EP.218|Training with the Gods

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EP.218|Training with the Gods
“The gods?”
“Yes,” I nodded, “me and the gods want to train you to up your lighting magi.”
“He’ll be there, won't he?” Zeref grimaced, the thought of his uncle coming to mind. “Yes,” I sighed, “but he knows lightning magi inside and out.”
“But he also hates me because I’m dating Freddie.” Zeref had a deadpan look on his face. “No, he doesn't hate the fact your dating Freddie,” I sweatdropped, “he just really really really dislikes the idea.”
“Basically, he hates that I’m dating her.” Zeref looked at me with a deadpan expression on his face. “You’ll be training with your uncles and your father.” I said, clapping my hands teleporting us to the entrance of Poseidon's house.
“Please tell me you’re on good terms with Poseidon,” I hoped, Zeref nodded. “He really likes Freddie ever since she helped his wife, Amphitrite, with her kingdom.” Zeref knocked on the door.
“Gi-Give us a mi-min-minute!” Amphitrite's voice sounded winded. Zeref’s head tilted, “everything okay in then Auntie?!” Zeref called out. “Yes -- AH~! -- we’re good!” Amphitrite came to the door, Poseidon looked a little disappointed but Amphitrite's face was flushed, adjusting her robe.
“Zer-Zeref! What a pleasant surprise!” Amphitrite chuckled semi-nervously. “I told you yesterday he’ll be training with you for a while, as well as his father and Zeus.” I rolled my eyes jokingly.
“Greeting Swan, Greeting Zeref.” Poseidon smiled at Zeref slightly. Zeref hugged Poseidon’s overly tall form. Even though Poseidon had a tough exterior, Zeref knew his uncle loved him and accepted him.
Unlike his other uncle, but more on him later.
“So,” Zeref held his fist up, “what are we doing first? We gonna fight? I’ve been practicing since Thanksgiving so I’m way stronger now! You’re not gonna beat me again uncle!” Zeref laughed.
Poseidon smiled softly, “we’re not fighting, yet, Zeref.” Poseidon picked him up, placing him on his shoulder, “then what are we doing, uncle?”
“You work with lightning magi, like my brother in law, yes?” Ampertrite asked, Zeref nodded. “Sadly, it’s really ironic that I have the power of the man I hate.” Zeref sighed. “My brother has some backwards thinking when it comes to your relationship with Freddie, speaking of Freddie, how is she?”
“Good, she wants me to say hello, she’s training to get her physical combat up and her Tamiki skills up.” Zeref smiled at the thought of her girlfriend. It was hard enough to say goodbye to her, since she wasn’t allowed on Mt. Olympus without permission from a Higher Being.
“Well,” Poseidon stopped at the pool in his backyard, “we’ll be doing a lot of our training here.”
“A pool?”
“This isn't an ordinary pool.” I winked at Zeref, “get in and you’ll see.”
Zeref jumped into the pool to see the water wasn’t getting him wet, also, the pool was transformed into a beautiful oceanic ecosystem. “Okay Zeref,” Amphertrite, “your lightning power is one of the largest elements, and hardest one to control.”
“Lightning comes from the rage within you, but being able to control this rage is the crucial part.” Poseidon continued. “What does the water have to do with this?” Zeref asked “Water is lightning's natural enemy, so, for you to get better control of it, you’ll be training in the water.”
“But won't it just cancel out my moves?”
“Not if lightning has the same amount of control as it does strength. Right now, your lightning strength is really good for where you’re at. Your control however isn't a different story.”
“Try using a magi.” Poseidon said. Zeref nodded and closed his eyes, his hands sparking with electricity before quickly fading, “hey! Work you stupid electro things!”
“Hmm,” Amphertrite rubbed her chin, “the water is too strong, should we lower it?”
“No, he needs to learn his anger will be the power, not his weakness.” Poseidon nodded slightly. “He doesn’t get angry just like that.” Aphertrite sighed. “It depends on what we say and how he'll react.” Poseidon bit his lip.
“Zeref,” his nephew looked up at him, “I don't like Freddie. I think she’s a horrible influence and she’ll be the worst goddess of the underworld. Honestly, she’ll be a disgrace to our family.”
“Excuse me?” Zeref’s hands began to crackle, “what did you just say about her?”
