Chapter 16: The past⁴

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I've got two missions for today:

1. Make new friends

2. Tell Jeon Jungkook I like him

It's a shame my old neighbor Huening Kai isn't here to witness that second mission. He's known about my crush for Jungkook before I even realized my own feelings. He used to give me advice on how to act around Jungkook (I never really followed them because I don't have enough courage), and he used to cheer me up when Jungkook would date a new girl.

Unfortunately, he moved away 5 years ago with no warning and I lost contact with him because he didn't warn me.

I open my closet full of dresses (my favorite clothes), and choose a long sleeved red one which is slightly tight around my waist. I then do my hair and go downstairs.

"Y/n." My mom calls out to me from the living room as I enter the kitchen. "You've finally decided to go back, huh?" She stops reading her magazine and looks at me in the eye.

I gulp.

Don't tell me she knows I was lying?

While I take cereal and put them a the bowl BEFORE the milk, I say, "Yeah...I feel a lot better"

"That's good." She smiles and goes back to reading her magazine.

I sigh of relief as I pour some milk in the bowl when I'm sure she won't say anything else. 

A few minutes later, I finish my breakfast and am about to brush my teeth when my mum stops me. "Y/n, tell me, what's 2 x 13 again?" She asks.

"Uh..." I do rapid calculations in my head and reply, "26" with a confused expression.

"26...? That means...Oh wow, I'm so sorry for you Y/n..." She looks at me with pity in her eyes.

" you mean?" I start getting nervous.

"You're grounded for 6 months and 2 weeks. 26 weeks." She makes a sad smile and shakes her head.

"Wait...What?! Why??? How?!!!"

"Well, you're 13 and you've been skipping school for 2 weeks. So, you're age times 2 weeks equals 26 weeks." She says and sighs. "Did you really think I'm not able to know when my own daughter is faking a flu?"

I open my mouth but close it back because I know I can't argue. It's my fault I forgot how my mum works. Every time I do something bad, she ignores it and waits for me to stop doing it to give me the worst punishment. If after a month I'm still doing that bad action, she'll force me to stop AND give me a punishment.

I sigh and start brushing my teeth. I then angrily walk towards the door and put my schoolbag on my back.

"Make sure to take an umbrella. It's raining." My mum says as she comes towards me. I look outside the window and see that it's pouring. I take an umbrella from the basket next to the door and step outside.

"I haven't thought about what you're grounded yet, but I'll think about it during the day and tell you in the evening, okay?" She smiles.

"Bye mum." I say in a bitter tone and loudly close the door.

As I'm walking to the bus stop, I hear thunder.

Thank god there's no cold wind or I'd be freezing in this dress.

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