EP.209|The Giantess and the Animalistic (Part 2)

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EP.209|The Giantess and the Animalistic (Part 2)

CJ jumped out of the pod with a large smile on her face, immediately hugging Carlos “you brought me food, like I was already your mate.”

Carlos kissed her nose, “you’ve always been my mate, past life or not, you’ve always been my mate.”

CJ giggled, “and I plan on being it for a long time.”

“Carlos,” I said, interrupting their sweet moment, “ya ready?”

Carlos nodded, giving a final kiss to CJ, “I’ll see you soon, mi princesa.”

CJ blushed, “ju-just get going.” Carlos chuckled and entered the pod, the last thing he saw was CJ’s beautiful smile.

It’s been 6 and a half months since Sabrina arrived at the pack and the animalstics quickly accepted her as one of their own. “Sabrina!” Axel called out, his heart melting when Sabrina’s golden locks flowed in the wind as she turned to face him.

“So beautiful…”

“Yes, Axel?”

“I found these new berries for you.” Axel scooted the basket of colorful berries towards her. “Oooh! Thank you, Axel, these look delicious. Want some?” Sabrina offered him a handful.

Axel gladly licked the berries out of her hand, kissing it when it finished. “Sweet.”

“You mean the berries?”

“No~” Axel licked her hand again, “sooo sweet~”

“Shu-Shut up!” Sabrina blushed. “Why? You’re so sweet.” Axel winked, leaving Sabrina to only blush more. “I-I hate yo-you!” Sabrina pouted slightly. Axel licked her cheek, causing her to laugh, “you’re adorable when you pout.”

“So,” Sabrina scratched behind his ear, knowing that was his favorite spot, “what do you have planned-” before Sabrina could continue, a loud howl interrupted her.

“Shit.” Axel cursed, “Charna, take Sabrina back to my den. Now!” Charna nodded quickly, grabbing Sabrina by the wrist as they raced into Axel’s den.

“Charna, what’s going on? Who was that howling?” Sabrina asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. “That was the alpha, Axel’s father, you have to stay here till Axel, me, or Frederick, give you the all clear.” Charna instructed.


“Alpha doesn’t like newcomers. I-it’s hard to explain, just stay here.” Charna rushed back to Axel’s side. “Why are you back? I thought you were going to some business thing?” Axel hissed slightly.

“I was back early, don't you miss me?” Alpha smirked. “I guess, whatever…” Axel replied. “I’m surprised that you didn’t destroy the entire pack while I was away.” Alpha scoffed, shoving into Axel’s shoulder on purpose.

“I’ve handled things better than you did…” Axel muttered harshly. “Did you say something, Axel?” Alpha’s glare harder on him, Axel scrunched up his fist. “Nope,” Axel pushed down the anger bubbling inside of him, “nothing at all, father.”

“That’s what I thought,” Alpha nodded approvingly, turning his back on Axel and walking deeper into the pack, the animalstics quickly moved out of their leader's way, trying to avoid eye contact with him in fear of facing his wrath.

Once Charna gave Sabrina the all clear, she came out of Axel’s den, a confused look on her face, “why is everyone so scared of him?”

“He uses fear and intimidation to make sure things go his way.” Frederick sighed. “Why can't I meet him?” Sabrina tilted her head like a confused puppy. “He wouldn't like you,” Axel held her hands, giving her an assuring smile, “he’s leaving later on this week for another meeting with the kings, then things will be back to normal.”

Sabrina shook her head, “Axel, look around,” Sabrina moticed towards the scared animalstics, “they’re living in fear, I can't stand this.”

Sabrina pushed Axel out of the way, walking towards Alpha but Axel caught her wrist, “Sabrina, please, just go back to the den. I don't want you to get hurt.”

“I’ll be okay.” Sabrina giggled, “I’m a strong giantess.”

Sabrina confidently stomped towards Alpha, “we need to talk, Alpha.”

He turned around to see Sabrina furious, “who the hell are you?” Alpha looked at her judingly.

“I’m Sabrina Coronbolt, I’m a giantess-” before she could finish, Sabrina was tackled to the floor, “what is a giantess doing here?!” Alpha looked up from Sabrina, growling at the animalstics, “well?! Is nobody gonna answer?!”

“Fine!” Alpha’s claws dug into Sabrina’s shoulder, causing her to scream out in pain, “maybe her screams can draw an answer out of you.”

Still, nobody answered, but Axel anger was starting to rise. Alpha’s claws scratched deep into her side, “she lets out a lot of blood,” Alpha sniffed her hair, “cherries and vanilla? Hmm, just like a giantess.”

Alpha grabbed her by the hair, throwing her into the tree, “one little answer and Sabrina’s pain stops~”

“Is nobody gonna answer him! For gods sakes, Axel, she’s your mate for crying out loud!” Carlos scolded.

Alpha tried to charge for CJ but Axel beat him to the punch, guarding Sabrina from Alpha’s attacks, “don't touch her!”

“Move out of the way, Axel!” Alpha dug his claws into the dirt, “she’s an outsider, she deserves to be punished.”

“I said don't touch her!” Axel’s eyes flashed green, “don't you dare touch my Sabrina!”

“Oh?” Alpha laughed, “that’s what this thing is? Your mate?”

Axel didn’t say a word but continued to growl at him, Alpha chuckled cockingly, “you modern animalistics always settle for one mate, back in the old days, animalistics had several mates, not just one.”

“Things change.” Axel snarled. “But why must it?! Axel, if you truly are a member of this pack, you’ll kill this giantess and dispose of the body.” Alpha stated.


“Excuse me? I am your father,” Alpha came close to his son’s face, “you’ll do as I say!”

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