EP.205|The Big Reveal!

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EP.205|The Big Reveal!
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“Benjamin Pendragon,” Jasper said, folding his arms behind his head, “rolls off the tongue, plus, Pendragon is a better last name.”
“And sexier,” Mal kissed his lips. “Keep it in your pants, Mal.” Hunter teased. Mal growled at him, Hunter chuckled. The grail circled around Ben, flashing rapidly. “What’s wrong?” Ben’s brows furrowed.
The grail zoomed past the VKs, circling around a sign that said, “heroes iles, 0.2 miles ahead.” CJ read.
“We’re gonna have to go through the Hero Iles?” Evie shuttered. “Portal,” the grail wrote in shiny gold dust in the air. “There’s a portal to Swans in the hero isles? Is it someplace we can't reach by foot?” Jasper questioned.
“You could say that.” Nadia replied, “but the grail’s right, there are 3 a person can go through to reach Swan, she placed on where the Villain Isles is but the heroes must have taken because they knew you would never be stupid enough to go through the hero isles.”
“She’s right, we’re not gonna be able to get past the gate!” Zeref exclaimed. “Let’s think, is finding Swan really worth risking our lives for?” Carlos sarcastically asked.
“Yeah, you idiot!” Ben smacked him upside the head. “I think I have a plan to get us in,” Ben smirked.
“I don't like that look on your face, you’re up to something.” Freddie looked at him with concern.
Freddie was right though, Ben did have a plan, although, it wasn’t the most comfortable one.
“I will murder you on we’re out of this town, Ben.” Hunter promised Ben. The former king had all the VKs locked in the back of a wagon on a cage, riding through the town as the hero's watched, some even clapped.
“I don't like it either but just trust me, it was the only way the guards would let me in,” Ben whispered. “Benny!” a familiar voice cheered. Ben rolled his eyes, “Briar...what a surprise…”
Mal growled, “Ben, I get your playing hero boy now but I swear if she gets handy I’m breaking out of this wagon so fast it’ll make your head spin.”
Ben chuckled nervously, “my love, there’s nothing to worry about, 1) she’s lesbian, and 2) I mated with you didn’t it?”
Mal sighed, “I guess your right, but no funny business.”
Briar hopped up on Ben’s lap, “Benny~ I was wondering if you wanted to join us for tea later today.”
“Why?” Ben asked, “I thought you hated me.”

“Come on, now that you turned on your VK friends, let’s just say,” Briar noticed Mal growling softly, “that spark between us was rekindled.”
Ben’s eyes locked with Mal’s “Mal…”
“Do whatever you want Ben,” Mal said, obviously pissed. “Honey, you know this is only for the good of the mission.” Ben tried to reason with her.
“I said, do whatever you want.” Mal’s growling raised. “But-” “Just do whatever the fuck you want! Jeez! Isn't this what you always wanted?”
“No, I always wanted you…”
Mal bit her lip, “Ben, promise me, if she makes you have sex with her, I’m the one you see. Alright?”
Ben chuckled “what?”
“I’m serious! I have to know this meant nothing to you, that it was strictly for information.” Mal’s breath was shaky, she wasn’t even sure if this was a good idea.
Ben smiled, “I promise if I have sex with Briar, I’ll think of you the entire time.”
Mal grunted in approval, smiling slightly at Ben. “Tea would sound lovely, Briar.” Ben flashed a fake smile.
While Briar and Ben entered a small shop to pick up crumpets for the tea party, spectators began to gather around the wagon to throw food at the VKs.
“If I get thrown another tomato, it's a frozen city for all these heroes.” Operetta had an evil glint in her eyes, which Hunter was practically swooning over, “so hot…”
“I know, do these heroes know how hard it is to get tomatoes out of this hair?” Evie rolled her eyes. “Also, if these heroes ask me if my Tamiki is real one more time I’ll show them how real it is,” Freddie growled.
