EP.215|The Demonic Dragon and the Drinian (Part 2)

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EP.215|The Demonic Dragon and the Drinian (Part 2)
Mal blinked her eyes open to see Ben carrying her, “are you okay? You forgot to sit down before you took the pill and hit your head on the counter top.”
Mal felt the top of her head to see the blood, “Ow…” Mal groaned. Ben sat her down on a nearby chair, dabbing the wound on her forehead, “can leave us alone for a second?”
I nodded, cocking my head at the VKs telling them to leave. Ben stared into her green eyes, “what did you see in your memories?”
“Oh...nothing special.” Mal lied. “You know when you lie your eyes flash red when you lie.” Ben noted. “No it doesn’t!” Mal’s eyes flashed red again. “They flashed.” Ben chuckled.
“Shut up…” Mal muttered. “What did you see my love?” Ben kissed her wound, letting it heal. “Huh...healing kiss.” Ben muttered to himself.
“I saw you…and me…” Mal blushed. “We were so suttorb towards each other...but it was so cute! Swan assigned me as you/Xander’s guard because you Drinian powers are so ran she was worried you-”
She noticed the shocked look on his face, “the bubbles...in the portal here...that means…” Ben pieced it together.
“I’m a Drinian?!”
“Crap…” Mal muttered.
“S-Swan!” Ben yelled, I ran in to see Ben freaking out. “Ben.” Mal crouched down behind them, “Ben, calm down, you’re having a panic attack.” 
“N-No I’m not! I-I do-don't get panic attacks!”
“Well now you do,” I whipped my head towards Mal, “Mal, give me the pills.” she tossed me the pill bottle on the table. “Sorry ben, but you gotta take this pill.”
I force fed Ben the pill as his eyes glowed gold.
Xander sat in the garden, trying to meditate and focus on conjuring the 5 bubbles but his mind kept drifting to the thoughts he had of his demonic dragon guard.
It’s been a year since Rosary became his guard and everyday she was with him seemed like a blessing to the Drinian. She was so quirky, tough, a little kinky but what girl isn't, powerful, beautiful, kind, trustful.
He felt a pair of soft hands cover his eyes, “Guess who~”
“Hmm...I wonder,” Xander flipped her over, pinning her to the soft grass, “could it be my guard?”
Rosary giggled, “you’re correct.”
“Do I win something?”
“Hmm…” she pressed her lips together. Xander licked his lips. Stop looking so cute!
Rosary quickly kissed his cheek, “this was a mistake!” she covered her mouth. Xander laughed, “don't think of it like that.” he kissed her cheek, “think of it as a happy accident.”
“W-We should ge-get back to training.” Rosary got out from under him. “Tr-Try doing the bubbles.” Rosary looked away from him.
Xander nodded and began meditating again. A bubble of fire popped up, as well as one of water, and another one of earth, and one of air. He scrunched up his eyebrows, trying to force the last bubble to appear.
“Don't force it.” Rosary sat across from him, “the last one has been hard because you keep forcing it,” she held his hands, “let it flow naturally.”
Xander sighed, watching as the black bubble appeared, growing larger and larger. “Xander! Xander!” Rosary called out, backing up when a pair of gold eyes locked onto her green ones.
He growled deeply, advancing at Rosary like a predator and she was prey. He tackled her to the ground, harshly pinning her waist to it as his hands clenched. He smiled wickedly as he revealed his fangs.
Before Xander could attack, a stream of white magi knocked Xander off of her, “that should keep him calm for now,” I muttered, helping Rosary up. “What was that?” Rosary asked.
“Dark Drinian magi, or Dark Drini, Xander doesn’t specialize in it but when Drinians use the 5 emelent bubble move for the first time, they’re exposed to the power of the Dark Drini, causing them to go crazy.”
 “What did you do to knock him out of it?” Rosary asked. “White Magi, it’s the complete opposite of Dark Drini so it cancels it out.” I explained, Rosary nodded slightly before carefully walking over to Xander.
“You alright?” Rosary asked delicately. “Yeah...why do you look scared? Oh my gods and goddesses! Did something happen? Are you okay?” Xander noticed the scratches on her wrist, “what happened?”
