EP.213|The Soul Shepherd and the Gods Messenger (Part 2)

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EP.213|The Soul Shepherd and the Gods Messenger (Part 2)

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Freddie stepped out of the pod, “the gods and goddesses are always gonna follow us, aren’t they Zeref.” Freddie sighed, chuckling a little as she held her head, the feeling of a headache was coming on.
Zeref kissed her forehead, “that’s kinda what happens when you’re dating the son of a god.”
Freddie rolled  her eyes jokingly, “whatever, just go see your memories.” Freddie kissed his cheek, “I’ll be waiting for you when you get out.”
Zeref entered the portal, letting the memories begin.
“Who’s next on the list?” Zane asked, Lyra looked at the list, “Athena.”
Zoom landed down onto Athena’s house to hear sword fighting coming from the garden in the back. “Athena?!” Zane called out, dodging the incoming sword. “Hermes! Get the fuck out!” Athena cursed.
“It’s Zane! Hermes left a couple weeks ago for some important business.” Zane held his hands up in defense. “Sorry Zane,” Athena picked up the sword, she looked at Lyra, “who’s this?”
“Lyra, I work with The Recovery.” Lyra shook her hand. “Oooh! Swan told me about you and Zane.” Athena smiled. “What did she say?” Lyra and Zane looked at her suspiciously.
“She said you two were together.” Athena smirked. “What?! No...no..no! You got the wrong idea! We’re not together!” Zane and Lyra said, their cheeks turned red.
“HA! Say that to the blush on your face.” Athena chuckling. “If your here to ask me if I got a death threat, I did.” Athena sighed, polishing her sword. “Miss Athena!” one of her assistants ran over to her holding a clipboard, “are you sure...about the party?” she asked breathlessly.
“Yes,” Athena stood up, “I’m not letting some stupid death threats stop me from celebrating my birthday.”
“Happy birthday.” Lyra smiled. “Thank you love, you and Zane should come. It’s sure to be fun.” Athena winked. “We’d love to come,” Zane held Lyra’s hand, Lyra blushed slightly.
Stupid cute Zane… Lyra puffed up her cheeks.
Later on that night Zane watched the door intensively for Lyra, “what’s taking her so long?”
“So, this Lyra chick,” Aphrodite nudged him playfully. “She's the one?” Persephone asked eagerly. “I don't know...I mean she’s cute and a little on the stubborn side and all but I’m sure she already has someone.” 
“She doesn’t.” Hera sipped her wine, “completely single.”
“Huh…” Zane whispered to himself, he shook the thought out of his head, “no, look, I have too much work as a messenger for you all to have a relationship.”
“Don't give me that excuse!” Athena slapped him upside the head. “You have plenty of time to get into a relationship! Lyra seems like an amazing girl, you should ask her out on a date.” Artemis suggested.
“We just met.” Zane reminded them. “Okay? Nobody said you had to get married, go on a date.” Persephone said. “I’ll think about it. She’s probably busy with the recovery and everything.” Zane guessed.
“Why don't you ask her,” Athena smirked, “she just walked in.”
Zane’s head whipped towards the door to see Lyra in all her beauty. She had her hair down as she wore a high-end navy floral embroidered navy lace and long chiffon maxi skirt lined with shorts and a side tie for an adjustable fit, with black heels.
“Zane!” Lyra waved her hand high, walking over to the messenger, “Athena really goes all out for a party, huh.” she laughed. “Uh...yeah...she really know how to throw a party.” Zane looked anywhere but at Lyra.
Lyra moved his face to face toward Lyra, “it’s impolite to look away when someone’s talking to you.” Lyra giggled, Zane blushed. “Yeah whatever…” Zane muttered. “Don't yeah whatever me!” Lyra smacked him upside the head, “if we’re going to be partners then you have to look at me when I’m talking to you!”
“Then you have to stop being so stubborn!” Zane smirked, not it was Lyra’s turn to blush. “I’m not stubborn!” Lyra pouted. “Oh really? You look like a toddler when you pout.” Zane pinched her cheeks.
“Stup that!” Lyra whined. Zane kissed her forehead, “I’m gonna love working with you, LyLy.”
Lyra looked down in embarrassment, noticing the red string had gotten immensely shorter. She followed the string with her eyes to see the other end was wrapped around Zane’s finger.
“What is it, LyLy? Something wrong?”
“N-No,” she looked up at him, smiling, “I’m gonna love being partners with you too.”
Zeref opened his eyes as the pod opened, he stepped out and hugged Freddie, spinning her around, “I don't need a string to know we were destined to be together, Freddie.”
“A string?” Freddie muttered, she then remembered her memories, and laughed, “I didn’t need a string either. The moment we met at the train station I knew you were the one.”
Later that day, Freddie sat on the balcony of her and Zeref’s room. She felt her boyfriend’s arms wrap around her, nuzzling his nose into her neck, “Zeref,” she threw her head back, “after all this is done...we should settle down.”
He stopped abruptly, “settle down how?”

“Like ya know, a house, kids,” she say the dumbfounded look on Zeref’s face, “u-uh... never mind! It’s stupid! Forget I said anything, baby.”

Zeref chuckled, “I wanna settle down with you Freddie, I want you to be the next goddess of the underworld.”


“Yeah, if we got married, you’d technically be the goddess of the underworld like how my mom is now.” Zeref shortly explained. Freddie began to worry, “I-I-I don’t thi-think that’s a good idea!”

“What?” Zeref looked at questionably. “I-I’m not ready to b-be a goddess!” Freddie began to hyperventilate. Zeref kissed her forehead, “my love, don’t worry, it’ll come easy to you, I promise.”

“Bu-But what if it doesn’t?! What if I get death threats like the goddesses in our past did!” Freddie slithered out of Zeref’s arms and entered the room again. She fell onto the bed, “I can’t be a goddess, Zeref!” Freddie covered her face with her hands.


“What do you mean why! I’m a mortal-”

“Don’t give me that mortal excuse, Freddie.” Zeref sat next to her, “many mortals have been married into the god life. Look,” he held her hand, his fingers intertwining with Freddie’s, “Freddie, my love, I know you’re capable of being a goddess.”

“A-Am I though?” Freddie looked at her other hand, “I know I’m on good terms with Poseidon but... Zeus, and remember what Emery said?”

Zeref groaned, “fuck Emery! Fuck Zeus!” he stood up, “nobody can tell me who I can and can’t make my goddess and you can’t let other people’s opinions influence you!”

“It’s just...being a goddess is a huge role to take on!” Freddie cried, “what if I mess it up? What if I fail? Will you leave me if I do?”

“What?” Zeref crouched in front of her, “how many times do I have to tell you,” he kissed her hands, “I’m not leaving you, ever.”

“I want to believe you, I really do, it’s just...trusting boys hasn’t always been my strong suit.”

“Well,” Zeref kissed her lips, “maybe I can make it one.”

“They always say that...”

Zeref chuckled, slowly laying her down on the bed, rested her hand on her cheek, “you can tell me a million times that other men told you things I have...” he kissed down her neck, “but I’m gonna be the one you can trust, Freddie, weather you don’t think so now or not.”

“I promise you,” he rested his forehead on her’s “I’ll be the one you can trust, the one who’ll stay, the one who’ll be the god,” he kissed her nose, “I just hope you can be my goddess.”

Freddie smiled, “I cant promise I’ll be the best goddess, but I’ll try my best.”

“That’s all I ask for Freddie, I love you.”

“I love you too Zeref.”


Agh!! Short chapter! Ik! Ik! But next two chapters will be Ben and Mal wjich are the two last past memories so hopefully i wont have writers block!

Anyway! Y'all like the new cover!? Made them becuz I'm in this mousetail book competition on Wattpad! Fingers cross i win at least 3rd!

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