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“Does this dress make me look fat?” Operetta questioned as she examined herself in her wedding dress in the mirror. She wore a beautiful white long sleeves off shoulder side slit tulle with an applique wedding dress.
It’s been 4 years since the battles and the VKs were all happy, especially Operetta who was about to get married to the love of her life.
“You look beautiful mama!” Her daughter, Magnolia, complemented, gazing at her mother in beauty. “Why thank you Maggie,” Operetta smiled, using the nickname she gave her daughter. “Operetta,” Evie got up from her crouching position and put her hands on her hips, “stop moving so much, I’m trying to fix the helm.”
“Sorry,” Operetta pouted. Evie sighed, shaking her head, “if you weren't my friend I’d charge you, ya know.”
CJ laughed, “since when have you not charged us? Last time i checked you made me pay half for my baby shower dress!”
“Cause what happened to it?”
“I ended up getting tartar sauce on it…” CJ muttered, drumming her fingers on her pregnant belly. “So, are you excited about the baby, CJ?” Freddie questioned, siping her bottled water. “Extremely!” CJ’s face beamed, “me and Carlos already have the nursery ready, we just can't decide on a color for it. I want it yellow and Carlos wants it red, so we’re gonna paint it yellow.”
“No argument there I see.” Mal laughed, finishing Operetta’s makeup. “None at all.” CJ smiled brightly. “We’ll I’m happy for you CJ, you’ll make a great mother, just don't break Carlos’ hand like Mal did with Ben during her delivery.” Operetta snickered slyly.
“He’s fine, he just had to wear a splinter for a couple of weeks.” Mal shrugged, “not like he was complaining about it when he held Lucifer Jr. for the first 3 days straight.”
“Hunter didn’t let anyone near Magnolia and Maxwell for the first week. He practically has a panic attack when the nurses washed them off when they were born.” Operetta giggled, “he’s so cute with the twins.”
A knock on the door caused Operetta yelled, “come in!”
She saw her father’s reflection in the mirror as he walked into the room, he was at a loss of words, “Operetta...you look beautiful.”
“Thanks, dad,” Operetta smiled, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just, even though your a grown up now but to me you still are the little girl I sent off to kindergarten so many years ago.” Phantom teared up, “you’re just so beautiful…”
“Stop crying,” Operetta wiped his tears, “you know when you cry, mom cries, even if you aren’t in the same room.”
“I know,” Phantom sniffled. “How’s Hunter?” Operetta questioned, fixing her hair slightly. “Hunter? Oh he’s great!” Phantom exaggerated. Operetta raised her eyebrow in concern, “so the opposite then?”
Phantom nodded, “yep.”
“Hunter,” Gaston straightened his tie, “how the hell do you not know how to tie a tie?”
“I do, it’s just I have a lot of other things on my mind.” Hunter muttered. Him, Gaston, Ben, Carlos, Zeref, and Jasper were in the hall, beautifully decorated flowers were hung across the walls as white chairs were placed on either side of the aisle.
“He’s just worried,” LeFou chuckled, setting up the final chairs, “which I don't know why that is because he already got her to say yes.”
“What if she runs off? What if she takes Magnolia and Max with her?” Hunter paced back and forth at the altar. “She’s not gonna leave, trust me, Hunter.” Ben assured him. “Yeah, dad, if mom was gonna leave you she would have done it long ago.” Maxwell smirked at his father.
“You know he gets that sarcasm from you and Gaston.” Jasper noted. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” Hunter laughed, ruffling his son’s hair. “It’s been four years to the day since you fought Geyu, how are you holding up?” Brazzan asked.
Hunter’s eyes turned blue, “the first year was shit in his head but after those little monsters were born,” he smiled, referring to the children, “he’s become...berrable.”
“Awe,” Carlos pinched his cheeks, “look who’s all mushy gushy.”
“I can still kill you, ya know?” Geyu reminded him. “I’m aware but since Hunter has control of you I’m fine.” Carlos stuck out his tongue. “You better watch your tongue Carlos, it’d be a shame if you weren't around for the birth of your child.”
“Geyu.” Hunter gained back control. “Fine, whatever.” Geyu scoffed. “Still, there’s nothing for you to worry about, you and Operetta love each other , anyone with half a brain can see that.” Hunter’s cousin, Analise (or Anna for short) reminded him.
“Thank, Anna.” Hunter thanked me. “You’re welcome,” her wolf ears perked up when she felt her mate walk into the room, “I can smell you, Ulysses.” Anna cooed.
“You always have such a strong nose,” Ulysses smiled, kissing her nose. “Isn't that what’d you expect from your Alpha Female.” Anna giggled. “So you finally became Alpha Female? Was the fact you’re a rogue ever come up?” Zeref asked.
“Once, there was a fight but I tore them to piece cause the bitch tried to challenge me fore Alpha Female.” Anna smirked evilly. “You’re so cute when your evil.” Ulysses nuzzled his nose on her neck.
“Stop it, that tickles!” Anna laughed, slapping Ulysses away playfully. Bazzan stood at the altar with Hunter, “hey, wolf kid, brake it up, it’s about to start.”
The groomsmen all stood behind Hunter while the bridesmaids stood on Operetta’s side. All the attendants were here but Operetta. “Don't worry, she’ll be here.” Brazzan assured him.
“Please stand for the bride,” the doors opened, revealing Operetta locking arms with her father. As ‘Here Comes The Bride’ played, Operetta walked down the aisle. “I’m proud of you, Operetta.” Phantom smiled, “you’ve done so many good things in your life.”
“Thank you dad,” Operetta reached the end of the aisle. “If you hurt her or the kids I’ll personally see to your demise, got it?” Phantom warned, Hunter shivered. “Ye-Yes, sir.” Hunter gulped.
Operetta giggled, “can you please stop threatening my soon to be husband, dad?”
“Alright, alright.” Phantom smiled. “Alright, now that everyone’s here we can get underway.” Brazzan smiled. “Brazzan’s officiating?” Operetta chuckled.
“He practically begged me.” Hunter whispered, he smiled, “you look beautiful by the way.”
“Oh no...it’s something I pulled together last minute.” Operetta blushed, playing with her hair. “She’s lying, she spent almost 3 hours on her hair and two on makeup.” Mal winked before groaning as Operetta kicked her in the shin.
“Can we begin?”
“Yes!” Hunter and Operetta stated. Brazzan chuckled, “friends and family, we’re gathered here today to celebrate the joining of one beautiful deity,” his gaze shifted towards Hunter, “and one really stupid demon.”
“These two,” Brazzan sighed, chuckling as he shook his head, “what can I say other than that they would do anything for each other. Since the moment they met, they knew they were destined to be together, even if Hunter did admit it till Ben’s wedding,” Brazzan groaned as Hunter kicked him in the shin, “anyways...anyone with them can see that these two love each other more than life itself.”
“Me, being his demon, never thought Hunter would change for anyone. But Operetta,” he smiled at her, “you made him do a total 180! That’s what I love about you two, you both push each other to be better, you make the other feel loved, safe, protected,” Brazzen winked at Midnight, “and that’s the best feeling of all time.”
“And then Maxwell and Magnolia came along, the look in Hunter and Operetta’s eyes as they held their babies brought Gaston to tears and gave me a blackmail video.” Brazzan chuckled, “other than Operetta, and the VKs, those kids were bringing the light into his eyes.”
“As Operetta and Hunter step into this marriage, we ask that their family and friends continue to show their support as you have done so by being here today. Marriage isn't always as easy as it is on TV - it takes time to build a relationship like the one these two have. The support of a loving family and friends makes all the difference. So, when the first big fight comes, please pick up the phone. Offer a little guidance, and maybe a good smack to the head for Hunter because we all know he probably started it.”
“Hey!” Hunter scolded. Operetta giggled, “probably.” “Operetta!”
“We know that Operetta and Hunter have it within them to reap every reward this marriage will bring them. Don't you agree?”
“As Operetta and Hunter exchange their vows today, they do so from a place of deep love and commitment. Although today has been lighthearted by nature, there’s nothing Operetta and Hunter take more seriously than the opportunity to demonstrate their love in the future for all of you to hear.”
Brazzan turned towards Operetta, “Operetta, repeat after me.”
“I, Operetta, take you, Hunter, to be my husband. In good times and bad, there’s no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I wanna be your sidekick in all your adventures. I promise to never stop messing around with you. I’ll be there to make you laugh when you really wanna cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I’m in it for life.”
“Hunter, now you.”
“I, Hunter, take you, Operetta, to be my wife. In good times and bad, there’s no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I wanna be your sidekick in all your adventures. I promise to never stop messing around with you. I’ll be there to make you laugh when you really wanna cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I’m in it for life.”
“Good, now the rings.” Brazzan said as Ben brought out the rings. Operetta’s eyes widened. The rings were 10kt Rose Gold Womens Round Red Color Enhanced Diamond Milgrain Floral Band Ring 1/4 Cttw. “Does your man know how to pick out rings or what?” Hunter smirked.
“Th-They’re beautiful!”
“Wait a minute,” Brazzan examined the rings more closely, “are these…”
“Rose Diamonds Metal? Yep.” Hunter nodded. “Thank you Hunter,” Operetta smiled widely. “The ring is symbolic of lasting commitment. It does not break. It may bend, however, but then you might want to see a jeweler. As you place the ring on your partner’s finger, please think of the unwavering faith in your relationship that has brought to this point today.”
“You wanna go first?” Operetta offered. “Ladies first,” Hunter said, Operetta nodded and pulled out a folded piece of paper.
“I love you because you are happy and adventurous and strong. I love you because your love my family and friends just as fiercely as I love mine. Also, I love that your family has become mine and my family has become yours, well, most, my father is still a little wishy-washy about you. You are my best friend and I am so happy we are on the same team. You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could have ever imagined and more loved that I ever thought was possible.”
“You make me unbelievably proud and I promise you that I will make you proud as your wife. I vow to listen to you and learn from you. I vow to laugh with you and cry with you. I vow to value our differences just as much as our common ground. I vow to put all my effort into strengthening our marriage and giving you the best version of me. Hunter, on good days or bad days, rain or shine. I love you forever, I’m so lucky you’re mine.”
Hunter felt like his heart was about to burst as Operetta slipped the ring on his finger. “You’re turn, sweetie.” Operetta smiled kindly. Hunter had to stop himself from carrying her from a princess to unfold his paper and read his vows.
“I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. I won't ever pop my collar. I will never be rude to your stomach - when I hear it growl or gurgle, I promise to bend down and reply respectfully. I will stop eating mushrooms because your allergic.”
“I will kiss the papercuts, and the door-slammed fingers, and the counter-bumped hip. I’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I’ll crust for Maxwell’s sandwiches and leave Magnolia’s on. I’ll be the big spoon. I will let you win at wrestling, sometimes, other times I won't. I will send you random text of sloths hugging each other saying it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I will leave silly cute gifts, not always, not on schedule, just when I want to , whenever I think you need one.”
“Because, Operetta, I will love you till the end of days, over and over again, I will never stop loving you.”
Operetta tilted her head up, “dammit Hunter, this is $50 mascara and you got me crying.”
Hunter kissed her nose as he slipped on the ring, “I love you so much.”
“Now, but the power vested in me by the internet, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Hunter swooped her up, kissing her passionately as the altar erupted in cheers, “I love you Operetta.”
“I love you too, Hunter, I’ll never stop loving you!”

Thank u everyone who supported me during this journey! All 228 episodes! Phew that was a lot! Anyways my next book will be Cruella DeVille: DeVil's In The Name! It should be posted by tomorrow (June 17)! Please go give that one some love when its posted! Thank u!

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