EP.227|The Beginning Of The End

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EP.227|The Beginning Of The End
This was it, the beginning of the final battle, the moment the VKs had been training for had finally come.
They stood outside the NPA, it was quiet...a little too quiet. Since the entire town was evacuated for the battle, the villain isles looked like a ghost town.

“He said be here by sunrise and it’s 30 minutes after. For a man who’s so hell bent on killing us you’d think he at least be on time.” Ben rolled his eyes.
“If you told me a year ago that I’d be fighting an S+ demon I wouldn't believe you.” Carlos chuckled. “No kidding, who’d think our lives would change so much.” CJ sighed in delight.
“If these are out last moments together, I want you all to know these adventures with you all were the best I’ve ever had.” Freddie smiled widely, she was going to continue but a loud bang interrupted her.
They all turned their heads towards the direction of the explosion to see it was Geyu landing in front of them, leaving a crater where he landed. “How sweet,” Geyu dusted off his clothes, “a last little sentiment before I kill you.”
He looked at each of the VKs indivally, “it’s only you ten? Hm,” he cracked his neck and knuckles, “this should be easy.”
“There’s ten of us and one of you. You’re at a disadvantage.” Evie pointed out. “Well, for your information miss crystals, I don't need an entire army to beat a couple a kids.” Geyu scoffed.
“Confident aren’t we?” Mal shook her head. “Yep, you know what, I’ll even let you have the first shot.” Geyu so graciously offered. “Oh, how thoughtful,” Hunter brought out his blood sword, slicing Geyu’s arm, “don't get cocky Geyu, we will beat you.”
Geyu managed to reattach his arm and struck Hunter who spun around and landed 3 large wounds on Geyu’s body. “Oooh, someone’s been training.” Geyu noted, healing himself with his demonic powers and tried to strike Hunter but he dodged.
“FireFly: Kunis!” at her command, FireFly transformed into multiple kunis that CJ instructed to stab at Geyu multiple times, all over his body, “you deserve to die for what you did to all those innocent people.”
Much to CJ’s surprise, with a scream, Geyu ejected the blades from his body “cute, haven’t been stabbed like that in a while.”
“Alright, this is getting on my nerves!” Zeref yelled, using his lightning to form two large arms to smash and trap Geyu where he stood so Hunter could rush in and slice him, “Daul Attack: Demonic Lightning Crush!”
Seeming to be ineffective, Geyu broke out and rushed towards Mal, smashing her into the wall. “MAL!” Ben yelled. “I’m...fine!” Mal communicates telepathically. Mal pushed Geyu off of him, the two of them returning to the group.
“I can't believe you sided with them Mal,” Geyu wiped the blood off his lips, “us demons are supposed to stick together!” Geyu fired dark matter at the VKs who either dodged or blocked them but were ultimately sent flying into the comfort of Freddie’s tamiki shield.
“Ooh~ Freddie Facilier, the newest user of Tamiki.” Geyu smirked, swiping his hand to cancel the shield. “I told you, don't take me so lightly, children.”
Freddie used her tamiki to channel an attack towards Geyu but he rejected it back at her, “just like your father, I hope he won't me killing his daughter and burning down his shop.” Geyu smirked, shrugging slightly.
Freddie gritted in response, humiliated at how easily he was affecting her. 
Geyu’s eyes then locked with Operetta’s, “oooh! Little Icy Mommy’s fighting? Brave aren’t we?” Geyu smirked, pulling Operetta towards him, “cute little mate you have her Hunter,” Geyu held her chin, “I’m gonna have fun playing with her when I take over your body.”
“Please Hunter! Oh please don't let the big bad demon take me away from you!” Geyu moved her mouth like a puppet. Operetta growled and elbowed Geyu in the gut, a large icicle going through his stomach.
Operetta rushed back to the VKs, but before she could, she noticed she was a lot smaller. Or maybe everything got bigger?
She looked at her reflection in the mirror of a nearby shop, “WHY AM I’m 6?!”
“Don't worry, Operetta, you’re powers are the same, you’re just hella smaller.” Geyu laughed, “and to celebrate the end of the VKs!” the sky began to darken, “GRAND METEORS!”
Meteors began to come down to crushing down on them, if it weren't for Carlos eagle form that flew them away from the meteors, they would have been dead!
Jasper and Evie nodded at each other, the two jumped in the air “Burning Crystal Arrow!” they launched the attack, Geyu tried to reflect it but it was revealed to be an illusion, allowing them to fire the real arrow, hitting Geyu directly, producing a big explosion when he hit the ground.
