EP.228|Hunter Vs. Geyu

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EP.228|Hunter Vs. Geyu
Hunter stood by Operetta bed, watching as I healed her. I noticed the conflicted look in his eyes, “what’s on your mind?”
“I’m just taking in her beauty, it might be the last time I see it.” Hunter sighed, crouching down to kiss her soft light pink lips. “If I lose, I’m losing her and the twins to Geyu,” he clenched his fist, the thought of Geyu being with his mate was sickening.
“It hurts too bad to think about not only losing her, but my best friend, my family...everything.” Hunter sniffled, “but nothing compares to the horror I feel when I think about not being there for the twins.”
“We were gonna name the boy Maxwell, and the girl Magnolia. I was supposed to be the godparent for when CJ gets pregnant. I was supposed to be an uncle to Raja. Help Zeref and Freddie adjust to Gods and Goddess life. Show Ben and Mal all the sights of exotic places. Runite Araden with Nadia.”
He looked at the small black box on the dresser, “I was supposed to marry Operetta, grow old together...there’s just so much riding on me winning!” Hunter cried into Operetta’s hand, “please don't hate me…”
“Hate...you?” Operetta laughed, stroking his hair, “if I hated you would I let you mark me, get me pregnant, let you take me on this adventure?”
“Exactly,” Operetta sat up, she looked up at me, I nodded and left the room, giving the two some alone time, “Hunter, look at me,” Operetta held the side of his face, locking eyes with the demon, “in three days, you will go over and kick that demon’s ass. Alright?”
“Operetta, there’s no way of telling if I’ll even make it out alive or not-” Operetta put her finger over his lips. “Do or do not, there is no try.” Operetta quoted, “you know who said that?”
“Yoda.” Hunter replied, smiling slightly, “I love it when you quote Star Wars.”
“Yep,” Operetta smirked, “Yodo told this to Luke because everytime you say try, you leave a little self doubt in the back of your mind, and you don't need that right now. You need to do this. Say it back.”
“I need to do this.” Hunter repeated, Operetta pressed her lips together “you sound forced.”
“Well I am a little forced, hun.” Hunter rolled his eyes. “Hunter, I’m serious.” Operetta sighed. “I need to do this.” Hunter sounded more confident this time. Operetta smiled, kissing his lips, she rubbed his cheek with her soft fingers, “Hunter, I love you so much...so much so that it’s shocking myself by how much I love you.”
Hunter and her touched foreheads, he chuckled softly “do you know how lucky I am to have you? I’ve never thought in a million years I’d fall for someone as good as you.”
Operetta wrapped her arms around his neck lovingly, pulling him slowly down onto the hospital bed, “if we only have these last nights together, I want to live them to the fullest.”
Meanwhile, Carlos paced back and forth, biting his nails. “Carlos, if you keep pacing you’ll tear a hole into the floor.” Cruella reminded him, her, Hex, Carlos, Hook, and Nakita all sat in the waiting room.
“Ugh, why did she have to use that earth core move! She knew it wasn’t ready! She took too many hits during the battle and now she’s in surgery!” Carlos transformed into his world form, pacing even more.
“Great, now he’s transformed.” Hex groaned, knowing there was no hope in calming down the restless animalistic. “What is the surgery for anyways?” Philip asked. 
“When Geyu hit her with Dark Space, some on the dark magi sucked into her wounds that were open, our bloodline is extremely weak to dark magi and it’s starting to spread into her veins near her heart which could mean-”
“SHUT UP!” Carlos roared loudly at Hook, making the pirate back up away from Carlos, “we're all well aware what it means! There’s no need to remind me that the girl I love could die!”
Hex stood up, “outside, now.”
Carlos whimpered, following his father outside into the garden they just fought in, “I get it that your mad and your worried about CJ but you can't take it out on other people, okay?”
Carlos nodded sadly, whimpering as he looked down ashamed. Hex ruffled his fur, “I’ve never seen you like this before, Carlos. You’re normally fine in situations like these but ever since she came in you hate being in hospitals.”
“I...I can't...I can't lose her!”
