Chapter 15: The past³

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I haven't gone to school for two weeks now because I'm just scared to see the three youngest members of the team I don't even feel a part of anymore. To be honest I'm scared they've changed their attitude around me because I'm rhimless.

My mum has been worried because I've been acting like I got the flu. Today, I don't feel like getting out of bed either.

I check my phone, that my mum bought for my birthday, for messages from the boys.

Still nothing...

I sigh. They don't seem to care about me not going to school. The only people that care are my mum and Marion's dad.

Marion's father isn't like his daughter at all. He's very nice and makes the best jokes. In these two weeks I've stayed home, he's visited everyday to bring me sweets or cupcakes he bought on the way to my house. He then tells me stories about my dad, who died in a car accident when I was a baby.

Apparently, in the group of friends our parents had, my father was really close to Marion's. Just before Marion was born they had to move away because her father had a new job offer or something. Since he's back, he's regained contact with my mum and the boys' parents and I often hear my mum talking to him over the phone.

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly started dating. But I'd definitely be disgusted. As much as I love Marion's father, I don't have the same feelings towards his daughter and I would hate it if she suddenly became my potential step-sister.

I take my phone and check for messages again, knowing full well I've received nothing. I sigh again, feeling sad.

Ugh Y/n, you're so pathetic...Yes, you've known them for your whole life but...You can't keep clinging to them like your life depends on it. Maybe it's a sign for you to meet new people.

My mood brightens a bit at the thought of making new friends. I haven't made any since Marion even though she doesn't really count as a friend...

Tomorrow, I'll go to school and show the boys I can have a social life without them.

Succeeding in finding an excuse to want to go to school, I take my phone and open netflix to look for a new film to watch. Thirty minutes later, I give up. I guess all you need is two weeks to watch all the films netflix has to offer.

I groan as I turn over to my right side. I put my phone down and start thinking about which groups I'd want to try joining at school.

I lift myself on my elbows and open the "notes" application on my phone.

I choose a blank page and type the list of groups there are. A few minutes later, I've finished writing the list and giving my thoughts on each one:

Popular girls: aka Marion's group so, no. ✗

Weebs: mmh...why not? ✓

Save the planet: It's not like I don't want to save the planet but...I just don't see myself talking about it for hours non-stop. ✗

Kpopers: YES! ✓

Pranksters: Could be fun ✓

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