Chapter 35: Welcome to Taras Nabad

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BJ continued to scream and throw a chair at the creature who flew away. This woke Allison and Geltahmiin up. He was panting asking, "What was that thing!?"

Geltahmiin got up and teleported some clothes on the three. She explained that was her friend Lucy who stayed here till she could return to where she's from. BJ wiped his sweat away then noticed she sewed his brown coat up. It felt nice and warm, just as it used to.

They were teleported to the living room of the hotel to see Hayden standing there with a holographic screen. BJ, Allison, and Geltahmiin interrupted his explanation of the icon of sin.

Geltahmiin: Sorry Darling, you can continue what you were saying.

Hayden: As I was saying, the Khan Maykr is planning on using the Icon to destroy earth. The longer it is on earth, the stronger it will become. That's why you must revisit Taras Nabad. There is a forge there you can use. A titan can only be killed by a slayer's crucible.

Stan: This is gonna be a tough one. Take me there.

Charlie: I'm coming too. You'll need some support, both emotionally and physically. I can really help out babe.

Stan: Just don't get hurt.

Hayden: Good, we'll open the portal for you.

He opened one up linked himself to the comms so he could navigate them through the abandoned city. BJ wished them luck as him and his girls got up.

They were spat out inside a cave of some sort. Over the communication system in their helmets, Hayden spoke. He said, "The blade of your original crucible is still embedded in the titan who attacked this city, before you were stuck."

Charlie: What do you mean stuck?

Stan: Wait stuck... oh yeah! I was sleeping in a rock for thousands of years in hell, but only 100 passed on earth apparently.

Charlie: And you're only realizing this, now?

Stan nodded walking to the exit of the cave. There was a gap they had to leap across. Charlie took a running start, double jumping over it. She landed perfectly while Stan stumbles a bit from feeling a bit of the absorbed shock.

Up ahead were some doors guarded by a Cyber Mancubus, Hell knight, and a few mecha zombies. Charlie rolled her eyes and grabbed the Balista shooting the destroyer blade, killing them all. She smiled blowing a kiss at Stan handing him back his gun.

They opened the gates and a Marauder came through. Stan was concerned thinking he killed him already but remembered something. There is always another to take its place. Or was kinda difficult due to the fact he blocked almost every bullet, but after a while he finally blasted him open.

Once he was killed Hayden spoke again through their comms. He said, "The Great city of Taras Nabad. Site of the first demon attack in Argent D'nur. According to the corrax tablet, the city would've been lost if it hadn't been for the arrival of the slayer."

Charlie: My boyfriend was a hero?

Stan: Yep. Lots of people think of me as a god. An avenging angel of some sorts due to my hate for the demons.

The couple continued through the ruins of the once great sentinel city. The bridge was broken so they swung off of a bar and boosted to wall that could be climbed. At the top a few imps were that were just easy pickings with a shot from the good ol' super shotgun.

Charlie walked out into an area with a statue. There was a switch behind it that needed to be activated. Her and Stan proceeded around and up to it but got surrounded by demons. They did their usual business and beat the ever living hell out of them. After a good 10 minutes of ripping n' tearing the couple flipped the switch allowing them to advance through.

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