“I know, I know you can't, none of us want to lose CJ. Especially her parents, did you ever stop to think how Hook and Nakita are feeling watching their daughter in the condition she’s in now?” Hex questioned, Carlos shook his head.
“He looked fine…”
“On the outside, but when we and him talk he’s worried about her, he is only daughter Carlos, and I get it she’s your mate and all but she’s his daughter, he’s loved her since birth.”
“I know,” Carlos morphed out of his wolf form, “dad, is it always like it? The worrying, the stress? It gets better,” he looked up at him, “right?”
Hex pulled him in for a hug, “of course it does, you’re mate’s a tough cookie to crack, if anyone can get through this it’s her.”
Carlos nodded, hugging his father back, “thanks, dad.”
Philip’s cough interrupted the touching moment, “the doc said you can see her.”
Carlos’ eyes lit up as he let go of his father and ran back to CJ’s hospital room. She was asleep, Carlos smiled, stroking her blond hair, “she’s so peaceful.”
“We got all the darkness out, but she’ll need to rest for a couple of days, the blast from Geyu and using Earth’s Core not once, but twice, but her into a coma.” I explained. “A coma?!” Carlos exclaimed. “Yes,” I touched his shoulder, “but she’s fine, think of it as a long nap, if you want, you can stay by her side the entire time.”
Carlos smiled slightly, muttering a quick thank you before morphing into a puppy and curling up at CJ’s side, watching as she slept, “wake up soon, Princesa.”
Raja ran into Jasper and Evie’s open arms, sobbing as she clenched onto their shirts, “do-don't sc-scare m-me li-like that!” Raja sobbed, “I-I-I thou-thought you were dea-dead!”
“We’re not dead,” Evie winced, “hurt very badly, yes, but not dead.”
“Ar-Are you sure? I-I can heal you! I’ve been practicing.” 
“No, no,” Jasper chuckled, “save your magi,” Jasper picked up Raja, “so, now that our parts are done, we need to make up for the time we were away.”
“You do?”
“Yes, now the first thing first is to meet me and Evie’s parts, or your grandparents.” Evie smiled, walking upstairs into the library to see Jafar and Esther wrestling, “give me my 20 dollars, Jafar!”
“No way!”
“Will you two stop being embarrassing for one second!” Jasper scolded, Jafar looked up, “hi son! Just partaking in some friendly - AGH! Esther! - wrestling here!”
“That totally looks friendly.” Evie muttered. “Alright, I got 40 buck on my wife winning, Venus, what about you?” Dante betted, looking up at Venus. “70 on Esther.” Venus said.
“Sorry, babe, but Esther won this battle over 5 times over the years.” Venus shrugged, “it’s inevitable.”
“Stop wrestling and meet your granddaughter!” Evie scolded. Esther and Jafar stopped wrestling, “granddaughter?!” they raced over to Raja.
“Why hello! I’m your grandma Esther, I’m Evie’s mom,” she pointed to Dante, “and that’s your grandpa Dante, she’s Evie’s dad.”
“And I’m Jafar,” Jafar smiled, waving at Raja who gulped slightly, burrowing her face into Jasper’s shirt. “Is she scared of me or something?”
Raja shivered slightly, “hi-his eyes...the-they’re just like Gey-Geyu’s…”
“Oh!” Jafar snapped his fingers in emiffinay, “they may look the same but mine are way cooler, can Geyu’s eyes let him turn into a snake like this?” in seconds, Jafar morphed into a snake. Raja giggled, “it’s just like Daddy’s but bigger.”
“Who do you think taught your father how to morph?” Jafar chuckled, carrying Raja as he morphed back. “Iago.” Jasper nodded. “No!” Jafar slapped him upside the head, “me!”
“Awe! She looks just like you Evie.” Venus noticed, circling around Raja, “especially the blue hair.”
Raja was confused, “who are you?”
“Oh! I’m your grandma Venus, I’m Jasper’s mom.” Venus gave her a hug, “we’re gonna have the best times together.”
Raja hugged her back, sighing in delight. A whole family...mom, dad, and grandparents...I’m finally complete. She smiled up at Jasper and Evie. Thank you.
