Win Some To Lose Some

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I found someone I never want to lose.

Wish #8: donate blood

Wish #9: learn how to ride a bike.


Dave’s POV.

The next few days passed peacefully though I was worried. Kath was behaving odd. She became sluggish, she had puffy eyes and she was always falling asleep. I was worried she was sick but it didn’t seem to be. I had taken her to a doctor and he said she wasn’t sick. She did get better after that though.

Soon she had reverted back to herself, the fun loving, energetic Kath. While all this happened, Sandra and I had been going out a bit to strengthen our bond. She and I just started dating so we had to make sure it works.
I was home when Kath walked in. “hi Dave” she smiled.

I frowned, “where did you go?”.

“I just…went out with Ayo. Why do you sound like that? I don’t like it” Kath said, her brows furrowed in displeasure.

I got up, rubbing my forehead. I looked at Kath apologetically, “I’m sorry. I just don’t like it when you leave the house without me. It gets me worried. Sorry if I am such a control freak”. I stared at her with an earnest look.

“It’s okay, I guess” Kath shrugged understandingly and smiled, “but trust in me a little. I won’t get you worried like last time okay?”.

“Okay” I said deciding to trust her more. “you and Ayo have been going out a lot” I added as she made her way inside.

“yeah, um, you are always busy on dates with Sandra so Ayo and I go out a little” Kath answered. She seemed to be choosing her words but I ignored it and nodded. Kath went in and I walked back to the couch. I really should control myself. I know I am responsible for her but I shouldn’t overdo it by trying to control her movements. She is her own person.

Kath joined me in the living room and sat next to me. “What are you watching?” she asked.


“No way! Merlin! I love Merlin!” Kath said excitedly and turned to the TV. I sighed inwardly and smiled wryly, knowing this quiet moment wouldn’t last. As predicted, Kath turned to me and began talking, “so how has work been going? I really don’t know where you work and you are always really busy”.

“you wouldn’t know where I work and I would like to stay focused while I’m working there soooo, I’m not telling you” I said with a smile. Even though I was watching something, talking to Kath wasn’t something I could ignore. One, she would disturb you till you had no choice but to listen to her and two, listening and talking to Kath always made me happy.

This is so bad. I am used to her. How will I cope when you leave Kath? Everything will be so boring for me.

“How about you and Sandra?” Kath asked, “I still can’t believe you and I talked about her, and how helplessly in love you are with her and now, you are dating her”. She laughed amazed.

I smiled instead, not feeling too enthusiastic about the topic. She turned to me and nudged me, “so tell me”.

I didn’t really feel like telling but since Kath asked. “Things have been okay” I said a bit unsure, “I mean, we have been going out for a while. It feels normal, like when we were friends, only now we are dating. It feels like a dream. Sometimes, neither me nor Sandra can believe it”.

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