EP.217|Training with Dragons

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EP.217|Training with Dragons
The moment Evie got back from Nadia’s brutal training, she noticed something different about Jasper, it wasn’t anything physical, it just...something seemed different.
Evie examined Jasper closely as they laid in their bed, “I’m telling you jasper, they’re something different about you.”
“It’s probably the fact that Ioaz isn't it in my head anymore.” Jasper shrugged, Evie was taken aback. “He isn't?!” Evie yelled. “Yeah, Swan used this spell named Relesio and Inferno was freed.” Evie noticed Jasper was a little sad.
“You miss him?” Evie rubbed his shoulder. “Yeah, I mean, for the longest Ioaz was the only person I had to talk to...but I’m happy he’s with Zalia again.” Jasper smiled. “I am too, plus, you seem...different, like something changed inside of you.”
“Really? Is that a good thing?” Jasper questioned. Evie nodded, “it’s for the better,” Evie kissed his nose, “you’re gonna do great things my love, I just know it.”
Jasper smiled widely, “why thank you.”
“You’re welcome, so, are you ready to start training tomorrow?” Evie smiled widely. “You look more excited than I am.” Jasper chuckled. “Who are you training with anyways?” Evie asked.
“Dragons. Swan apparently has a district here with all dragons so she asked some of her buddies if she could help me train.” Jasper explained. “Rea-Real dragons?” Evie stuttered. “Yeah, what else.” Jasper shrugged.
“Are you gonna be okay? Dragons are nothing to mess with Jasper, they’re not like dragon vessels they’re actual dragons.” Evie warned. “I’m a dragon too, babe.” Jasper reminded her.
“I know, it’s just you’re a vessel not an actual dragon.” Evie clarified. “That still makes me a dragon, I can still turn into a dragon just like they can.” Jasper said, morphing into his dragon form, “see.”
“I know,” Evie ran her fingers over his scales, “but they’re way bigger than this. Like stories taller.”
“Thanks for the support, Evie.” Jasper had a deadpanned emotion on his face. “I’m just saying, I don't want you getting hurt…” Evie sighed. Jasper shifted back into his human form, “I’ll be fine, Evie,” he laughed, kissing her soft pink lips, “trust your dragon.”
“When I was little, I always told my mom I’d grow up to be a princess and a prince would come and whisk me off my feet.” Evie reminisced. “Sorry I’m not the prince you hoped for.” Jasper sighed.
“Don't be, I realized I don't need a prince,” Evie snuggled close to him, “when I already have a dragon.”
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The next morning, Ioaz woke up Jasper bright and early to bring him to the Dragon District of Lunenwin Iles. Jasper yawned, “you didn’t have to wake me up at sunrise!” Jasper rubbed his eyes, “I was perfectly fine sleeping with my arms around Evie until you ruined it, coming in and yelling ‘let’s go Jasper! We have to train your weak ass!’.”
“You think I wanna be here? I just got back with Zalia, I would love to spend the day with Zalia but I have to help train your sorry ass!” Ioaz rolled his eyes.
“But it doesn’t matter, we're here.” Ioaz and Jasper stood at gates of the Dragon District. He turned towards Jasper, putting a finger over his mouth, “shh…”
“Why?” Jasper asked, walking deeper into the district. “It’s sunrise,” Ioaz said, climbing up a nearby mountain to see many dragons perched there, all sitting silently, taking in the sun.
“Why are they all silent?” Jasper whispered, an all white dragon opened one of his large eyes to look at Jasper. “Because,” the white dragon responded, “we’re trying to take in the sun’s radiance. Now shut up.”
It was a light-colored, gigantic, bearded dragon with feathery, angel-esque wings, and has two comparably small antlers protruding from the top of his head.
It's underbelly is quite smooth, while the majority of his body, save for part of his feathery, windswept face, and his spine (which is adorned with a trail of hair that starts from his head), is covered with thick scales.
“So-Sorry.” Jasper apologized. “Xomor! Stop being so mean to him, look at him, he’s shaking.” another dragon scolded. 
This one is a large, four-legged Dragon, whose appearance differs considerably from a traditional Dragon's appearance. She has a white body, which appears to be covered in tissue similar to bird feathers, rather than scales.
Her feet resemble bird talons as well. Her head is covered in what appears to be fur and her skull is somewhat broad and flat. The fur extends down the neck and to the upper chest region.
“I’m sorry for my mate, I’m Aria.” Aria introduced. “He’s a little cranky during the Sunrise Ritual.”
“Sunrise Ritual?”
“Yes,” a deep voice confirmed, “dragons absorb the sunlight to gather energy to start the day.”
Like other Dragons, he is a gargantuan quadrupedal beast, however unlike most other Dragons, he is covered in pitch-black scales; atop his head, he has two sharp horns and sports a small, pointed beard of shadows on his chin.
He has no visible pupils. Between his horns and running down his spine, he has a mane of shadows; his wings are covered in the same material.
Because of the shadows his body is composed of, he also has a constant stream of shadows being emitted from his head, wings, spine and tail.
“This is Bermis, the shadow dragon.” Ioaz introduced. “He may seem tough, but put some jewels in front of him and he turns into a puppy dog.”
“Jewels?” Bermis perked up, “where?”
“Not here, Bermis, it’s barely sunrise and you already want jewels?” another dragon laughed hard.
This dragon, like other Dragons, appears as a large four-legged beast, however unlike other Dragons, his body is covered in silver, iron scales. The scales themselves give the impression of being covered in armor, as from his neck below to his sternum, as well as on his shoulders, forearms, knees, shins, claws and thighs, the scales are plated. In the areas between (underbelly, biceps and calves) the plating disappears and instead gives way to cross-hatched scales that resemble chain mail.
His head is almost square in shape and his lower jaw has the appearance of being hinged. His eyes are beady and circular with no pupils and black sclera; around his eyes are small black markings which continue around the back of his neck.
Also unlike other Dragons, his wings do not retract nor fold; instead they jut out and are also metallic, save for where the feathers or patagium would be, which are instead a black, downy substance that juts out like normal feathers would.
He also has a tail that is plated like much of his body that fashions an intricately pointed tip. Also, running down his spine, he has spiked metal plates.
“This is Kersid, the iron dragon.” Ioaz said. “Nice to meet you, kit.” Kerside winked, putting Jasper on his back, the sun shining down on him, “ya feel that, kit?”
Jasper nodded, “it’s...warm...like a perfectly roasted marshmallow.”
“You can say that.” Aria chuckled, “it’s kinda like drinking a five hour energy.”
“Yeah,” Jasper shifted a little, “like the blood started bumping through my veins faster.”
“That’s what the sun does to us, kit, it makes our energy rise.” Xomor smiled. “Since you'll be training here, you’re gonna learn that the sun is your best friend as a dragon.”
 “I think I’m starting to learn that.”
Later that day, Aria, Ioaz, Xomor, Kersid, and Bermis all sat in a field of beautiful red flowers. “Alright, Jasper transform.” Aria said. “This is gonna be good.” Ioaz muttered.
“Promise not to laugh?”
“We promise.” Aria nodded, looking at the males, “right?”
“Yeah, yeah, we promise.” Bermis rolled his eyes. Jasper took a deep breath in and out, transforming into his dragon form.
The dragons stared at Jasper for a hot minute before all the dragons, except Aria, bursted out in laughter. “Oh shit! It’s so small!” Xomor fell on his back, bursting out in laughter.
“It’s no bigger than my nail!” Bermis was crying tears of laughter. “Don't listen to them, Jasper,” Aria nugged Jasper with her nose, “I think your dragon form is adorable, I bet your mate loves it.”
“Yeah, she says it’s like sleeping with a stuffed animal but cuter.” Jasper chuckled. “Awe, you and your mate must be so cute together.” Aria smiled. “I’d like to think so…” Jasper chuckled nervously.
“As cute as you are now, if you want to get stronger, you’re going to have to stay in your dragon form longer.”
“It’s already taking a lot out of me to stay like this, let alone bigger.” Jasper sighed. “All you have to do is build up your stamina,” Kersid pointed to the obstacle course, “by the time our training is done, kit, your dragon form will be way bigger.”
After multiple tries on the obstacle course, Jasper finally got through it. Severely injured, but he got through. “Do you feel any bigger?” Aria asked. Jasper nodded, “a little, yeah, but did Kersid, Bermis, and Xomor really need to throw magic at me when I’m trying to complete an already hard obstacle course.” 
“But you feel stronger, right, kit?” Kersid smirked. “Yeah...actually yeah. The sun helped a lot too!” Jasper noted. Bermis smiled, “I told ya kit, the sun is a dragon’s best friend.”
As the moths droned on, Jasper’s dragon form began getting stronger and stronger. “Fire Stream!” Jasper yelled, fire shooting from his mouth as Kerside did a barrel roll out of the way.
“His form is much bigger now since we started the training.” I noticed, watching as Jasper battled Kerside in the sky. “You were right about this kid, Swan, he is very powerful.” Aria nodded.
“Of course he is, he’s one of my Sunrise Swans,” I winked at Jasper who smiled back, “they’re unstoppable.”
“Go Jasper! You got this baby!” Evie cheered, sitting atop of Bermis head. “You’re mate is really something, Jasper.” Xomor laughed. Evie giggled, “I know I’m something, but Jasper doesn’t seem to mind.”
“He’s gotten a lot bigger, kinda makes me miss the small dragon that I would snuggle with.” Evie pouted slightly. Jasper chuckled, walking up to Evie and transforming into his smaller dragon form, letting Evie to hug him, “you did great out there, Jasper!”
“So, do you think training is paying off?” Evie asked, Jasper nodded. “Yes! Look at you, Jasper!” Evie held her in front of her, “you’re a strong dragon,” she kissed his forehead, “and I won't need anyone else!.”

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