Chapter 12

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Pinky pouted beside me at her loss. The bandage on her face was apparently irritating her but more than that she lost to me. The big bad fucking wolf.

"I'm not gonna apologize for winning so could you shut up so I can fucking focus." I tell her looking at the fight.

In front of us Katsu was fighting the red head and while the battle seemed pretty even right now I already knew.

"Red fuck's going to loose." I say softly.

"What makes you think that?" She was genuinely confused by my sudden conclusion. She stared at the fight for any signs I was right.

"Red Fuck's quirk is wearing down. It won't stay effective forever. He needs to get off defense if he wants to win. I think he is trying to wait for Katsuki to ease up but by that time his quirk won't be able to help him." The people around us listened to my analysis while watching the battle.

"Don't worry though... Katsuki isn't going to win the tournament." I inform.

"If Half Ass over there uses his full power he could beat either one of us." My lips udder as I look up. "Could..." I emphasized implying that I was still playing to win.

"Why are you calling Kirishima, Red Fuck?" Pinky asked. I looked at her quizzically barely even understanding her question. I squint and for some reason explain my reasoning to the girl.

"Because I don't know his name and red fuck is easy to say." I tell her. "Same reason I've been mentally calling you Pinky." I say looking back to the fight.

"You still don't know my name?!" She exclaimed as if she were disappointed. As if I gave a fuck. Her face scrunched up as she playfully punched me in the arm over and over. Pinky gave me the most pissed face she could muster before I looked away from her again.


"Now for the show down we've been waiting for!" Mic screamed loudly into the microphone. This help excite the crowd as I walk out with my hands in my pockets. My eyes were dull and I was trying to figure out some of his signature moves and the easiest ways to counter them.

"On one side we have Killia Bakugou. One the other Katsuki Bakugou. Both have argued they'll win we'll see who will be the right one now..." he eased up on the yelling a little but I stare at Katsu and the ugly face he made trying to make a sort of plan.

"On your marks..." Katsuki and I both get ready as Midnight speaks and I smirk in excitement. "Get set..."

My mind calms down completely so I can think clearly with a problem. One thing that's going to set up apart is how calm and collected I seem and am. Although Katsuki is the same way is doesn't look calm even though he is. Another thing is our fighting styles. Katsuki's is brutal and forceful while mine is more about quick movements and take downs. Mine is simply more tactical at times so we'll see what happens.

"Go!" Midnight called. Neither of us wasted a second we flew toward each other and I notice he was using the opposite of the move he usually starts with. His wide right hook turned into my move: the tight and close left hand hook. I prepare to move his hand on the right side of my body and after doing so I hook my leg around his neck and pull my body up while dragging his down. He counter by completely picking me up in attempt to slam me into the floor. I use my arms and legs to swing around his body and move him to the ground. I back away and then charge him quickly. He was already back up and tried to stop my assault.

I stop right in front of him and pull my foot up and attempt to drop kick him. However he dodges and spin on my heel before slamming my other heel into his cheek. Katsuki blast my hand away slightly burning it. I grunt before powering a kick with a strong blast.

I felt myself spinning almost like a tornado as my foot smacked into Katsuki's head. It was painful and my head throbbed from how dizzy I was getting. I slowed down and I felt like throwing up. Not to mention the combination of all the pain Katsuki was feeling. I could barely decifier mine and his own pain.

I look up for a second and notice Katsuki was just as disoriented as I was. Suddenly he collapsed and my eyes widen.

"Katsu..." I whisper. As blood trickled down his arms and pulled around him. I run toward him and slide down next to him. Katsuki's chest slowly moved up and down almost like he was asleep.

"Killia Bakugou wins by knockout." I sigh and hug Katsuki close.

I don't even know what happened to you...

strength (bakugou's twin sister) - BnhaWhere stories live. Discover now