CJ noticed one of the men reaching for Firefly, “hands off!” CJ snarled.
“Why should I? Something as powerful as that sword shouldn’t belong to a woman.” the man scoffed. Carlos perked up, he laughed, “you mess up big time.”
“What are you gonna do? Bark me to death, please.” he rolled his eyes. Carlos sighed shaking his head, “it isn't me you have to worry about, it’s her.”
“Oh please, what can she-” before she could finish, CJ used Firefly to send a gouge out his eye. “AGH! What’s wrong with you?!” the man scolded.
“Awe, sorry, did you need that eye?” CJ wiped his blood off of Firefly, even though she couldn't control it, rare moments, Firefly would work with her.
It was like the sword was a whole different person! It would only help in situations that it seemed a worthy time to defeat an opponent.
It was almost like Firefly was the master and not CJ! And she hated it every second, she hated the fact she would have to plead sometimes for Firefly to work.
CJ sighed, “I hope one day we can have an actual partnership instead of us fighting for supremacy.”
To this day, CJ swore she heard a voice. “I hope so too, CJ.”
“Well look at that,” Winter’s voice made Evie cringe, “you finally got captured.”
“Go away, Winter.” Evie didn’t even look at her. Winter smirked as she looked Jasper up and down, “you know Jasper, Briar and I were looking to try out multiple sexual partners.”
Evie growled, pulling Jasper close, “mine!”
Winter chuckled, “normally the dragon is the possessive one, but now look who’s being possessive.”
“Go away!” Evie eyes flashed a crystal blue. “Why should I?” Winter scoffed. Evie extended her hand, crystals shooting into Winter’s arm.
“Even look towards Jasper and I’ll make sure you’re insides are your outsides!” Evie snarled, Jasper could have sworn he saw fangs on Evie, “what…?”
Winter clutched her arm and walked off. Jasper stoked Evie’s hair, “babe, how’s Ioaz?”
“I feel woozy…” Evie groaned, laying down on Evie’s lap. Jasper chuckled, “first time always makes you pass out.”
Ben never felt so uncomfortable that he did right now. He sipped his tea as he sat in his old castle, normally he would have felt at home in the castle garden but now all of the things he loved about this castle felt like a lie.
Ben inwardly cringed as he fake laughed at the jokes Briar and Winter told to their hero friends. Back when he thought he was a hero, Ben loved going to tea parties like this. Briar and he would sit and joke about what it would be like as King and Queen, it was sweet.
Now, as Briar and Winter made lingering stares at him, all he wanted to do was burn the castle and all of the heroes down with it.
“Briar,” Ben pulled her aside, “if we’re gonna do anything can we just get it over with?”
Briar laughed, “Ben, I’m lesbian, strictly lesbian, and to be honest,” Briar looked him up and down, “meh.” she shrugged.
“Okay, then why invite me for tea all of a sudden?” Ben questioned. “I wanna show ya something,” Briar whispered, leaving the garden and giving a wink to Winter.
Meanwhile, the VKs were thrown into a dust old cell in the basement. “Do they ever clean down here?!” Nadia coughed. “Nope!” Geyu laughed, walking towards the cage.
Nadia and Geyu starred in silence. Inside his mind, Geyu could feel Araden doing flips, “is her Lucifer!”
“Who?” Lucifer laid on the dark cloud. “My mate you idiot!” Araden popped the cloud. “Nadia?” The real Nadia?” Lucifer rubbed the back of his head. Araden ran towards the screen, “oh my gods! Look at those beautiful eyes, so beautifully peach! And those lips, so perfectly kissable! Don't get me started on her body, her personality, the way she giggles my name.”
Only a little longer, my love, I promise, we’ll be together again. Nadia knew Araden was in there, even though the two were inches apart, to the two lovers it might as well have been miles.
“Stop staring at me like that.” Geyu pushed her away, Nadia scoffed and glared at him. “I can't believe, after all the shit you did to these poor people, you haven't been drowned in holy water yet.”
