EP.206|The Deity and the Demon (Part 1)

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EP.206|The Deity and the Demon (Part 1)

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Yes, for the past 205 episodes, I, Xiao Melee (AKA: Swan/Healer), have been both narrating this story and have been a recurring character in it.
To make things simpler, I’m like a 3rd person omniscient so I know all the thoughts and feelings of the characters and myself but I’m also a character.
I can also break the 4th wall! Hello readers and Sugar, who’s been writing this book for ages now.
So, there will be times where I myself am a character in a scene and when it’s my line I will say I instead of Swan and when I’m off screen, that’s when my narration kicks in.
You’ll get the hang of it in a sec! Just watch.
The VKs stood in shock, I laughed, “did I kill them?”
Nadia waved her hand in front of them, the VKs were still unmoving, “you might have.”
I shook my head and sighed, snapping my fingers as a water bubble above their heads appeared, drouncing them into water.
“I-I-I just can't believe it!” Ben stammered in shock. “Benji,” I smiled at him, “I thought you were the smart one.”

I giggled and walked over to Ben, kissing his cheek, “I’m sorry I lead you all on a wild goose chase, but I had to know if you were ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“To see your past lives of course!” I exclaimed, my hands in the air, “it’s gonna be loads of fun!”
I tried to grab Operetta's hand but she moved away, “Healer -- I mean Swan -- or Xiao? What the hell do I call you now?!”
“You guys can all Xiao or Swan whichever floats your boat.” I shrugged, I liked both names either way. Especially Swan, that was the name my dear sweet Lucifer gave to me.
“Can we see what you look like at least, under the giant cloak?” Zeref asked. I almost forgot I was still wearing the cloak, “guess I don't need this anymore.”
I discard the cloak, revealing my true self to the VKs.
I was a woman of fairly average height with an hourglass figure and very large breasts. I have long black and white hair styled into curls that come over my shoulders. My bangs are parted to the right.
I wore a white collar and cape that reached to her mid-thigh. I have an attire with a low cut that reveals some of my cleavage. I wore a white dress with sleeves that are heavily adorned with blue ruffles past my elbows and reach midway down my forearm.
Blue lines go down my bodice to emphasize and hips. My skirt opens up to reveal my right leg, and is hemmed at the level of my ankles. I also wear blue high-heels as well.
“That cloak was getting hot!” I fanned myself slightly, “anyways, let's get you into those pods!”
I led the VKs into one of the smaller houses in my estate, it was completely white and had a single pod in the middle shaped like an unbloomed flower bud.
“Alright, as soon as you guys step into that pod, your past lives we play out and by the end, everything should be clear.”

I noticed the VKs were conscious about this experience. Mal gulped, she hated being in enclosed spaces. I grabbed Operetta’s hand, leading her to the portal, “I promise there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“How do you know?” she whispered. She was scared to find out her past life. What if it’s something I don't like?! What if I was a monster back then?!
I kissed her forehead, “don't worry, Snowflake,” I pushed her softly into the portal, “just relax and think happy thoughts.”