Amidst the explosion, an army of lesser demons apared. “FireFly: Kuni Barrage!” CJ yelled as the kunis destroyed them all at once. She squinted at the sky, soon her eyes widened when the kunis came rushing back at her.
“You think you’re the only one who can do illusions?” Geyu cackled, “think again!” the VKs were shocked by how completely unfazed the demon was. “How was he able to survive that?!” Ben growled.
“It’s simple, the attack power was diminished due to my magical defense wall.” Geyu so simply explained. His eyes glowed red, Hunter’s eyes widened, “look away!” Hunter warned, but it was too late, Hunter was already caught in his manipulation gaze.
“Awe, that was way too easy!” Geyu taunted, “now you can watch as I finish your mate and your friends off!” his hands glowed green, “Demonic Fang!” luckily, Zeref blocked it with an electro-shield. 
“Crimson Flare!” Geyu yelled in hopes to melt them but Jasper morphed into his dragon form, eating the flare like it was a snack. “Mmm, tasty.” Jasper smirked, morphing back to a human.
Ben noticed Geyu trying to use another spell but Geyu began to stumble, still dizzy from the Burning Crystal Arrow. “Do it now!” Ben yelled, Mal darted at him, her body enveloped in black matter.
Geyu, unfazed, recovered, standing up and yelling “Grudge Blade!” as he swiped his hand in the direction of the VKs but CJ successfully blocked it with FireFly. “Reflect!” he chanted, trying to reflect CJ’s oncoming attacks but the pirate managed to block it before it landed.
She looked back at the VKs, nodding at them, telling them it was time to end this. Operetta, exploiting her size to dodge Geyu’s attacks and punched him in the face, her size returning to normal.
“Stay! Away! From! My! Baby! Daddy!” she pushed him back with an ice wave before punching him again “Stay! Away! From! The! VKs!” she stomached on his stomach, “AND STAY AWAY FROM ME!”
Carlos transformed into a snake, wrapping himself around Geyu, “hey~” he hissed, crushing his bones before Geyu could push him off, sending Operetta and Carlos flying back and sending a barrage of attacks at CJ which she merely managed to reject.
However, a blade slipped through can cut Operetta in the back, “AGH!” she yelled, dropping to her knees. “Operetta!” Hunter yelled, “Ben! Get over here!”
Ben rushed over to Operetta’s side, quickly patching up the wound with his healing magi.
Geyu overwhelmed the VKs and prepared to finish them when Ben punched him in the eye, canceling out Hunter’s curse, allowing him to move again. Furious by this, Geyu slammed Ben into the ground, creating a large hole.
“This is over!” CJ yelled, preparing to attack, but before she could finish, the S+ demon unleashed an attack that missed CJ by a little. Shit, my aims off… he was too lost in his thought to notice CJ charging up her final attack. “I’m ENDING THIS!”
“FireFly: Earth’s Core!” the ground began to shake as vines rose up, piercing him before knocking him to the ground. Carlos ran up to CJ, spinning her around in a hug, “you were amazing Princesa!”
“That’s great…” CJ heaved for air, “I’m tired…” CJ collapsed into his arms. “Alright, rest my love.” Carlos chuckled. Mal passed him the grail, “I think you have a brother to see again.”
Ben ran over to Geyu, touching his forehead with it as two balls of energy exited his head, one blue and the other red. The blue one landed in front of Ben, transforming into Lucifer.
Ben teared up, hugging his brother tightly “I-I-I missed you!” Ben cried into his brother’s chest. Lucifer smiled, “don't cry Benji,” Lucifer stroked his hair, “I’m back...I promise, as your big brother, I’ll never leave again.”
Hunter noticed the red ball floating in front of him, “why haven’t you transformed back?”
She’s not here.
“She is inside working on war preparations.” Hunter chuckled.
Then I’m not turning back until I see her.
“Determined aren't we?”
Their joy was short-lived when Geyu began to stand up, “okay, that was a good warm up,” Geyu began to transform into his true form; his hair turning black, sprouting wings on his back and getting quite muscular.
“Alright!” Geyu slammed his foot into the ground, his power being felt for miles and miles. He summored a sword and darted for the VKs, Carlos used FireFly on the sword, telling the VKs to retreat as Geyu let out a powerful slash that sent the VKs flying through the NPA building and into the garden.
“Welcome to your executions, VKs,” Geyu smirked viciously, “any last words?”
The Villain Parents, myself, and Nadia ran outside to see the damage, “why the fuck...won't you go down!” Zeref yelled. Their parents were shocked to see their kids in how bad of a state they were in; Carlos and CJ were unconscious, Operetta, Mal, and Freddie were covered in bruises and wounds.

