EP.207|The Deity and the Demon (Part 2)

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EP.207|The Deity and the Demon (Part 2)
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Operetta blinked quickly, noticing she woke up, "why'd it stop?" Operetta stepped out of the chamber pod. "Cause, you need to see the other side of the story," I replied, passing Operetta some water.

"Other side?" Hunter asked. "Yeah," I turned towards him, "your side, it's obvious your past life is Arlin so we gotta see both sides of this story."

Hunter was hesitant to enter the pod, "after that last scene in Belinda's memories...I don't think I'm gonna like Arlin's memories...not Arlin's, but mines..."

"Hey, look at me," Operetta hands on the side of his face snapped him into focus, "I don't care what you see in that pod but it isn't you."

"Technically it is me, Operetta." Hunter corrected, his voice laced with sorrow. "No, no, no it isn't. You are Hunter. Hunter LeGume; son of Farrah and Gaston LeGume and soon to be parents to twins." Operetta stated.

"Well-" before Hunter could finish, Operetta slapped him hard, pulling him in by the collar. "Not 'well' me! Aren't you listening, Hunter?! Arlin might be your past life but it doesn't define you." Operetta scolded.


"So even if you kill me, Belinda, or a bunch of other innocent people, that's the past. Get it, Hunter? P-A-S-T! Alright?"

Hunter nodded, Operetta glared receded, her lips turning into a soft smile, "good," she kissed his cheek, whispered, "no matter what you see, nothing changes between you and me."

Hey, that rhymes. Hehehe.

Hunter kissed her back before entering the pod. "Nothing changes...nothing...changes..." he muttered to himself as the pod doors closed.

Hunter's hit the wet ground hard, cold rain pouring down on him. A dark red and black flash zoomed by him. "And here we go." Hunter chased after Arlin, noticing he carried Belinda over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"You got Belinda, Arlin?" Geyu asked over the phone. Hunter growled, "of course he would have something to do with this!"

"Will you chill ya old geezer demon! I have the deity right here, your so impatient." Arlin rolled his eyes. "This one is special Arlin, she's very important to our plan." Geyu snickered evilly.

What would they want with Operetta -- I mean Belinda?

Arlin reaches a set of black trees tapping on the bark twice as they melted away, revealing a secret entrance to a camp filled with demons just like Arlin. "Hey! Arlin!" Geyu called out, he brushed back Belinda's red hair with his fingers, "awe, they are always so pretty when they're knocked out. I can't wait to use this one."

Anger stirred inside of Arlin and Hunter both. "Yeah, I don't think so." Arlin walked off, holding Belinda over his shoulder. What the fuck was that all about? She's just a girl Arlin, a piece of a puzzle, she'll be gone by tomorrow.

Belinda groaned as Arlin dropped her in the dirty cell, "wake up, princess."

"Where the hell am I?" Belinda rubbed her temple, standing up slowly. "Look who's gained consciousness," Arlin smirked. "Answer the question; where am I?" she asked again.

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