EP.214|The Demonic Dragon and the Drinan (Part 1)

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EP.214|The Demonic Dragon and the Drinan

"Mal," I lead the VKs to a different room, "I know you hate enclosed spaces so for you memories all you have to do is take this pill," I handed her a white pill and a bottle of water.

"That's it?" Mal hopped onto the examining table, she took the pill and began to feel woozy, "woah...this works...fast-" but before she could finish, she passed out.

Mal looked around to see she was in my rose garden, "In...out..." a familiar voice whispered, Mal smiled, "Ben?"

He has medium length hair silver with fringes long enough to pass his eyebrows.
It is shorter beneath his ears and longer up top and has been styled in slight variations of the same cut. He has beautiful crystal blue eyes.

He wore a black collared shirt with cuffs and white trim. He keeps it buttoned over his neck and held in place with a wolf insignia.

Over the black shirt, he wears the white military jacket with black trim and decorated buttons.

It also has the black piece of the Swan Realm on the left shoulder and black cuffs with white buttons that nearly reach up to his elbows. He wears white gloves.

He has a thick black belt encircling his waist, and he wears two smaller belts below it forming an X over his posterior and front.

He also keeps his sword at his left hip. He wears white pants with black boots reaching up to his upper thighs.

The boots have three large buttons at the upper lateral sides and three smaller buttons coming up from his ankles. The soles, toe, and heels of the boots are white.

A decoration over the heels consists of a small ribbon coming from either side to make an X with a small white circular detail keeping them in place.

He also wears a white cloak with a hood as well. The gold decoration on it has blue gems hanging from its chains.

She turned the corner of the rose wall to see it was Xander, "Xander?" Mal tilted her head, she noticed he looked exactly like Ben, "oh! This must be his past life! Where am I?"

"You'll be there soon enough, don't worry."

Xander opened his eyes, to see the bubbles of magi were the size of a rubber ball. "Come on!" Xander fell back onto the grass, "it's a simple Drini move Xander! For fuck sake you cousin can do this and he's 8!"

"Don't worry, Xander/Ben, you'll figure it out." Mal stood over him, giving Xander a warm smile. When Xander smiled back, she was shocked to say the least. "INCOMING!!!" another familiar voice yelled, Mal and Xander looked up to see a larger purple and black dragon hurling towards them.

Mal moved out the way but Xander got crushed by the dragon that morphed into a human half way through the rough landing. Xander opened his eyes to see there was a woman sitting on top of him.

"Watch where you sit buddy!"

Rosary has orange eyes, dark complexion and wild purple, chin-length hair with an asymmetrical bob style.

Her demon trait manifested as an extra pair of demon ears, and her body was adorned with numerous tattoos resembling demon and dragon scales.

She wore four golden earrings on three of her ears, one each on her Human ears, and two on her left demon ear as well as a small jewel on her forehead.

She was seen wearing a form-fitting black dress with light purple accents on the rims of the outfit.

The dress left most of her back open, and had two long splits on the side which revealed a pair of black shorts, a shorter split in the front and a small squared keyhole.

Over the dress, she wore a back-revealing purple cape with gold accents, as well as a purple waist cincher with red rims that had a black belt over it, which fastened a purple pouch on her right hip.

Aside from that, she wore black stockings in conjunction with purple sandals that had purple laces which were tied to her calves, as well as a black elbow length fingerless glove on her right hand.

"What do you mean?! You need to learn how to land better!" Xander scolded. "Me?! Those stupid rose walls blocked my view! You need to fire your gardener!" she scolded back.

"Who are you anyways?! And why are you here?" Xander asked. "The name's Rosary, demonic dragon." she extended her hand to shake. "Xander, drinan." Rosary got off of him, helping him off the ground.

"Do you by any chance know where the recovery building is? I'm supposed to meet a lady named Swan there." Rosary asked. "Yeah," Xander rubbed his back, "it's that big white building you almost crashed into."

"Oooh! Heheh," Rosary rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, "sorry about that by the way."

"It's alright, it's a nice way to make an entrance I'll tell you that." Xander laughed alongside her. Xander opened the palace doors, letting her enter before him, she muttered a quick 'thank you' for his politeness.

"Hello!" my rang from the top of the staircase, "you must be Rosary, the guard I requested."

"Guard?" Xander tilted his head, "is someone trying to hunt you Swan?"

I laughed cockily, "please, if people were trying to hunt me it'd turn into me huntring them." I flipped my hair bostafully, "the guard is for you Xander."

"A guard?!" Xander marched up the staircase as him and Rosary followed me into my office, "I don't need a guard Swan!"

"Xander, having a guard is nothing to be ashamed of." I said, laying back in my chair, "it's actually quite nice, before me and Lucifer began dating he was sorta like my guard."

"Well that's you and Lucifer! I don't need a guard, I can protect myself." Xander stated, standing up proudly, "I don't need some dumb gi- AGH!" he yelped as Rosary pulled his arms back before pinning him onto the floor as she sat on his back.

"You don't need some dumb what?" Rosary glared at him. "OW!" Xander yelled. "You wanna finish the sentence?" she questioned, pulling his arms back more. "N-No! I'm good! I value my life!" Xander whimpered.

Rosary smirked, "I bet you do." she released his arms and got off his back. Xander rolled on his back, staring up at Rosary's smug face, "you're not very good at self defense are you?"

"I am! It's just I specialize more in Drini arts than physical combat." Xander explained, being pulled up off the floor by Rosary's helping hand. "You're not very good at Drini either." Rosary muttered, I laughed.

"Hey!" Xander scolded, "I'm working on it okay! You try mastering a 10,000 year old technique!"

Rosary chuckled, "stop complaining so much, you know how many people would kill to be a Drinian like you?"

"Yeah...I guess you got a point." Xander looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course I have a point," Rosary winked, "I'm always right," she flicked his forehead, "and since I'm gonna be your guard for a while, you should make sure not to forget it."

"Believe me," Xander rubbed his arm, "I will."

"But wait, why do I need a guard in the first place?" Xander asked. "With all the news of you being a Drinian and being in The Recovery, people are gonna want the power you hold inside of you, and some are willing to kill for it. Rosary is here to make sure that doesn't happen."

"My power?"

"Yeah, Drini is a very rare and very powerful magi. It's the magic that creates all magis, Xander," I stood up from my chair, holding his hands, "you have the ability to be the best Drini of this millenium! Maybe even more! Drini is the art of control multiple, maybe even all, magi. Is it difficult to learn? Yes. Is it impossible? Of course not! I can see your potential, Xander, and it's huge! You're going to do big things in the future, I promise."

"Yeah," Xander looked down, "if I can ever learn how to conjure 5 simple element bubbles. I don't see the point of even doing this! Why can't I move onto bigger stuff! Like that Phoenix Rebirth move! Or the Grand Total!"

"The 5 elements are gateways to all the other magis, if you control those elements, the other moves should be easy. It's 5 simple element bubbles. Okay?" I gripped his shoulder softly.

"Okay," Xander nodded. "Thank you." I sighed, smiling at him, "now go show Rosary to your home, she'll be staying there for a while." I winked slyly.

Later that day, Xander brought Rosary to his house on The Recovery Compound. From the outside this house looks gorgeous.

It has been built with tan stones and has red brick decorations. Small, rectangular windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern.

The house is equipped with a small kitchen and two modern bathrooms, it also has a snug living room, one bedroom, a small dining area and a large storage room.

The building is shaped like a circle. The house is partially surrounded by wooden overhanging panels on two sides.

The second floor is smaller than the first, which creates a layered style of look in combination with the roof. This floor has a different style than the floor below.

The roof is flat and is covered with brown ceramic tiles. One large chimney pokes out the center of the roof. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof.

The house itself is surrounded by paved ground, with a pool at the backside of the house.

Rosary hopped onto the couch, "ahh! This is comfy!"

"I see you're making yourself comfortable." Xander muttered, chuckling a little. "Well I am going to be living here for a while since I'm your guard, aren't I?" Rosary folded her arms behind her neck in a relaxed position, "I might as well get used to this place."

Rosary could hear the small sigh that came out of Xander's mouth when she said guard. She sat up, "I know you don't like the idea of you having a guard, but I promise," Rosary walked up to him, holding his arms, "after a few months, you're gonna love me being here."

Xander smiled, "I hope so." Rosary smiled back, "plus, there's a lot of stuff I can teach you."


As quick as lightning, Rosary was behind Xander, holding his arms back again, "how to up your reflexes, hand to hand combat, and even how magic."

"I get the combat and the reflexes, but we use different magis." Xander reminded her. "So? I know I can't directly teach you how to Drini, but I can help you with it if you explain it to me. I'll be kinda like your moral booster."

"Moral booster?" Xander questioned. "You'll see." Rosary giggled, a knock on the open door turned their attention to it to see Sapphire holding a plate of cookies.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Sapphire smirked, referring to the position Xander and Rosary were in. "O-Oh! No you weren't." Xander and Rosary blushed slightly, Rosary let go of his arms. She looked at Sapphire more closely, "Sapphire!"

The two ran into each other's arms, "You're the guard Swan told me about?! Ya! I'm so happy you'll be here with us!" Sapphire cheered. "Yeah, I'm this dummy's guard." Rosary laughed.

"Well you two are perfect together." Sapphire smiled brightly, "your auras compliment each other so nicely."

Xander and Rosary looked at eachother, "they do?"

"Yeah!" Sapphire nodded, "I don't know how to explain it but I get a feeling when two people are meant to meet, and I got that feeling when I saw you two just now."

"Uh huh..." Xander and Rosary kept looking at each other suspiciously. Sapphire giggled, "wait a while and you see what I mean."

The two looked away from each other, "she's not right...right?"

Rosary blushed a little, "wh-who care! Let's get to work." Xander shrugged and followed her to the backyard.

Little did they know how right she really was.

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