────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
After 3 days, it was finally here. The final battle between Hunter and Geyu was about to begin. Hunter, Brazzan, Operetta, Gaston, and Farrah all stop atop of Sunny Hill.
Operetta had a worried look on her face that she couldn't shake off, Hunter kissed her cheek, “don't worry, I’ll be okay.”
Operetta nodded, and kissed his lips, “don't die.”
Hunter turned towards his parents, Farrah sniffled hugging her son tightly, “you know I always loved you, right?” Farrah clenched the back of his shirt. “I know mom, I love you too.” Hunter smiled.
“Good, now you better come back because I don't want Operetta to be stuck caring for the twins all by herself!” Farrah scolded. Hunter chuckled, “trust me, she won't be doing it alone, mom.”
Gaston scoffed, “lose and I’ll kick your ass.”
“Thanks, dad.” Hunter rolled his eyes. “It’s true! You can't lose Hunter, cause losing meaning losing Operetta. Losing means losing the twins. Losing means losing us. Losing means losing all the good things you love about your life! So get your ass in there and win! Got it!”
“Alright, no need to yell.” Hunter groaned, his father apparently didn’t understand demons had sensitive hearing. Brazzan chuckled, “ease up on him, Gaston, he understands what’s at stake here.”
Brazzan ruffled his head, “you were always such a terp, but when you found her and you got your powers, you became less twerpish.”
“Thank...you?” Hunter tilted his head slightly. “You’re welcome,” Brazzan handed him the blindfold, “kick his ass, Hunter, cause I know you can.”
Operetta stood in front of Hunter, holding the blindfold in her hands, she had tears swelling in her eyes, “Hunter...please...don't leave us!”
Hunter chuckled, “Music Note,” Hunter held her face in his hands, “I love more than I’d love anyone before, you’re my one and only deity and I can't lose some as special as you to Geyu.”
Operetta sniffled, she put Hunter’s hand on her stomach, “they’re gonna miss you.”
“Well I’ll be back,” Hunter kissed her stomach, “and when I’m back I got a surprise for you.”
Operetta giggled, “do you now?”
“Yep,” Hunter kissed her lips, “now, show me that smile.”
Operetta smiled up at Hunter, radiantly.
“Say the words i love to hear.”
“I love you Hunter, I love you so much! I’m all yours.” Operetta hugged him tightly, “forever and always.”
“Forever and always.” Hunter repeated as Operetta tied on the blindfold, her lips on his were the last thing he felt before everything went dark.
Geyu appeared in front of the group, Hunter felt Operetta hold his hand tightly. “Well, well, well.” Geyu smirked, “he’s fighting blindfold? The half and half man doesn’t want me to see his eyes? I’m so insulted!”
“You know what you can do if he does!” Gaston scolded. Geyu was about to attack Gaston but Hunter suddenly kicked the demon in the face, sending him back before using his Demon Marks to enhance his punch to temporarily knock down Geyu.
“I don't need my eyes to kick your ass.” Hunter smirked, “I can see you perfectly.”
To any other person, if they were to use Hunter’s technique they would see Geyu as a grey blur, but to Hunter, that blur was so clear it might as well be crystal clear.
Geyu immediately recovered and attempted to strike Hunter but Ben intervened, who intended to dismember his arm with his Drinian moves but managed to dislocate his arm. Bit it was enough for Hunter to punch Geyu into the air for Carlos to send him flying into the mountain cliff with his Eagle Animalia.
Spreading his wings, Geyu flew straight back to his opponents only for CJ to pin him to the ground with FireFly, much to the Villains and VKs surprise.. “CJ? When did you get up?” Hunter questioned.
“A while ago, I couldn't miss the fight of the century!”
Unfazed, Geyu got back up on his feet and relocated his arm “cute, you know how to dislocate an arm!” Geyu cackled, “you’re gonna need more than that to defeat me!”
Hunter turned towards Mal’s direction, “Mal, do it.” Hunter ordered. Mal nodded, her eyes glowing purple as she transmitted Hunter’s plan to everyone.
“Are you insane, Hunter?!”
