EP.210|The Runaway Bride and the Fire Dragon (Part 1)

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EP.210|The Runaway Bride and the Fire Dragon (Part 1)
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Evie noticed something was off with Jasper the moment the dragon stepped out of the shower, not noticing the beautiful blue silk nightdress she got. Evie pouted slightly, rolling closer to Jasper to get his attention.

However, he just continued staring at the ground. Evie wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder, "I put on this sexy ass dress and you don't do a thing? Something seriously must be wrong."

Jasper sighed, he noticed the dress, but was too worried about tomorrow to act on it, "you look beautiful as always, Habibti, but I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment."

"Why don't you tell your mate about them?" Evie kisses along his neck, "I've been known to make men's' troubles go away~" she whispered seductively.

"As tempting as that is, and believe me, it's tempting, it's just don't want to bore you with my problems." Jasper felt her nimble fingers run down his back, his scales responding to her touch make Jasper moan.

"Either you tell me what's on your mind," Evie's hand transitioned to the middle of his pants, "or I get the answer out of you another way."

Jasper clenched the sheets, "damn her!"

"Ev-Evie...look, I- Ah!" Jasper's thoughts went blank when Evie pushed him down onto the bed, straddling on top of him. "I'm normally the one on the bottom during these situations, but now I think it's time for mama to be on top!" Evie smirked devilishly.

She pulled the ribbon out of her hair, tying Jasper to the headboard, "here's how this is gonna go; either you cave and tell me what's wrong, or," Evie got off of him, placing a hand on her shards, "make a copy of Raymond," at her request, the shards made a completely idently copy of Raymond.

"Or Copy Raymond and me make out until you can't take it anymore and tell me what's going on," Evie giggled, "either way, I win~"

"You little minx," Jasper growled as Evie pulled Raymond in for a kiss, staring at Jasper the entire time "1 minute, that's all I need is one minute and I'll have my answer."

Jasper glared at her, as hot as Evie was when she was moaning, she was moaning the wrong name, it should be his name coming out of her mouth, not Raymond!




"Alright!" Jasper yelled, Evie snapped her fingers, making Copy Raymond disappear, she undid the restants and placed the ribbon on the dresser. "I'm worried about tomorrow." Jasper sighed. Evie giggled and laid down, resting her head on his chest, "your worried you might see something you don't like?"

"Yeah," Jasper ran his fingers through her silky blue hair, "what if I hurt you? Or worse, what if someone else hurt you? What if you die? What if you get raped? What if I die? What if you'd killed me? What if-"

Evie laughter cut him off, "I've never seen you so worried, it's adorable." She reigned in her laughter, "but there's nothing to worry about, I love you no matter what."

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