Geyu laughed, “you wish, honey,” he rolled his eyes, “you’re just mad because I have Araden now and you don't.”
“You just don't get it do ya Geyu,” Nadia laughed loudly, “I’ve had Araden since the moment I met him, and he has me. Trapped or not, I know that Araden hasn't stopped loving me! And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he’s back in my arms!”
Geyu raised his eyebrow, “Nadia, please, you can't fight me.”
“Oh,” Nadia chuckled darkly, “I’m not fighting you,” Nadia leaned in and whispered something in his ear bringing a shocked look to Geyu’s face. 
“You gotta be kidding me?!”
Ben followed Briar upstairs, “so what did you want to show me?”
“This,” Briar knocked on the painting of Belle 3 times, causing it to open a secret passage. To reveal a large metal circle that has a large amount of colorful energy. “Is that…”
“The portal to Swan. We’re this close to winni-”
Before she could finish, Ben smacked her upside the head with the grail, “sorry Briar…”
“She looks better this way.” Mal giggled, touching his shoulder. Ben chuckled, “how’d you get out so quickly?”
“VK secret.” Mal winked, pulling him towards the portal. “You ready? She’s right though that portal.” 
Ben held her hand, “I’m ready.”
Ben stepped into the portal with the VKs, falling into a beautiful stream of colors and stars.
“Woah!” Carlos gasped, watching as wolves made of green colored energy run happily, Carlos changed into his wolf form running along with them.
Carlos laughed happily, he never felt more alive! The energy was radiating off of the wolves and onto Carlos, it was honestly refreshing. Carlos smiled as he watched them run off, turning into dragons.
“What the?” Carlos tilted his head. “Dragons!” Jasper cheered, his eyes glowing with amazement. He morphed into his dragon form, grabbing Evie as he soared high, doing tricks with dragons “JASPER! I’m gonna fall!” Evie squeeled.
“No were not,” Jasper blew fire out of his mouth, “these are my people!” Jasper spun in a circle.
Evie smiled as he watched Jasper cheered, she’s never seen him happier. Wrapped her arms around Jasper’s large neck, “it’s nice seeing you this happy.”
The dragons soon turned into light blue, almost cyan, snow that trickled down on them. “Hunter look! Snow!” Operetta giggled, with a flick of her wrist a snow version of Adonis was made.
“Awe, looks like Adonis had a playmate.” Hunter chuckled as he watched Adonis climb out of Operetta’s bag and play with it’s snow duplicate.
Operetta laid down in the snow, making snow angels with the VKs. She shot up when she noticed the beautiful ice blue butterfly wings on her back.
“KYA?! What the hell are those?!” Operetta shrieked. Mal examined the wings, noticing the intricate snowflake designs, “you don't got any fairy blood in ya, so what’s with the wings?”
Nadia smiled softly, watching as Operetta tried to fly. And just like a baby bird, eventually fell on her face.
I knew you were special, Operetta. Nadia helped her off the ground. “Guess I need a little work huh?” Operetta chuckled nervously. No kidding, she’s just like her. Nadia giggled and nodded.
The snow disappeared, Operetta frowned but smiled when she noticed Freddie’s eyes lightning up.
“Big Sis! Look! Shadows and tiki heads!” Freddie gasped as the lavender colored shadows of little children circled around CJ.
The shadows turned into the lion heads she could see when she used her Lion Fist move. Freddie felt this strange energy filling up inside of her. She wasn’t complaining though, she felt powerful and she liked it.
Freddie looked up to see the shadows fading away outside the tunnel, she smiled and waved goodbye.
“Uh, Mal,” Ben caught her attention. Mal turned towards him, “yeah?”
“When did you get horns?!”
Mal felt atop her head, there was indeed two large horns made of purple and black energy. “Woah…” Mal looked into Evie’s mirror, noticing not only the horns but her wings as well.

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