“Oh, scrapped it against a tree.” Rosary’s eyes flashed red. “You’re lying.” Xander stated. “Uh...you kinda got taken over by Dark Drini.” Rosary said delicately.
“I did? Are you okay? Am I okay? I didn't hurt-” Rosary covered his mouth. “I'm fine. You're fine. And unless you count statues, nobody got hurt.” Rosary chuckled.
Xander sighed in relief “thank god.”
“But on a better note,” Rosary helped him up, “you did those elemental bubbles so you can go on to the next stage of training!”
Xander smiled “you're right!” Xander hugged Rosary, causing the demonic dragon to blush. “Oh thank you Rosary for everything you've helped me with! I gotta thank you!” he gripped her shoulders.
“Let's go out! Tonight, just me and you!” Xander flashed her a cheeky smile. Rosary felt her cheeks heat up to the point she fainted in Xander's arms.
Later that night, Rosary stood in Sabrina's house at the compound, looking in her mirror at her reflection.
She wore a lace dress that provides a beautifully feminine silhouette, as well as incredible elegance, with it's purple high low hemline which helps to show off her calves. Additional strap detail appears in the front adds decorative visual detail, and lace-up at sides offers a chance to show off her waist.
“You look beautiful Rosary! You're gonna knock him dead when he sees you.” Belinda cheered. “I don't even think I should go…” Rosary played with her hair.
“Excuse me?” Sapphire stood up from Sabrina's bed, “what do you mean you're not going! Rosary look at yourself,”
Sapphire clutched her shoulder softly, “you know what i see?”
“A demonic dragon who has her hopes way to high for a thank you date?”
“No,” Sapphire sighed “I see a beautiful independent woman who any man would be lucky to be with.”
“Oh! And you're there too, Rosary.” Sapphire giggled, Rosary rolled her eyes. “But in all seriousness, I think you are a beautiful woman who doesn't need a man to protect her, but she found one she loves and wants to protect.”
Rosary blushed slightly “I'm his guard…I technically have to protect him. It's part of the job.”
“But you're demonic dragon genes are totally vibing towards him.” Lyra smirked, laying upside down from the edge of Sabrina bed.
Rosary cover her face “no they don't!”
“Sure they don't.” Sabrina chuckled. Flipping through pages in a magazine.
She turned her head when she heard tapping at her window. She laughed to see Axel perched on her window seal.
Sabrina raised the window “Axel, you know you can use the door, right?”
“I know,” Axel flashed her a childish smile “this is way better though.”
“Tusandere,” Axel smirked, kissing her cheek. “Why are you here?” Sabrina asked. “Oh! Right!” Axel pulled out a box of chocolates, “these are from Xander to Rosary.”
Rosary opened the box of chocolates to see they were her favorite Jewel Chocolate. “Awe, he remembered.” Rosary smiled softly.
“Why chocolates?” Lyra asked as Axel climbed in. “Oh! I know,” Axel pulled out a piece of paper. “He wrote it down?” Belinda chuckled. “He didn’t trust me saying what happened without making him sound like an idiot in front of the girl he likes so he told me to read this.”
“Dear Rosary,” Axel began, “I, Xander Heavenweaver, will not be able to attend tonight's festivities due to complications of my-” Axel groaned, “I can't do it! Basically, Xander tried dying his hair but accidently turned it completely white instead of black and white.”
“Awe,” Rosary laughed, “he got a whole new hairstyle for me?”
“Are we just gonna gloss over the fact Xander’s head now looks like Frosty the Snowman's skin?”
“Yes,” Sabrina nodded, “yes we are.”
“The chocolates are supposed to be a ‘I’m sorry’ gift.” Axel shrugged, “I don't know why you need one though.”

Sabrina glared at him, “what?”
“O-On second thought! An ‘I’m sorry’ gift sounds like a perfect idea!”
“Thank you.” Sabrina gave him a little hmph before kissing his cheek.
“Does Xander think I’m that shallow that I’ll care what his hair looks like?” Rosary rolled her eyes. “He wanted this dinner to be perfect for you.” Axel said, sitting on Sabrina’s bed as he pulled down his girlfriend to his lap.
“F-For me?”