“Happy thoughts….” Operetta slurred before the pod closed, allowing the memories to begin.
Operetta opened her eyes to see she was falling down a rabbit hole, ice shards and snow lined the sides of the hole, loving memories of her and the VKs appeared alongside her.
Operetta closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the hard impact of the ground that never came. She felt around the soft golden fluffy clouds.
She stood up, looking around in awe. The land consisted of several floating islands suspended in the air, each with its own flora and ecosystem. It even housed several bodies of water, notably the falls.
“Where the hell am I?” Operetta was so star stuck she was barely able to say those words. “This is my realm, The Realm of the Black Swan, Belinda, your past life, was a member of the deity race along with Nadia.” I explained to her. She jumped up a little, shocked to hear my voice in her head 
I laughed slightly, “Operetta, it’s okay to be a little jumpy when you enter the past, also, don't freak out when-”
Before I could finish, Operetta screamed her head off when people passed through her like a ghost, “I’M DEAD?!”
“No! No! You’re not dead! You can't be in physical form when your seeing your past life so the rabbit hole you went through transformed your body into a spirit version for now.” I explained, she sighed in relief.
“Phew! I thought I was actually dead.” Operetta chuckled nervously, laughter that was oddly familiar made her turn around to see teenage Belinda and kid Nadia chasing each other.
“BeBe! You’re gonna get us killed!” Nadia warned, running through the streets with Belinda, carrying the stolen bunnies in her arms just like Belinda. “Nadia, they were doing experiments on these bunnies! I wasn’t gonna let them just get away with it!” Belinda said, running into the alley where I stopped them.
“Stealing bunnies again, Belinda?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest. “Sorry, Miss Swan…” Belinda and Nadia hung their heads in shame. I sighed softly, smiling at the two as I shook my head “Belinda, they weren’t experimenting on the bunnies, they were delivering them to the humans below.”
“Yeah ‘oh’,” I ruffled Belinda’s scarlet red hair. Operetta was shocked, it was almost uncanny how similar Belinda and her were, “now come on, I have a meeting to attend with the other higher beings so you two are coming with me.”
We walked down the street, holding their hands and they recounted their day to me. “So...this was me?” Operetta questioned. “Since Belinda was your past life, you could say that was you.” I shrugged.
“...then me and Nadia were racing against these pegasuses but Hera said we had to stop…” Belinda pouted slightly. “Because we had to go meet Swan.” Nadia reminded her.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever…”
Swan giggled, reaching the gate of her palace
Nine thick, round towers form a protective barrier all around the castle and are connected by reinforced, vast walls made of white stone.
Small windows are scattered generously across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with same-sized holes for archers and artillery.
A great gate with massive metal doors, a drawbridge and various artillery equipment guards a tranquil city within this beautiful paradise I built, but it's not the only way in, which fortunately only very few know.
Lush fields of crops surround the castle walls and provide the inhabitants with food all year round. This castle has clearly stood the test of time and its inhabitants intend on making sure it stays that way for ages to come.
Belinda rushed inside, watching as the angels, deities, and higher beings did their own thing. “Hera! Aphrodite! Persephone!” I waved my hand high, calling over the two goddesses. “Swan!” Persephone tackled her in a huge hug.
“Where’s your demon?” Aphrodite looked around, soon feeling a shiver down her spine. “Boo!” Lucifer whispered, making Aphrodite jump up. Hera laughed, when Lucifer came up behind me, hugging my waist.
“Hello beautiful,” Lucifer purred in my ear, making my heart fluttered, “I missed you~”
“Did you now?” I smirked, raising my eyebrow. “So much…” Lucifer held me close, “when is the meeting over?”
“It hasn't even started.” I laughed gently. Lucifer tried to follow me and their other higher beings into the meeting room but I stopped him. “I know you want to be here, I want you there too, but rules are rules darling.” I sighed, kissing his lips.
“How long is the meeting?” Lucifer muttered. I sweatdropped, Lucifer sulked, “it’s a long one again, isn't it?”
“4 hours.”
Lucifer sighed deeply, looking up smirking “can't ya ditch this one?”
“Sorry, baby, I promise after the meeting I’m all yours.” I promised, his smirk widened. “Your already all mine,” he kissed my cheek, “enjoy the meeting, Swan.”
I closed the door, walking to my chair around the large round table where all thr higher beings sat.
Operetta laughed as Belinda and Nadia struggled to get up on the chairs since they were so high off the ground.
Finally getting on the chair, Belinda heaved slightly “they really need a ladder for these things.”
Operetta sat on the arm of Belinda chair, watching as the meeting began. “Since were all here we must discuss the elephant in the room.” Aphrodite began, grabbing the attention of the higher beings in the room.
“I'm sure you all know a lot of you deities have gone missing.” I continued. Operetta and Belinda both tensed up. “I don't like the sound of this…” Operetta worried.
“What's the count?” Hera asked, not really wanting to know the answer but knowing it was necessary 
“20.” I replied sadly.
Both Operetta and Belinda gasped “twenty!?” Belinda stood up in shock. “Yes, you'd think they'd be targeting the higher beings like Swan but I guess not.” Nadia muttered.
“We'll be assigning you each higher being guard.” I said, folding my hands on the desk. “You'll be guarding me and BeBe, right Miss Swan?” Nadia asked hopefully. 
“No,” I sighed sadly, “Hera will be guarding you.”
Hera smiled at Belinda and Nadia, “don't worry girls, I'll take good care of you.”
Belina and Operetta looked at me. I wanna be with you!
“I know, I do too but the fates are cruel sometimes…”
Later that night, Belinda sat in her bed, clutching her knees to her chest. “I wonder where those girls are…”
Meanwhile outside the door, Hera smirked “yeah she's good and ready, though you have so many deities, why do ya need more?”
“Don't ask questions.” Geyu scolded. Hera rolled her eyes “whatever…are you sending a trapper or what? I’m not gonna pretend to guard her all night.”
“Yeah, yeah, Arlin’s on his way.” Geyu brushed off, propping his feet on his desk.
A dark flash moved through the thick trees of my realm. Looking down at the profile to see Belinda’s picture. “An ice deity? This should be too easy.” Arlin smirked, climbing up the castle to reach Belinda’s window.
The silhouette of Belinda sleeping lured Arlin in. He moved over the blanket to reveal pillows piled up to look like a body.
“Shit-” before Arlin could continue, shards of ice came flooding towards Arlin. He tried to dodge but some still cut his face. “That’s fine, I like it when they fight back.” he wiped the blood off of his face with his fingers, licking the blood off of it.
“So, your the one stealing all the deities right?” Belinda questioned, circling around Arlin in the dark that coated her room. “I wouldn't necessarily say it’s just me doing this,” he shrugged, “it’s a team effort.”
“Got jokes I see.” Belinda gritted her teeth, she was getting fairly annoyed by this man. “I got a lot of other things, darling.” Arlin extended his hand, Belinda felt her body tense up.
Belinda couldn't stop her body from moving towards the light, locking eyes with Arlin. “Now that’s better, I can actually see you.” Arlin looked her up and down, “not bad.”
“So your power is blood manipulation?”
Arlin laughed, “sure I use blood manipulation as my first power choice but I have some dark magi but I don't really like using that.”
“I didn’t ask for your life story, it was a simple yes or no question.” Belinda bit down on her lip hard, breaking the hold, “shit…”
Arlin eyes widened slightly, “you cause yourself pain just to break the hold, smart girl.” Arlin's eyes glowed blood red, manipulating the darkness to bind Belinda, “but it’s not enough to beat me.”
He came close to face, smirking, “I’mma have so much fun with you~”

Good At Being Bad (Book #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora