EP.222|Training With The Cold

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 EP.222|Training With The Cold
Hunter watched as Operetta slept soundly, “Hunter. Go to sleep, we have training tomorrow.” Operetta muttered into her pillow, her eyes still closed. “Mmm, I don't wanna sleep,” Hunter ran his fingers over her thighs, “you’ve been training so much, I barely get to see you, Music Note.”
“I know, I miss you too, and it doesn't help when I get to see you train you can't see me.” Operetta gasped when Hunter hand gripped her thigh. “Operetta~” he purred, “come on, let’s play a little~”
“Hunter, you already got me pregnant, what else more do you need?” Operetta groaned, turning away from Hunter. “Hey, just because I got you pregnant doesn't mean I won't stop loving you.” Hunter kissed her neck.
“Believe me, I won't let our babies be born in a world where Geyu is the S+ demon. Their father will be the only S+ demon.” Hunter promised her. “Oh?” Operetta smirked, “someone’s cocky.”
“And how are we so sure you’ll beat Geyu? He could beat you can't take me hostage,” she gasped dramatically, her hand over her forehead, “oh no! He might use me for unspeakable things! Oh the horror!”
“Shut up,” Hunter laughed, sitting beside her, “but we should talk about what will happen after the war.”
“Maybe we should have a little house, back on the villain isles, I want the kids to grow up in a place just for them.” Operetta snuggled up close to Hunter. “You can teach them how to hunt.”
“And I’ll show them how to use Magi, ooh! I wonder if they'll get your magi or mines! What if they get their own? Ooh! That’ll be so cute! I always imagined the girl having Sky Magi and the boy getting Dark Matter Magi!”
“You thought a lot about this, huh?” Hunter chuckled. “Yeah, sometimes I dream about the kids running around, you cooking in the kitchen while I help the kids with their magi.” Operetta blushed, “oh another thing, I can't cook, haven’t been able too.”
“Don't worry,” Hunter kissed her lips, “I can cook pretty good.”
Later that day, Operetta landed face first in the mud, “come on, Operetta, I know you can summon your wings.” Nadia groaned. “I have tried,” Operetta dusted off the mud, “I have tried for 5 days now and no wings!”
“Well because you aren’t trying hard enough.” Nadia commented. “Maybe it’s because you keep throwing me into mud, or the lake, or off that cliff that one time!” Operetta scolded.
“If you think it’s so easy to make wings magically appear, then you do it!” Operetta but her hands on her hips. “Glady,” she smirked, “wings!” she chanted beautiful pink butterfly wings sprouted from her back.
“Show off.” Operetta muttered. “Nadia, what kind of Deity are you?”
“The spring deity.” Nadia replied, “Belinda, your past life, was the Winter Deity and so are you”
“That probably explains the ice powers huh?” Operetta shrugged. “Yep, you and Belinda share the same powers, however you’re power are still on the frist stage, once your wings kick in you’ll be able to use more advanced moves.” Nadia explained.
“Everything depends on me getting these wings huh?” Operetta sighed. Nadia nodded, “it seems like scarring your wings to come out doesn't work, maybe we need another approach.” Nadia rubbed her chin.
“Hmm...oh!” Nadia snapped her fingers, an idea stirring up in her head, “we need a cold environment!”
Nadia clapped her hands, the forest around them turning from spring to winter. “How does that feel?”
“Better, feels familiar…” Operetta sighed in delight. “I always loved the snow.”
“Why?” Nadia asked, sitting across from her, putting on a jacket, “it’s freezing.”
“I know, but the cold was always so nice to me.” Operetta laid down in the snow, her memories drifting back to her younger days.
“If you really have magi then why don't you show us!” one of the older kids taunted as Operetta held Perdita close to her chest.
She was barely 7 but the memory of this day stayed with her forever.
“We-Well...it’s uh…” Operetta stammered. “I bet you’re just bluffing! I told you she doesn't have magi. No magi and you got tomato red head, wow you really are a freak!” the bullies pushed her into the snow.
They ripped Perdita away from Operetta arms, throwing her into the swing set. “Whatcha gonna do, freak?!” they cackled, kicking her in the side. Operetta held her arms on the side of her head, trying to block their attacks.
“Hey!” yelled a different voice, “how dare you pick on a girl knowing damn well she doesn't have magi! Did your mom and dad not teach you damn respect?!”
Operetta opened one of her eyes to see her savior, “who...are you?” Operetta whispered. “Get out of here Hunter! This has nothing to do with you!” the bully scolded. Hunter pushed him out of the way, “the moment you hit an innocent girl it became my business.”
Hunter helped her up, “shame on you for picking on her!” Hunter blasted them away with a bloodshot. “Are you okay?” Hunter asked softly, brushing strands of her hair back.
“M-My side hu-hurts a little, but other than that, I’m okay.” Operetta responded, Hunter looked at her side to see it was bleeding. Hunter growled and picked her up, glaring at the bullies, “disgusting.”
Hunter carried her away from the park and through the snowy town of the villain isles. Operetta shivered, Hunter wrapped his scarf around her, trying to warm her up, “better?”
“Y-Yes.” Operetta smiled softly. “Good, they won't bother you again, trust me.” Hunter promised, knocking on the door to his house. His mother, Farrah, answered, “Hunter? What happened? Who is she?”
“This is Operetta, she got hurt in the park by some bullies, d-do you mind healing her mom?” Hunter asked. Farrah nodded, opening the door fully, “place her on the couch.”
“What did those bullies do this time?” Farrah asked, placing a tea kettle on the stove. “They were picking on her because she didn’t have any magic.” Hunter growled, he sat beside Operetta who laid on the couch.
“Does it hurt when I touch it?” Hunter touched the wound on her stomach slightly. “A li-little.” Operetta whimpered. “Sorry.” Hunter whispered, backing his hand away. “Where am I?” Operetta asked, sitting up.
“My house, your wound is pretty bad so my mom is gonna heal it for you.” Hunter explained as Farrah smiled at him. “I’m Farrah, I’m guessing your Phantom’s kid?” Farrah asked, her hands hovering over Operetta’s side.
“Yeah,” Operetta nodded, “I lost him in the store and he always tells me to wait at the park nearby if we get lost so that’s what I did.”
“Okay, good, I called your father a moment ago, the snow storm is really bad so he wants you to stay here. Don't worry, me and your father are old friends so you can trust me.” Farrah chuckled.
“Do you want some tea?” Farrah asked, bringing over the tea kettle and three mugs. “O-Okay.” Operetta said in a whisper tone. “Hey,” Hunter scooted closer, “why don't we watch a movie? What do you like?”
“U-Uh...do you have Minions?” Operetta asked, sipping her tea. “Yeah, I love that movie!” Hunter put the movie Minions into the DVD player, letting it begin.
He sat back down, surprised when Hunter snuggled closer. “Y-You don't mi-mind right?”
“Of course not,” Hunter inhaled her cherry blossom scent, sighing in delight, “I could stay like this forever.”
Operetta sighed, coming back to reality, “I loved that day.”

Nadia chuckled, “Operetta, look, you got your wings!” Operetta looked at her back to see beautiful icy blue butterfly wings.
“Yes!” Operetta cheered, flying up a little before landing flat on her face.
“We have a lot of work to do.” Nadia sighed, laughing a little.
Later that day, Nadia and myself stood in front of a dark ominous castle. “Why are we doing this Swan?” Nadia asked. “You know why, apparently Geyu wants to talk to us.” I sighed, opening the doors.
“Where are you Geyu?” Nadia yelled. A single light came on, revealing Geyu sitting at a large round table. “Nadia, Swan, welcome, please sit.” Geyu snapped his fingers, letting two chairs appear.
“What do you want?” I asked, folding my hands on the table, “I’m a very busy girl and I don't have all day.”
“Oh this won't take long.” Geyu clapped his hands, two orbs appearing that showed holograms of Lucifer and Araden. “Ararden!” Nadia sprouted from her chair, “what have you done with him?!”
“Nadia? Is that you my lovely peach?” Araden’s eyes widened in shock and love. “Is this what this is? A little teasing session? I growled, I tried to keep a tough demnior but it was hard when Lucifer was so close but yet so far.
“Swan! It’s been so long…” I could hear the strain in Lucifer’s voice, “how could all that beauty be so close but yet so far?”
Damn him! I blushed slightly, knowing Lucifer noticed, he chuckled. “I wouldn't say it was a teasing session, I wanna warn you. Don't mess with me, Swan, your pests aren’t strong enough and are bound to get hurt.” Geyu warned.
“They are strong enough, one of them is gonna make sure your locked forever!” Nadia scolded. “You mean Hunter? That little shit? Please, he’s strong. I'll give him that, but the little shit can't beat me.” Geyu scoffed.
“He’s been training.” I informed him. “So have I, so bring Swan, I’m really looking forward to snapping each other's little heads off.” Geyu had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, “oh what a massacre it’ll be!”

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