“Well duh! Who else?” Sapphire giggled. “I should probably go over there…” Rosary began to pace, “or should I wait here? Ugh! Boys are so stressful!”
“Xander! You are not shaving your head!” Arlin yelled, fighting over the razor with Xander. “Why can't I?! I look like an idiot with white hair! I look old!” Xander complained.
“You look fine!” Arlin finally pulled the razor out of Xander’s hands, “Rosary isn't gonna care if your hair is white or not, all you two need to care about is each other.” Zane told him.
“I look like a marshmallow exploded on my head.” Ben flopped down on Arlin’s bed, “I. Am. A. Failure.”
“At dying hair? Yes,” Inferno sat down beside him, “but not at Drini, or scoring a date with a flipping Demonic Dragon!”
“It’s a ‘thank you’ date.”
“Still technically a date though.” Zane pointed out. “Exactly,” Ben turned towards him, “she’ll probably get freaked out if I ask her out…this stupid big plan is what I always do when I like a girl...and it always ends in rejection.”
“I don't think so,” Arlin chuckled, “you and Rosary’s auras compliment each other, it means there’s a strong connection between you two and you were destined to meet her.”
“Auras lie, Arlin.” Xander muttered into the pillow. “We both know that’s a lie. Axel can read auras like nobody else can and he confirmed that you and Rosary were meant to be! So,” he pulled him out of bed and placed him in front of the mirror, “you’re gonna go out there, have a wonderful date with Rosary, you two are gonna really hit it off, do it, and then tomorrow morning, you’re telling me and Inferno all about it. Kay?”
Arlin chuckled, “hey, you can't change who I am,” he rested his chin on Xander’s shoulder, “you can only accept it and love it!”
Xander laughed, he looked at his hair, “it looks a little better.”
“That’s the spirit! Now go pick up Rosary!” Inferno gave him an engouring slap on the back. Xander walked towards the door, opening it to see Rosary about to knock.
“Hey, Axel told me you were having hair problems,” she looked at his white hair, “I don't know what he means though, it looks cute.”
“Yo-you think so? I guess it looks kinda cute.”
“Oh sure, when she says it cute he listens.” Arlin scoffed, getting a beer from his fridge. “Hi, Arlin.” Rosary waved. “Hey.” he smiled, watching as Xander stared at Rosary.
“Now Xander, didn’t your parents teach you it’s not right to stare.” Arlin teased, leaning against the wall. “Shut up and leave.” Xander said, his eyes never leaving Rosary. “This is my house, remember?” Arlin reminded him.
“Oh,” Xander sweatdropped, “hehe...we’ll be on our way then.”
“Don't forget to use a condom you two!” Arlin and Inferno called out as Rosary and Xander walked away with their faces red at that comment.
“As cute as your babies would be, we don't need any now!” Zane added, Xander sighed shaking his head. “Sorry about them, they’re idiots, but they’re my only guy friends.”
“It’s alright, they’re pretty funny.” Rosary giggled slightly, holding his hands, “so, what do we have planned for tonight?”
“Well,” Xander moved some tree vines to reveal a beautiful lake with a picnic set up, “I was thinking of a picnic.”
“This is beautiful…” Rosary gawked at the scenery in awe. “Not as beautiful as you.” Xander muttered. “Hm?” Rosary turned to face him, “say something?”
Rosary smirked, she heard his comment with her enhanced hearing but it was cute seeing him sutter.
The two sat on the picnic blanket, gazing up at the stars, “they’re so bright. I always wondered what made them that way.” Rosary said, intertwining her fingers with Xander’s.’
“My mom said each star is a person’s life, when they’re their happiest, the star will shine brightly.”
“How do we know which star is ours?”
Xander pointed to the purple one “that’s yours,” he pointed to the gold on not that far off of the purple one, “and that’s mine.”
“You’re at your happiest right now? We’re not even doing anything.” Rosary looked into his eyes. “We don't need to be, just staring into those green emeralds you call eyes are enough to make me happy.” Xander kissed her forehead, he slowly backed away, “I’m sorry, that was probably a little too sudden.”
“No,” Rosary scooted closer, their lips centimeters apart, kissing Xander softly “it was just the right amount of sudden.”

Good At Being Bad (Book #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora