EP.198|Who Am I?

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EP.198|Who Am I?
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“What do you mean you know where the grail is?” Mal questioned. “I need to talk to my grandma Heine!” Ben quickly put on his jacket, rushing for the door but Mal grabbed his wrist.
“Baby,” Mal rested her hand on his face, “breath, talk to me, you promise you would…”
Ben kissed her lips, “I’ll explain when I find out everything.”
“No,” Mal pulled him back down, “I’m your wife, I hate being the last to know about these things.”
Ben sighed, “I’m not even sure if I’m me anymore…”
“My mom might not be my mom, or my dad might not be my dad, I might not be royalty, I might not even be animalistic!” Ben began to shake.
“Ben,” Mal held his hands, “I don't care, you’re still my Ben.”
“I don't know why,” Ben kissed her softly, “but if the gods blessed me with you, I must have done something right.”
“Let’s go find your grandma,” Mal lifted him off the bed, holding his hand as they left the room.
CJ and Carlos both sat upright on the bed, the sheets covering both of them. “So,” Carlos began, “kids.”
“Do you really want this?” CJ asked, “not just kids, but with me, cause once we do this, it’s a whole different ball game.”
“CJ, of course, I want to do this,” Carlos intertwined his fingers with hers. “Carlos, I’m serious about this,” CJ eyes grew serious, “you have to promise me you won't run out to the store one day and never come back and leave me and our future kids alone.”
Carlos chuckled, CJ scowled and hit him with the pillow, “Carlos! It’s not funny!”
Carlos pulled her down for a hug, “I’m not gonna leave you.”
Carlos swiftly flipped CJ to be under him, he rested his hand gently on his cheek, “CJ, did you know animalistic mate only once in their life?” Carlos moved strands of her golden locks.
“Ye-Yes,” CJ stuttered, “bu-but humans don't...we have multiple spouses in our lifetimes…”
“Princesa? Why are you so worried?” Carlos kissed her neck, feeling how tense she got, “Princesa, talk to me amore.”
CJ stood silent, “please, mi Princesa, you know it hurts us both when your hurting.” she shook her head. “Baby, you wouldn't understand, humans aren’t like animalistic.”
“I’m still human!” Carlos removed his lips from her skin, his eyes locking with them “I still have a beating heart, a brain, a soul,” he kissed her lips, “my love for you.”
“Doesn’t that make me human?”
“It does but, all men leave me...animalistic or not.” CJ felt tears brimming her eyes.
Carlos growled, “who told you that?”

“Who told you that lie, CJ?” Carlos growl deepened. “I-I don't know, wh-why are you so mad?” CJ held his hands, his growl went down in octaves. 
“I don't want you thinking that I’m like every other man you’ve been with.” Carlos pinned her to the bed. “Carlos, up till now, you’ve spoiled me with love, admiration, but we all know where this ends…” CJ felt tears streaming down her cheeks.
“End where mi amore?”
“Sure, all this love you’re giving me is amazing, heck heavenly even, but if we start a family, it’ll just end up killing both of us slowly…”
“Why are you looking at the negative, mi Princesa?” Carlos whimpered, “what do I have to do to prove to you that I’m in for the long run!”
“You don't need to prove-” but before CJ could finish her sentence Carlos kissed her. “Obviously I do, right now, I’ll show you just how much I love you, my Princesa…”
CJ saw the look of love and determination in his eyes, “maybe...you’re not like other guys…”
Carlos kissed her lips, “CJ, my name is Carlos DeVille, I don't have millions of dollars, a beautiful castle, heck, I’m just some dog boy who can morph into different animals.”

He leaned in closer, their foreheads touching, “but there’s one thing I’m not,” “what’s that?” CJ asked, hope filling her eyes. “I’m nothing like those other men.”
Ben reached Heine’s house, gulping as Mal noticed the hesitant look in his eyes. Mal held his hand, nodded as she knocked on the door.
Henie stirred in Chernabog arms, waking at the sound of the door. Chernabog tried to pull her down but Henie smiled and kissed his forehead, “I’ll be back, let me just see who’s at the door.”
She laughed as Chernabog loosened his grip on her wrist. Heine smiled as she opened the door to see her grandson and his wife, “Ben, what are you doing here?”
“Grandma…” Ben stood up proud, “who am I?”
Heine sighed and grabbed Ben’s hand. “Chernabog, wake up, it’s important.” Heine shook him slightly, waking up the demon.
“Honey,” Heine sat him down on the bed, “I won't lie to you, your mom isn't your mom.”
Ben looked down, scrunching up his fist, “do you know where I’m from?”
“Yes,” Heine nodded, “Ben, you’re Tregoron, so is your brother.”
“What about his real mom?” Mal asked. “Should we tell him?” Chernabog looked at his wife, Heine nodded.
“Ben, Dixie is your mother.”
Ben looked down at his hands, “my master is my mother…?”
“Yes, but there’s more.” Chernabog took a deep breath, “Dixie’s alive…”
Ben stood up quickly “wh-what?!”
“She’s in Tregoron if you go see her then you may, but you’re gonna need this.” Heine pulled out a small brown box from under the bed.
“I think you know what this is,” Chernabog passed him the box, opening it to reveal the one thing the VKs have been looking for the past year.
The Holy Grail.
The VKs surrounded the round table in the study, the grail in the middle. “A year, an entire year and it’s been here the entire time?!” Carlos scolded.
“Yes, but what do we do with it?” CJ tilted her head. “We go find Swan,” Hunter shrugged, propping his feet on the table. “Actually, I need to make a pit stop before we find Swan,” Ben rubbed the back of his neck, “I need to go to Tregoron.”
“No, no, no! Tregoron will be our 7th island if we go, let’s just find Swan and get this over with shit.” Hunter sighed. “Please, Hunter, I have to go! My mother might be there!” Ben shook him back and forth.
“Your mother is in jail!”
“My mother is Dixie!”
“What?” Hunter looked towards him. “I just found out a couple of hours ago...but yeah, Dixie’s my mom, I need to find her so she can tell me more about who I am.”
Hunter sighed, “ya got a map?”

“We’re going with you, did you really think we’d leave you alone?” Jasper laughed, ruffling Ben’s hair. “I thought you were tired of my shit…” Ben muttered.
“We all got shit, you don't any of us getting tired of it.” Evie winked, holding a sleeping Raja in her lap.
“You gonna be okay leaving Raja again?”
“Yeah, she’s gonna be with my parents while we’re away, we’ve explained to her that when we gonna be a family...a family that doesn't leave to kill monsters.” Evie sweatdropped.
“Operetta,” Ben faced the redhead, “Are you and the twins gonna be fine?”
“Don't worry about us,” Operetta winked, “I’m strong and so are my babies, plus, Healer just redid my shield so we’re good for a while.”
“Alright,” Ben stood up, “get some rest, tomorrow we head out for Thergoron.”
“With what map?” Healer said, appearing out of nowhere as always. The VKs jumped up, they still weren’t used to the fact that Healer could just appear out of thin air out of nowhere.
“A map?” Freddie asked. “Yes, Thergoron is like Atlantis, it’s near to impossible to find without a map, and the only map out there to Thergoron is at Ben’s ex-girlfriend’s palace.” Healer said.
“Why would Briar have it?” Zeref questioned. “Because Belle gave Aura the map to make sure you or Lucifer never find it and end up finding Dixie.”
“But Dixie was the one who trained Ben and Lucifer, why would they hire her if Belle didn't Ben and Lucifer to find out about Dixie?” Evie was just as confused as everyone else.
“That’s something Ben should ask Dixie,” Healer smiled at Ben, before walking for the door “there’s a party for Briar’s birthday tomorrow night.”
“Cool! We’re gonna crash a party!” Carlos cheered. “Uh, no,” Healer chuckled, “I just want the VKs girls to do this one.”
“Yes! I finally get to test out FireFly on some Heros!” CJ smiled wickedly.

“Yeah,” Healer patted her shoulder, awkwardly, “okay, just get the map hun.”
“But wait, Mal’s family and Briar’s family hate each other, the guards won't let us or Mal anywhere near the palace.” Operetta warned.
“Don't worry,” Mal smirked devilishly, “we’re getting into that party, I’ll make sure of that.”

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