Amphitrite saw what Poseidon was doing, she nodded slightly before smirking, “look at Freddie, Zeref, she’s no were near goddesses potential like me and you mother are.” Amphitrite flipped her hair.
“You need to be confident to be a goddess and be able to trust others, how can Freddie do that when she can barely trust you.” She laughed tauntingly. “Freddie trust me! She just doesn't open herself up to people so easily!” the sparks began to grow larger.
“I agree with Amphitrite,” Poseidon folded his arms over her chest, “especially with her track record, Freddie isn't pure enough to be a goddess. I think Thalia would do nicely.”
“Thalia?! Are you kidding me?! Even though she’s Zues adoptive daughter, it’s still weird! Plus she isn't my type!” Zeref growled, “I love Freddie with my entire being! She’s the woman the Higher Beings destined me to be with!”
The sparks began to turn white, “I’m sick of you all not being able to accept me and Freddie! Why can't you understand that we’re going to be together for all eternity! She’s the woman I wanna have kids with, the woman I wanna marry, the woman who’ll be the next goddess of the underworld!”
“Kids? Wife? Please,” Poseidon rolled his eyes, “she’s too scared, she’ll run away at the first chance!”
“No she won't! She’s the one who wants to settle down and so do I!” Lightning boots began to appear on his skin in white, “I will be the next god of the underworld and she’ll be the goddess! And you’ll just have to deal with that!!!”
Zeref yelled in anger as his fist gathered in lightning, completely resistant to the water around him. “Craph,” Zeref tried to calm down but it didn’t work, “calm down Zeref…”
“No, don't, just stay a little bit angry.” Amphertrtie said Zeref was confused. “Why?” Zeref asked. “Your anger is what powers you apparently, normally for Zeus it’s the opposite, but for you I guess not.” Poseidon shrugged.
“I’ve never seen someone use White Lightning at such a young age. Zeus was around 30 when he learned it, you’re 25!” Amphertrite said, “you’re getting much better.”
“Thanks,” Zeref smiled, the lightning fading away, he frowned slightly. “Don't worry, with a little more training, you’ll be able to summon White Lightning like it’s nothing.” Poseidon smiled at his nephew.
“So,” Freddie brushed her hair, the mirror in her room back at my temple allowed her to talk to Zeref while he was away “how’s everything with Poseidon so far?”
“Wet.” Zeref laughed, Freddie chuckled, “he is the god of the sea so what would you expect.” 
“I miss you,” Zeref smiled sadly, “talking really isn't enough…”
“I know, it’s been 3 months and I’m starting to get really lonely.” Freddie whimpered. “I miss you too my love, but I wish you could be here with me.” Zeref sighed.
“I know, but I have training to do too,” Freddie winked, “I can't have you being the only strong one in this relationship.”
“Oh yeah! How’s your training? Those spirits aren’t treating you too roughly right?”
“Actually, it’s my two lion fist that are my teachers.” Freddie braided her hair. “Your lion fist? The ones you used on Zou?” Zeref asked, Freddie nodded. “I’ll explain the next time we see each other.” Freddie winked, “anyways, about the whole ‘goddess’ situation, I think I might be ready to take on that role.”
“Seriously?!” Freddie noticed he was a little too excited, “I-I-I mean if you don't want to, I don't want to force you, Freddie.”
“I do,” Freddie took a deep breath in and out, “training with the lion twins gave me a lot of strength, mentally and physically.”
“I’m glad to hear that, my love.” Zeref smiled, even through a screen Freddie was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. “What?” Freddie checked her teeth, “is there something in my teeth?”
“No, it’s just...your so beautiful, you should be the goddess of love and beauty rather than the goddess of the underworld.” Zeref admired Freddie as she blush. “Sh-shut up!” Freddie played with her hair.
“Hehe...Fred-Fred looks so cute when she’s flustered.” a voice in the background giggled. “She looks like a raspberry to me.” another voice said.
“Who’s that?”
“Gotta go, baby, I’ll call you soon!” Freddie blew a kiss at him, “I love you!”
Zeref smiled at her last words before she ended the call, “I love you too, Freddie. I’ll never stop.”
Later on that month, Zeref finally completed training with Poseidon and was moving onto training with his father, Hades.
Me and Zeref stood at the door of Hades’ and Persephone’s house where me and Zeref were bombarded by kisses from Cerberus. “Oooh! I miss you too, Cerberus!” Zeref gushed, “I’m sorry papa be away for so long, yes I am, yes I am!”
He really loves this dog.
I knocked on the door, since Zeref was too busy reuniting with Cerberus. Pain and Panic opened the door, immediately bowing, “Your highness!” Pain and Panic looked up slightly.
“I told you two you don't need to bow,” I helped them up. “We’re sorry Miss Swan,” Pain and Panic noticed Zeref. “Young Master Zeref!!!” Pain and Pain cried, latching Zeref into a big hug.
“We missed you! We were so worried about you and Huntress Freddie!” Pain cried into his shirt while Panic latched onto his leg, “you’re never leaving us again!”
“I’ll try not to,” Zeref laughed as Pain and Panic let go of his legs, letting us walk into Zeref’s childhood home. “Pain? Panic? What are you crying about now?” Persephone came out of the kitchen to see Zeref, she dropped the dishes and ran into Zeref’s arms.
“Zeref! How have you been?! You don't even send me a single letter or a call! How dare you!” she slapped him upside the head, “I missed you so much!”
“I can't tell whether she’s mad or if she misses me.” Zeref chuckled. “Point is, I miss you.” Persephone pinched his cheek, “oh! Did you hear about your sister and Levi? They’re dating and exploring the world! Isn't that great!”
“Awe, I always knew LyLy would find someone.” Zeref smiled. “I wasn’t too happy about some animalistic taking away my only daughter, I’ll tell you that much.” Hades laughed, another laugh was beside him, Zeref quickly turned his head.
“Well I’m glad you invited me up-” before she could finish her sentence, Freddie was swept off her feet by Zeref, “Zeref!” she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I missed you.”
“You have no idea how much I missed you and your touch, and those beautiful dull lavender eyes, and you tropical punch chapstick you use, and that beautiful dark skin of yours. Oh I missed it all!” Zeref connected his lips with hers the two partaking in a heated makeout.
“Hey! Did you miss your dad too?” Hades asked hopefully. “Oh yeah totally! I just missed Freddie more.” Zeref smirked, continuing to kiss his girlfriend. “I’m the one who gave her permission to be up here…” Hades muttered, folding his arms over his chest.
Persephone giggled, “he just misses his girlfriend, it’s natural for them to,” Persephone noticed how long they’ve been kissing, “wow, it’s remarkable none of them has needed air yet.”
“Persephone!” Hades scolded. “What! It is!” Persephone shrugged. “Zeref, hello!” Hades called out, Zeref back away from Freddie, still holding her hand. “Yes?” Zeref asked, flashing an innocent smile.
“If you’re done making out with Freddie, we need to start training.” Hades smirked. “I don't like that smirk on your face.” Zeref was worried. “Now,” Hades slung his arm over his son’s shoulder, “just because I’m your son doesn't mean I’ll go easy on you Zeref.”
He slapped Zeref on the back, making him jerk forward, “by the time we’re done, you’ll be whipped into shape!”
Freddie, Persephone, Pain, Painc, and myself watched as Hades dragged Zeref to the training room. Tears streamed down his face as he mouthed “help me…!”
“He’ll be okay,” Freddie looked up at Persephone and me, “right?”
“Yeah,” I ruffled her hair, “he probably won't die. I think.”
“You think?!”
“Alright Zeref, now that you know White Lightning, you gotta learn how to control that lightning.” Hades said, placing a dummy with a target on it’s stomach. “Shoot.”
Zeref nodded and aimed his fist for the dummy, but it hit Panic butt instead, “Master Hades! Zeus has come for me!! I’m scared!!” Panic hid behind Hades, shivering in fear.
“Great, now he’s gonna be shivering all day, there goes my sleep Zeref.” Hades glared at him. “I’m sorry, Panic.” Zeref apologized. “I-It-It’s qui-quite alr-alright, you-young mast-master!”
“You don't need to call me that Panic.” Zeref sighed. “It’s a for-force of ha-hab-habit.” Panic said, Persephone picked him up. “Awe, you’re shivering again.” Persephone held her close to his chest, “it’s alright.”
