You need hobi water made in namjesus.)

He goes out of my room and I follow him, amused by his reaction.

All the lights are off, meaning the boys have gone and Marion is most likely sleeping.

We arrive at the entrance and Kai puts his shoes on, still pouting.

I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time: 1:25 am.

I put my phone back in my pocket and say, "Kai." He stands straight after tying his shoelaces and looks at me like a kid who lost his favorite toy. "Don't forget that we're going on a mission tomorrow." I grin.

He makes a sad smile. "If I survive the night that is..."

I playfully roll my eyes and open the door. "If you die I'll make sure they dress you with good clothes for your funeral."

Kai mutters a "thank you" as he pretends to wipe a tear off his cheek and steps outside. He then walks over to the teleportation pod. Just before he steps in it, he turns around and looks at me. "I'm really glad we ended up in the same Academy." He smiles.

"Me too." I cross my arms.

"You owe me the rest of the story." He says as he steps in to the pod and points a finger at me.

"Tomorrow, if you want, so make sure you stay alive." I smile.

Satisfied with my reply, he says, "Floor 139." to the pod. He waves at me and disappears just before I can wave back.

I stretch myself before closing the door. I feel bad for lying to Kai by saying I was tired, but It's almost 2 am and I've decided to accept Yoongi's invitation, because it's Yoongi we're talking about and he wouldn't waste his energy talking to me if he didn't have good reasons.

I go to the bathroom to freshen up before heading over to Yoongi's.


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