EP.224|Training with the Twin Lions

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EP.224|Training with the Twin Lions
Freddie knew Zeref was working hard in his training, as sad as she was when she watched him leave, she had to get stronger too.
Freddie entered the training room to see a single tiki mask with a note beside it. Freddie picked it up, “insert Tamiki magi here.”
“Okay…” Freddie was a little suspicious but placed her hand on the tiki mask anyway, putting some of her tamiki magi into it. A bright light emerged from the mask, Freddie quickly shielded her eyes.
After it faded, Freddie lowered her hands to see two women in the place the tiki mask used to be. “Hello! I’m Noki!” the first woman waved at Freddie.
Noki is a youthful woman with a childlike figure, unlike her partner. She has orange hair in short pigtails that are held up with brown bows, with straight-cut bangs hanging slightly over her face.
She wears a white coat with golden border straps surrounding the cuffs on the coat, waist area, biceps area to go along with two gold lines streaking down the chest area, ending in a skirt with golden frills at the end. She wears white fur-lined snow boots with golden straps to go along with matching white pants.
“And I’m Devi,” the second woman introduced, her tone serious but Freddie could tell she was kind on the inside.
Devi is a young woman of average height with brown eyes and blonde hair. Her hair has pigtails on the ends with a green leaf-shaped hairpin on it, and wears a diamond-shaped necklace.
Her attire consists of an open, long-sleeved black jumpsuit with stocking-like edges, a knee-pack around her right thigh, and matching high-heeled shoes.
“Who the hell are you?!” Freddie yelled. Devi sighed, shaking her head, Noki on the other hand was giggling “we’re your lions silly.” Noki replied.
“My lions?” Freddie questioned, a confused expression on her face. “Yeah,” Devi filed her nails, “you know when you summon your lion fist?”
Freddie nodded, letting Devi continue, “that’s us in our Tamiki form, this is us in our human form.”
Freddie looked at her hands, “I always felt like you two were more than just my Tamiki.” she looked back at them, “when why are you here?”
“Fred-Fred, we’re here to train you!” Noki cheered, jumping up and down excitedly. “Fred-Fred?” Freddie muttered to herself as she sweatdropped. “You two? Train me?” Freddie began to laugh, “come on, you’re not strong-”
Before Freddie could finish, Devi cracked her neck and in a flash was behind Freddie, punching her in the back that sent her flying into the pillars. “Oww…” Freddie groaned.
“Okay,” Freddie propped herself up against the semi broker pillar, “Devi’s hella strong but Noki wouldn't hurt a fly -- WOAH!” Freddie was suddenly enveloped in a ball of Tamiki, lifting her up and slamming her into the ground like a rag doll.
“Do you think she learned her lesson, Devi?” Noki asked, her hand moving up and down to slam Freddie into the ground repaditly. “I think so, we can't hurt her too much.” Devi smirked as Noki released her.
“Lesson one,” Devi and Noki stood over her, “don't underestimate us.”
Freddie rolled over to her back, “duly noted.” Freddie groaned.
Noki smiled, crouching down to heal Freddie, “you can do all of that too, ya know.” Noki noted. “Yeah right, Devi moved at the speed of light and you practically lifted me off the ground and slammed be like a rag doll.”
“Are you forgetting what we told you?” Devi rolled her eyes, “we’re your Tamiki, we’re made from your Lion Fist, so anything we can do, you can do, with a fair amount of training of course.”
Freddie sat up after Noki finished healing, Devi helped her up, “let’s get training, Freddie.”
“First things first, we wanna see how far along you are with soul summoning.” Noki pulled out a book, handing it to Freddie as she opened to a certain page. “A soul animal?” Freddie looked up at her.
“Yeah, a soul animal is basically all your personality, happiest and saddest moments, in an animal. We’re pretty sure we know what it is though.” Devi winked. “Okay, so how do I summon it?” Freddie asked.
“Turn on your tamiki.” Devi instructed. Freddie’s eyes turned purple, she blinked a couple of times, “okay.”
“Now, I want you to think back to when you felt safe.” Devi said, “the calmer you are, the more you’ll be able to see your soul animal.”
Freddie nodded, thinking back to a moment with her and Zeref months ago.
“I don't care if you won't let me go in there! I need to see her!” Zeref’s voice caused Freddie’s eyes to slowly open, she sat up from her bed in the infirmary, rubbing her head.
“What happened?” Freddie groaned. “You hit your head sweetie.” Operetta said, dabbing her head with a damp towel. “How?” Freddie groaned. “We were on our way back to the villain isles and you tripped over a rock and knocked your head on a tree.” Jasper explained.
“That explains the bandage.” Freddie muttered. “Where’s Zeref?” Freddie asked. Just like that, Zeref bursted in, disregarding the nurses wishes. “Thank the gods your up.” Zeref hugged her tightly.
“It’s just a little bruise Zeref.” Freddie chuckled. “What do you mean?! We could see your brain!” Zeref exclaimed, Freddie laughed. “It’s no fun, Freddie! You could have been seriously hurt!” Zeref pouted.
“Awe, don't worry, I’m okay.” Freddie pinched his cheeks, “you were so worried, huh?”
Zeref nodded, Freddie rolled her eyes, “I’m a big tough girl who can get up from a fall,” Freddie tried to hop down from the hospital bed, but a massive migraine stopped her.
“Ow!” Freddie laid back down, “fuck…”
“You just don't spring back into action like superman! Even he needs recovery time.” Zeref kissed her forehead, “you’re gonna be my goddess soon, you gotta learn that you’re invincible, Freddie.”
Freddie returned from her flashback to see two lionesses make out of Tamiki energy rubbing us against her arms and legs, “Awe!” Freddie gushed, “they’re adorable!”
“I didn’t think you’d have two soul animals, but I guess your special Freddie.” Devi shrugged,watching as she played catch with her new animals, “yep, real special.”

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