Hades growled, a dark aura surrounding him, “lucky bastard….”
“You got this baby!” Freddie cheered from the balcony above. Zeref smiled, blowing her a kiss. Freddie blushed, looking away from her, “shu-shut up…”
Zeref chuckled, “I love you too, Freddie.”
“She’s gonna make a good goddess.” Hades smiled. “You think so?” Zeref smiled back. “Oh yeah,” Hades ruffled his hair, “she’s your lobster.”
“Lobster?” Zeref asked, charging up another shot. “Yeah, when lobster finds their perfect mate they walk around on the beach holding hands, Hook told me he saw some! It’s adorable!” Hades held his hands on the side of his face.
“That’s not a thing.” Zeref sweatdropped, aiming the shot for the dummy. “It is too! Hook said it was.” Hex muttered. “Well Hook is wrong sometimes.” Zeref rolled his eyes.
“No he’s not-” before he knew it a ball of white lightning almost hit Hades, “ZEREF!”
“Sorry,” Zeref smirked, “slip of the hand.”
“Slip of the hand.” Hades mocked. Zeref aimed another shot at Hades, firing it at him. Yet again, the ball of lightning almost hit Hades but hit the wall, allowing it to bounce off the wall and race towards Freddie.
Zeref’s eyes widened and as quick as lightning, darted towards his girlfriend to pick her up and out of the way of the lightning bolt.
“You alright?” Zeref asked, Freddie nodded. “Thank you.” Freddie blushed more, quickly kissing his cheek.
“Awe!” Persephone and myself cooed. “She’s gonna be a great goddess.” Persephone said to me. “Most definitely.”
As the months went by, Zeref’s accuracy with the white lightning got better and better. He stood in the middle of the training center, waiting for the next target to pop up as Pain, Panic, Persephone, Hades, Freddie, and myself watched from the balcony.
Hades pressed a button on the remote, causing the next target to appear, Zeref quickly threw a lightning ball at it at record speed, taking it out swiftly.
“Woohoo!! You go, Zeref!” Freddie waved at him. Zeref winked and shot another target, all why staring at Freddie, “gods and goddesses he’s everything!” Freddie swooned.
“Is that all of them? Barely broke a sweat.” Zeref smirked, Freddie hugged him. “That’s your last lesson.” Freddie's voice saddened. “Why do you sound so sad?” Zeref questioned.
“I can't go with you to your last master.” Freddie sighed. “Why not? Hades gave you permission to be up here.” Zeref shrugged. “I-I know, bu-but…” Freddie looked down.
“What did he do?”
“He sent be a hologram saying if I went he’d so you no mercy. I don't want to see you get hurt so I’ll go back to Swan’s.” Freddie smiled sadly. “No, you have a couple months left before your training starts again, you’re coming with me. He’ll just have to deal with you.”
“But, Zeref-”
“No,” Zeref kissed her forehead, “he’s just gonna have to deal with it. I’m not gonna let you be scared of him your entire life. Which is gonna be long, since we’re gonna be immortal soon.”
“Okay...I just don't want you getting hurt.” Freddie muttered, poking her fingers together. “I won't.” Zeref clutched her hand softly, “I’ll show him who’s boss.”
Later that night, Hades stood in front of the fireplace in the study, Persephone knocked on the door, “here,” she passed him a beer, as soon as he grabbed it, Hades started peeling the label “you’re worried.”
“Am not!”
“You always peel the label when you’re worried.” Persephone noted. “My brother really hates us and Zeref, not to mention Freddie. And he’ll be there the remainder of his training, what if he gets hurt? Zeus doesn't know how to back down!”
“That’s why we’ll be there during his training. If Zeus flips out, we’ll be there to stop him.” Persephone kissed his forehead, “now let’s sleep my love. Panic got shocked again so he wants to sleep with us.”
Hades sighed, walking to his and Persephone’s bedroom to see Panic running into Persephone’s arms, shuddering as she held him close to her chest, “don't worry,” Persephone laid down, hodling Panic close.
“Lucky. Bastard.” Hades shook his head, “that’s supposed to be me…”
Persephone leaned in, “don't worry,” he nibbled on his earlobe, “we can do it at Zeus as a big fuck you to him.”

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