Chapter 26: Still of sentinel blood

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"They are still of sentinel blood..."

Stan woke up sweating and hyperventilating which woke up Charlie. She looked at him confused and saw the sweat pouring down his body. She clinged onto his back topless hugging Stan to have him fall down to sleep.

Stan: They are still of sentinel blood? What does that mean?

Charlie: *Yawns* Babe, go back to sleep. Just come here.

The sweating man laid back down next to his demon girlfriend as he tried to go back to sleep. Though in his dream King Novik said that they were of sentinel blood he was just confused.

He woke up 4 hours later still with that racing through his mind. What could it possibly mean he kept thinking. While sitting in the cafeteria Angel was snapping his fingers trying to snap Stan out of his trance.

Angel: It's not working. He must be really worked up about something. I wonder what it is?

Charlie: Earlier he mumbled something like still of sentinel blood so that must be it.

Angel: Let's try this.

Angel walks over to the buffet and grabs some potatoes. He brings it back and waves it in his face. Stan still is looking at the ground not moving.

Angel: Welp we tried. I guess we've just gotta wait till he's done being weird.

Charlie: I know what will get him to stop. Being like this.

Angel: How?

Charlie runs off and grabs Willy, Daisy, And Charl the bunnies. She puts them in front of Stan as he slowly looks up to see them. He smiles and pats them on their heads but returns to sulking. Charlie even tried to flash him but that did nothing.

They grab the others as they try to wake him from his trance. After 20 more minutes they give up.

Hayden: Nope. He's not stopping anytime soon.

Husk: This guy is literally a boulder. He will not move or budge.

Husk proceeds to poke him. Charlie got another bright idea. She told them to make her sad or angry and most likely it would work. Hayden got an idea on what to say.

Hayden: You're the biggest failure in the world. You have nothing to show of your existence meaning something to anyone. You never have accomplished anything within your sad small life.

Charlie: I-I *Sniff* do. *Sniff* Right?

She starts to sob with her horns popped out. Stan looks up at her to see the tears pouring from her eyes. His eye twitched and he started shaking. Then he transformed over to his demonic self. His shirt ripped in half as the horns grew from his body and his forehead.

D/Stan: What did you say to her!?

Angel: Oh shit. He looks very pissed.

He walks over to Charlie and comforts her trying to have her stop crying. He sits her down and knocks Hayden to the ground and punched him repeatedly until his knuckles bled.

Everyone steps back and watch as he gets up and flips over tables in anger. Charlie was still crying as Angel and Vaggie tried to get her out of there to not witness the chaos.

D/Stan: Tell me; What did you say to her?

Hayden: This is exactly what we needed for the research.

D/Stan: Huh?

Hayden: In anger you turn into that demonic version of yourself. Your blood is full of raw Argent energy. My hypothesis was correct. This could definitely be used for what I thought about earlier.

D/Stan: You didn't answer my question though. 

Hayden: Oh well I called her a failure. Only to snap you out of that trance you put yourself into. I must say you have been acting weird so the only way to get your attention is by angering you.

D/Stan: I just have been having a hard time. Last night I had a dream and in it King Novik said I they are still of sentinel blood.

Hayden: Wait. The night sentinels. Weren't you one?

He returned to his normal self.

Stan: Yes. I was their leader. If what that dream told me is true it most likely means that there's a night sentinel but corrupted.

Hayden: So maybe one who couldn't fight off the hordes of Hell? That might be what it was telling you.

Stan: That has to be it. Sorry about beating you up again.

Hayden accepted his apology and he left. Stan followed Hayden out to see Angel and Vaggie sitting next to Charlie hugging her as she continues to sob.

Stan: Hey-Hey it's okay.

Charlie: A-Am I really a *Sniff* failure?

Stan: No you aren't. You've accomplished a lot in your life. You've gotten bad people into heaven by simply having them stay at a hotel. Name someone else who's done that.

She kept on crying remembering what her father said long ago. Stan crouched down and slid over to her.

Vaggie: She took what Hayden said personally. We tried to cheer her up but she won't stop crying.

Stan: Poor thing. Come here.

Charlie laid down in Stan's arms as he brushed her hair. She just couldn't control letting the tears out. He lifts up her head to see her eyes were a maroon red from being a mixture of sadness and anger.

She hugged Stan but her nails clawed into his back. He grunted in pain but just let it slide because it could've been worse. He picked up his princess and took her back to their room. He slides her underneath the covers and pats her on the head.

Stan was about to leave the room to speak with Dr. Hayden but Charlie sits back up.

Charlie: Wait Don't go.

Stan: Why? I was just going to see Hayden.

Charlie: Can you just lay down with me? Please. To make me feel better.

Stan rolls his eyes and walks back over to the bed and plops down next to Charlie. She rolled over to the side he was on and snuggles him.

Charlie: You're my big buff teddy bear.

Stan: Well then you're my adorable cinnamon roll. So sweet and innocent.

He laughed and felt Charlie get up and sit on his abs. She fell forward and their lips met each other. Charlie was already starting to feel better knowing how she's always got her man. He'll be there for her when she's grumpy or down in the dumps and needs a pick me up. The two continue making out until Charlie stopped being a grump.

Charlie: Thanks. I really needed that.

She smiled at him. His heart melted seeing her face like that. She's too adorable Stan kept thinking. He just wants to squeeze her for the rest of his existence.

Charlie: I love you.

Stan: Love you too.

He rolled into a spoon position and took a nap with Charlie. The two were perfect for each other.

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