What destiny unites, life divides

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It’s sad that you put me in a situation where the only option was letting you go.


Ayo pressed his phone to his ear waiting for the person on the other side to answer the call. There was a beep. “Ayo hey” Sam said, “are you at Kath’s place already?”.

“Yeah” he said sadly, “Kath is dead”.

“Wha-what are you saying?” Sam stuttered in disbelief, “K-K-Kath? Dead?! Don’t joke with me Ayo”.

“Why the fuck would I joke with that Sam?! Kath is dead, we saw her corpse, she was buried today” Ayo said distressed, “your brother is a fucking mess, he can’t stop crying”.

“oh God, no” Sam said in utter shock, “Kath can’t really be…what happened?”.

“Don’t freak out but…” Ayo began to explain how Kath is Don Okafor’s daughter and her sickness. Sam is utterly shocked.

“I have to come there” Sam said subconsciously.

“No, you stay there. I don’t think Don Okafor will take in anymore guests and I am here for Dave, don’t worry” Ayo assured.

“Okay” Sam said reluctantly, “thanks Ayo”.

“you are welcome” Ayo replied and hung up. Liz suddenly rushed to him in panic. “Ayo! Ayo!” she called panting heavily.

He furrowed his brows, “what’s wrong?”.

“Dave! He is bleeding, he is unconscious” Liz spat out.

“What?!” Ayo exclaimed and followed Liz to Dave’s room. Later, Dave was laid on the bed with a bandage on his head. Don Okafor, Meredith-Kath’s mother-, Chika, Ayo, Liz and Chris are gathered. A doctor is checking on Dave.

“Luckily, he is fine. He didn’t suffer any serious brain damage” the doctor said, “if he did this to himself, you should watch him. He might end up killing himself one day”. Everyone’s expression is grim.

“Thank you doctor” Ayo said. The doctor nodded and left. Dave regained consciousness shortly after the doctor left. “urgh, my head hurts” he groaned, “I feel like a hammer bashed my head in”.

“That is what you get for banging your head on the burglary” Ayo snapped, “what were you thinking?!”.

“Stop yelling, my head feels like there is a stampede” Dave groaned. He touched his forehead and winced.

“Next time, try not to kill yourself” Don Okafor said impassively. Dave and Don Okafor stared at each other before the Don turned and left.

Dave groaned and laid back down. He opened his eyes a few seconds later, “where is Kath?”. Ayo looked down in helplessness. He felt Dave would never be able to recover from Kath’s loss. He just knew it.

“Kath is dead Dave. Her funeral was today. Please stop making me relieve it” Ayo said pained, “do you really think you are the only one going through this pain. Kath was my friend too. She was a great person. Don’t you think I miss her just as much?”. Dave didn’t look at Ayo but he could sense how much Ayo was hurting. Fresh tears rolled down Dave’s cheeks.

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