EP.226|Calm Before The Storm

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EP.226|Calm Before The Storm
It’s been 8 months since their training began, and the VKs all got stronger in their own ways. They all knew this was going to be the last calm day before the final battle.
CJ finished her nightly routine, she looked into the mirror and sighed, Carlos had been in Mimosa for 3 weeks now and she missed him.
She crouched down to her bag, pulling out the small Carlos chibi doll she made of him. She smiled, “I forgot I packed you.”
She laid down, holding the doll close to her chest as it warmed up her whole body. She was lucky that after Mimosa, Jasper enchanted the doll to match Carlos’s body heat. She was about to fall asleep but her phone rang.
She picked it up and answered the video call to see it was Carlos, “hola Princesa!” Carlos cheered, CJ smiled, sitting up. Carlos noticed the doll on her chest, “awe, you still have the doll.”
“Yeah...it’s keeping company while your away.” CJ smiled sadly. “Don't be sad, mi reina (my queen).” Carlos whimpered. “I miss you…” she looked to the side to see the beside garbage with a negative pregnancy test.
“Carlos…” she sighed, “how come I can't get pregnant?”
“CJ, it isn't your fault, these things take a while, I promise you Princesa we’ll have a family. Even if you can't have kids, we can just adopt like Evie and Jasper did.” Carlos assured her. “I love you, you know that right?” CJ smiled softly. “I’ve always known that, CJ.” Carlos chuckled.
Ben heaved, laying down on the training floor, Mal sat atop of him “I win!” Mal got off on him, helping her husband up, “I think that’s 5 to 4 now?”
“Right you are, Mal,” Ben kissed her cheek, “so how was I?”
“Good, you’ve gotten most of magis down in just 8 months!” Mal cherred, intertwining hands with him, “I’m proud of you hun.”
“You are?”
“Well duh! You’ve handled this change so well.” Mal brought them back to the room in a snap of her fingers. “What do you mean?” Ben tilted his to the side. “Ben,” Mal sat on the bed, patting the mattress to motion Ben to side beside her.
“Ever since the wedding your world has been turned upside down! Think about it, your learned your brother was being possessed by demons, your parents aren’t your parents, for gods sakes Ben you’re a freaking Drinian! You’ve mastered the ancient art of Drini!”
Ben chuckled and shrugged, “ya know,” Ben laid down, looking up at Mal, “I’m not very shocked, it’s kinda like I knew we would end up like this, ya know?”
“No,” Mal laughed, laying down beside him, “I don't, but sometimes I don't understand you and that makes me love you more.”
“You worried about the final battle?” Mal asked. “No, actually I’m excited!” Ben flashed her a large smile. “Excited? We are fighting a S+ demon!” Mal exclaimed. “I know, but if we win I get to see Lucifer again. I’ll get to see the man I’ve spent almost a year and a half looking for again!”
Mal smiled at how excited Ben was, he had that cute glint in his eyes that proved his innocence. “He’ll finally get to meet you, and he’ll be reunited with Swan again! They haven’t seen each other in more than 500 years!”
“500 years huh?”
“Yeah, Swan was telling me about it, so was Lucifer. Apparently Swan was given earth as a present for the 18 birthday, when she got there she met Lucifer, who her parents sent as an assistant/protector for Swan as she built up earth. Soon, the two began to fall for eachother.”
“Awe, I bet she really misses him huh?” Mal guessed, snuggling close to Ben who nodded, “yeah, she has this little pendant they share and she tries to talk to him that way. I think she knows he can hear her.”
“All I know is that I’m excited for the fight, we’ve waited too long to kick this demon’s ass!”
Meanwhile, in the next room over, Evie brushed her hair in the mirror, she could see Jasper’s reflection behind her...he looked...worried.
“What’s wrong my love?” Evie asked, sitting beside him. Jasper shook his head, “something isn't right…” Jasper muttered.
“What do you mean?” Evie tilted her head. “I feel like we’re being watched…” Jasper looked around, a black flashed being seen from the corner of his eye.
“Get down!” Jasper tackled her to the ground as the window broke. Jasper looked up to see someone he hadn't seen in a long time.
His scales lit up as he pinned Raymond to the wall, “last time I saw you you were a pile of ash. How oh how did you come back from that pile of ash?!” Jasper growled.
“Shhh...shhh...shut up,” Jasper digged his claws into his throat, “I’ve been dying to kill you once more!”
“Jasp-Jasper! Your...daugh...daughter!”
“Daughter? What did you do to Raja! I swear if you touched a single hair on my daughter’s head I’ll kill you right where you stand!”
Raymond pointed to the window to reveal Raja hurt badly. “What did you do to her?!” Jasper roared. “It...it wasn’t him...dad…” Raja muttered, Jasper was confused.
“Then why are you hurt?” Jasper threw Raymond across the room, running towards his daughter. “It’s Geyu!” Raja cried, “he-he’s going through a-all the isl-islands and destroying them to ge-get to you and the VKs!”
“When did he attack you?” Evie asked. “A couple hours ago, most of us got out before he burned it all down…” Raja whimpered, “it’s just like the last time! I can't have you and mama die like my birth parents did!”
“Shh...Shh...nobody is dying, we’re getting out of this alive.” Evie looked up at Raymond, “thank you for bringing her to us.”
“Don't thank me,” Raymond coughed, looking away from the couple. He then backed up when Jasper marched towards him, “he-hey! Loo-Look! I-”
He was surprised when Jasper hugged him, “seriously, thank you. I don't know what I’d do if she'd have died.”
“Never thought we would be doing this huh?”
“Don't ruin the moment, dumbass.”
“We’re going to the NPA? Now?” Freddie questioned her and the VKs in my office. “Yes, your parents have been setting up an army for the past 8 months for this moment exactly.” I said, placing my hand on my desk as a tree staff came out from it.
I could see the look of fear in their eyes, I sighed, “I know, I know it’s scary taking on a S+ demon, but I trust all of you. I know we’ll make it out in the end.” I smiled at them, the fear in their eyes slowly fading, “if we don't, know that I love you all.”
Once arriving at the NPA, Hunter and Gaston were putting in last minute training. Operetta watched from above, a part of her wanted to grab Hunter and run away from here, but she knew that wasn’t right.
“How do you feel?” her father asked, appearing beside her. “Worried, scared, but a little relived I guess….” Operetta sighed, “me and Hunter talked about what happens if he doesn't win against Geyu.”
“Is it what I think it is?” Phantom questioned, Operetta nodded.
“Are you crazy, Hunter? You’re just gonna let your mate walk away with Geyu if you don't win?!” Gaston scolded, holding the punching bag as Hunter punched it.
“Yeah,” Hunter whipped the sweat off his brow, “I’ll still be able to see her, but I’ll be locked up inside the mind of a demon for all eternity and won't be able to talk to her…”
“Hunter, what have I taught you?”
“Not much, other than how to be a father who abandons their kid for the majority of their childhood.”
Gaston slapped him upside the head, “if it’s one thing I taught you it’s that demons don't let go of their mates! If you really love that girl and the twins she’s been holding in her stomach throughout this whole ordell then you’ll face that fucking S+ demon and win! Not for my sake, not for your sake, but for the sake of her and your children!”
Hunter looked up and smiled at Operetta, who returned the smile, “I guess your right…”
“No shit I’m right,” Gaston pulled him in for a hug, “I’m sorry I missed out on your childhood, but please, for the love of gods and goddesses above, don't miss out on their childhood. Kick that demon’s ass and show them we LeGume’s don't mess around!”
Hunter hugged him back, “I’ll make your proud dad...I promise.”
“You already have, son...you already have.”

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