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Admit it, life would be boring without me.

Wish #6: Change a life.


Dave’s POV.

The next day came by and not a moment sooner. The events of the past few days had been a struggle. Kath being kidnapped, Liz and I saving Kath…I was more than exhausted and ready to relax. I was packing my things when Kath walked in.

“Liz is here” Kath said.

“I’m coming” I nodded and carried the suitcases out with me.

“thanks so much for everything Dave” Kath said, “I don’t know how I can repay you for everything”.

“You don’t have to Kath, friends help each other” I simply said. Kath smiled at me. We met Ayo and Liz talking in the living room.

What could they possible be talking about?.

Liz turned to us, “I booked a cab for you, are you ready?”.

“Yeah” I nodded, I turned to Ayo. “thanks bro for letting us stay here”.

“it’s no problem” Ayo grinned, “don’t forget to call me when you get there. I doubt you will have fun there”. I rolled my eyes. He turned to Kath, “have a great time there, call me and don’t forget me”.

“I can never forget you” Kath said and hugged Ayo. Ayo hugged her back and I cleared my throat, “let’s go”.

Ayo helped me carry the suitcases to the cab which was waiting downstairs for us. I put the bags in the trunk and we got in. Liz and Ayo stood in front of my side of the car.

“Are you going home now?” Kath asked Liz.

“Yeah. Don’t forget to call me when you arrive. Dave, take care of her” Liz answered with her ever serious face. Kath and I nodded.

Liz nodded and waved goodbye. She left and Ayo followed her. I rolled my eyes at that. The cab was about to leave when a boy came. He knocked on the window by my side.

I winded the window down, “what is it?”.

“They said I should give you this” the boy said and pushed an envelope in my hands before running away.

“Hey! Wait! Who is they?!” I asked but the boy was gone. I looked at the envelope and opened it. There was a letter inside and it seems it was addressed to me.

Don’t think just because you are leaving the city means I can’t get you. I know your friends, your family…you can’t escape from me.

The reason I am letting you do this is because of my daughter and that I trust you to take care of her.

Do otherwise and I won’t hesitate to kill you.

I stared at the letter with wide eyes and looked around. I turned to the driver, “let’s go”. D-don Okafor sent me this letter, I am sure of it.

How could he have found out?. I sank into the seat, feeling all my tension leave me in that moment of comfortability. I sighed. I don’t have to worry just yet, as he said, the reason he is letting us go this far is because he trusts me.

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