“If you do this...you might...you not-”
“I know,” Hunter slipped on black gloves with golden circles on the palms, “whatever happens, don't stop. Am I clear?”
They all nodded, eating the plan. Hunter appeared behind Geyu in a flash of speed, trying to strike Geyu from behind but the latter countered with a jab to the chest but the former blocked easily before sending him plummeting into the ground before stomping into Geyu.
“I really don't think this is a good plan...but,” Zeref closed his eyes, “Thunder Bird Rage!” a large bird made of lightning swooped down on both Hunter and Geyu who both easily brushed it off.
“Ooh, a bird made of thunder? How cute, haven’t seen that one since Zeus did it to me.” Geyu scoffed, “it looks like even your friends are turning on you, Hunter!”
“Shut up! King Inferno Blaze!” Jasper yelled, a stream of flames scorching the two combatants. Geyu tried to attack Jasper but Evie came just in time, using “Queen Rage: Crystal Crush!” that surrounded them in crystals that cut them.
Continuing their attacks, the Villains and VKs used all their powers, hitting both Hunter and Geyu simultaneously all at once while the two powerful combatants battled. What are they planning?  He questioned himself as he sent Hunter flying with an energy blast.
“Nice blast,” Hunter wiped the blood off his lips. “Dark Space!” Geyu yelled, attempting to kill the demon vessel “come on! Give me some action! I can't my vessel being weak as fuck!”
“Weak? Don't take me so lightly.” Hunter said as she easily bypassed the Dark Space and struck Geyu in the gut. “Dammit Hunter, I was saving this move for Geyu! Glacier Barrage!” Operetta rose a number of jagged pieces of ice from the ground and rapidly fired at Hunter and Geyu.
“Sorry Hunter! FireFly: Sunray Dance!” A teary eyes CJ fired her attack at the two, severely injuring Hunter as the Villains and the VKs fell back to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.
“I don't get it! Why are you protecting these people?! They’re literally attacking you! But it doesn’t matter! I’ll destroy all of you!” Geyu declared as Carlos jumped in “not gonna happen, demon!”
“Stop resisting! If you keep attacking us eventually one of us will die and it won't be me!” Geyu scoffed, Carlos was one bit fazed as he used “Cat Claw Slash!” Carlos flashed over to Hunter, clawing upon his chest and arms, fatally injuring him.
Mal closed her eyes shut, crying as she extend her hand, “Dual Possession: Poison Darkness Gas!” the gas surrounded Hunter and Geyu, making them cough intensively.
Freddie sniffled as her hands enveloped in shadows, “Ka-Kagechikara!” Freddie yelled in tears as shadows rained down on them.
Ben sighed, “you’re my best friend Hunter, I don't want to do this but if I have to,” Ben collected a mass of magi into his hand, “Infinity Crush!” Ben threw the ball of magi at Hunter, causing a massive explosion.
“Okay,” Geyu’s voice broke through the dust, “what the hell are you people planning?!”
“You wanna know?” the gloves on Hunter’s hands began to glow brightly, “you really wanna know?”
“Yes, just tell me already!”
“Why tell you,” a massive buildup of power surrounded Hunter, Geyu began to feel a strange sense of uneasiness as he realized too late what the plan all along was “WHEN I CAN SHOW YOU!”
With that, Hunter jumped up into the air, angling the massive amount of power at Geyu. Geyu opened his mouth to mutter something but it was too late, the power demolished him as it created a massive dust cloud.
After it cleared, everyone was quiet as they awaited the outcome. Suddenly, a raspy cough filled the silence, Hunter put his fist in the air, he laughed loudly, “take that you fucking S+ demon!”
Operetta’s eyes swelled up with tears as her wings sprouted from her back, flying over to Hunter, “you did it! You really did it!” Operetta undid his blindfold, Hunter groaned, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight.
Hunter rested his hand on her cheek, “hey Operetta, guess what your baby daddy did today?”
Operetta chuckled softly, “what?”
“I kicked that demon's ass!”
Operetta kissed him softly, Hunter sighed in delight, after all the times he’d kiss her, this was his favorite kiss “that you did Hunter, that you did, and I love you for it.”

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