Zeref and Jasper had deep wounds in their stomach and arms, Ben had a scar over his forehead, Evie’s side was practically sliding open, and Hunter had the worst of it all.
His stomach had a massive X wound gushing blood.
“What the hell did you do to them?!” Maleficent yelled, her eyes turning green, gawking over Geyu’s new demon form. “I kicked the ass that’s all.” Geyu shrugged, “not my fall your kids are weak!”
“You monster!” Phantom growled, “surrender or else!” he yelled, charging for the demon just for him to slap him away like swatting a fly, “you should stick to what your good at Phantom, oh right, that’s nothing!” the clouds above began to turn black, “let's finish this quickly, Death Snow!”
While the snow killed some of the soldiers, most managed to escape the deadly snow and grouped up, making them easy targets for Geyu to gracefully rip their heads off before killing more knights.
“Overpower!” Stefan yelled, immobilizing Geyu. “Upward Slash!” Hook yelled, creating a circle of wind around him that sliced Geyu.

“Killer Ice Storm! Blizzard Sword!” Christine yelled, taking toll on Geyu’s body. “Death’s Hammer!” Persephone landed a nuke-like explosion seemingly obliterating Geyu.
The Villains cheered for this supposed victory but we shocked beyond words to see the S+ Demon still unscathed from all the attacks.

“Oh you gotta be shitting me!” Gaston growled, clutching his dagger, “you’re one fucking tough demon I’ll give you that, but we will defeat you.”
Geyu smirked, noticing how hesitant that Villains all look, “what’s wrong? Where’s all that Ra-Ra spirit now? Remember, that is 20 of you and yet all of you are hesitant to fight one demon?”
“We’re not hesitant,” Jafar scoffed, “not to boost your ego but your S+ Class demon, if our kids couldn't take you out, which we expected would happen despite how strong that got, we’re not going to rush in a fight you recklessly.”
“Awe,” Geyu put his hand on his heart, “that totally did boost my ego! I was having a hard day but hearing that just brought me to tears!” Geyu cried hysterical tears, “I didn’t know you had such a strong feeling for little ol me!”

“Don't get too used to it Geyu, we all still hate you.” Venus grimaced. “Well that stug, Venus, and here I thought mermaids were nicer.” Geyu rolled his eyes. “Well, you thought wrong!” Venus scolded.
His gaze turned towards Farrah, “Farrah! Did you give birth to Hunter?”
“What’s it to you?” Farrah had a disgusted look on his face. “Nothing, nothing, it’s just so much fun watching the pained look in his eyes when that lazer went through Operetta’s shoulder.” Geyu cackled.
“You asshole!” Phantom yelled, rushing for Geyu but Christine held him back. “He gets so angry so fast when it comes to that goddess.” Geyu rolled his eyes, “it’s ironic, a demon and a goddess.”
“Enough talking, we’re finishing this.” Ester scolded, all the Villains charged for Geyu and attacked him with everything they had with their powers and unique sword slashes, but it did not affect Geyu one bit. 
“FireFly: Earth’s Core!”
However, Geyu countered, “Dark Space!” it destroyed the large earth pillar and the entire surrounding area which Freddie and CJ and the Villains caught. Ben ran up to Geyu, slicing him with an energy sword before Geyu sliced him right back.
The demonic attacks rendered the Villains and the VKs either wounded or unconscious, leaving Geyu smirking. “Now to claim my prize,” he walked towards Operetta but got interrupted by a dark aura behind him.

“Don't...you...dare...touch...HER!” Hunter yelled, slamming Geyu into the ground before getting a few good hits on him.
Before Hunter could land the finishing blow, Geyu disappeared into thin air, “in three days time, meet on the top of Sunny Hill, we’ll fight there.”

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