EP.223|Training with Demonic Dragons

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EP.223|Training with Demonic Dragons
Mal heaved for air as she looked up at the sky. Midnight and Zalia weren’t taking it easy on her and Mal was getting to her breaking point. Her eyes widened when she saw a large ball of poison coming down on her.
“Shit!” Mal cursed, rolling out of the way. “Come on, Mal!” Midnight scolded, shooting an arrow of dark matter at Mal’s feet that almost hit if it weren’t for her quick reflexes.
“What’s wrong with you guys?! I was asleep and you two,” she stopped mid sentence to block a ball of poison with a shield, “decide to kidnap me and bring me to the training room to attack me!”
“You need to be ready when an attack comes!” Midnight said, appearing behind Mal to attempt to kick her in the back but Mal blocked it with her shield. While she was blocking, Zalia tackled her to the ground.
“You need to have eyes on every angel. Got it Mal? Someone could get attacked from behind and the front, what would you do?”
“Duh,” Mal tried to wiggle out under Zalia’s pin but it wasn’t possible, “I’d attack both at the same time!” Mal punched Zalia in the face, sending her back flying, “you two were much better inside my head!”
Mal huffed, wiping her forehead rid of sweat, “I’m...tired! It’s 2 fucking AM!”
Midnight smirked, “do you think Geyu is resting at 2am? Hm?”
“Yes! Yes he is!” Mal scolded. I sighed, shaking my head, “give her a break, y'all been pushing her to the bone since you started training!”
“Thank you...Swan.” Mal said, snatching the water bottle from me and chugging it down like it was the last drink she’d even have.
“But it has got you stronger Mal, I’m glad you’re Dual Possession of both Poisonous and Darkness magi has been improving.” I noticed, Mal nodded. “Thank you.” Mal sighed, laying down in the broken training ground.
“Do you two just hate me or something?! Like is this payback for being in my head for so many years?” Mal hissed. “No,” Zalia helped her up, “we just want you to be ready.”
“You’re our vessel Mal, if anything happens to you we’d be sad.” Midnight hugged her tightly, “I always thought of you as my daughter since the day I met you.”
“A daughter?” Mal was shocked, she didn’t think Midnight thought of her that way. “Before you, I would constantly switch between vessels because they’d either want to get rid of me or I’d kill them. But you,” Midnight rubbed her thumb against her cheek, “you stayed.”
“Yeah,” Zalia rested her chin on Mal’s shoulder, “if it weren’t for you and Midnight I’d be dead, I was without a vessel for so long they were about to sentence me to death. But then I found you and Midnight and what can I saw, you grew on me.”
Zalia and Midnight kissed her cheeks, “we’re tough on you because we love you, Mal, we know you can do great things that’s why we push you.”
Mal hugged her two demons, “I promise…” tears brimmed in her eyes, “I won't let you down!”
“We know you won't, Mal, not once have you let us down.”
“Ow!” Mal hissed as Ben healed her wounds on her back. “Sorry,” Ben muttered, “I’m still getting used to using the healing magi,” he looked away from her and whispered, “though it would be easier if you’d stop moving.”
“What you say?” Mal glared at him. “No-Nothing!” Ben shivered. “That’s what I thought, keep healing.” Mal smiled, “how was your day?”
“Good, I’ve gotten down the elemental magi, it was pretty easy when I thought about how Xander did it in my past life.” Ben said, hovering his hands over her shoulder, “though, I haven’t used much of animalia in a while, it’s kinda like that side is so small compared to everything else I know now.”

“Maybe it’s because you stopped relying on your Animalia after the demonic islands.” Mal guessed. “Yeah, I talked to Swan about it and she said I could transfer my Animalia to Carlos.”
Mal looked at Ben with a confused look “are you gonna be okay giving up that?”
“Yeah, I mean, I barely use it and he needs it more than I do so why not.” Ben shrugged. Mal giggled, “I always loved that about you.”
“How generous you were, you’re literally giving up your animalistic powers to help your best friend,” Mal turned around and kissed his nose, “that generosity was one of the reasons I fell for you.”
“One of the reasons?” Ben smirked, “so there’s more?”
“Don't get cocky,” Mal pushed him down on the bed, “I do love you, that you know, but I love you because you’re different from all the men I’ve dated.” Mal smiled.
“You care about me, you know me better than I know myself sometimes!” Mal kissed his lips, “Benny, you know when I’m sad, you know when I’m happy, you know my secrets that even the VKs don't know.”
Ben smiled and kissed her back, “hey,” Ben separated the kiss, “what wrong? You feel tense.”
“I realised today that Midnight and Zalia see me as their daughter.” Mal sighed. “But I feel like I’ve let them down.”
“I know you didn’t,” Ben held her close, “look at me, Mally.”
“You can never let Midnight and Zalia down, not ever, they chose you as their vessel because they knew how strong you were, if they didn’t, they’d kill you already.” Ben kissed her cheeks, “that fact that they haven’t done that proves how much they love you.”
“Ben, do you ever regret relinquishing our titles as King and Queen?” Mal asked. “Not at all, I realised I didn’t want to be king, I wanted to go on adventures like these, see new places, help people in need.” Ben replied, placing Mal beside him, “do you regret it?”
“No,” Mal smiled, “if I’d become queen, I'd be in a stuffy castle all day. Hey,” Mal sat up, “how about after the war we go traveling all around the world! France, Spain, Japan!”
Ben chuckled, Mal’s eyes sparkled when she talked about the future, “we can go anywhere you want, Mal, I follow you anywhere you want to go.”
“We can go to this little town in Spain that is filled with Demonic Dragons, they say the first Demonic Dragon orginationed there.” Mal clapped happily, she noticed Ben staring at her, “what is there something on my face?”
“No,” Ben chuckled, “you’re just so beautiful.”

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